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Me addressing everything currently going on.

Started by zomniethe4, August 08, 2012, 09:37:20 PM

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Quote from: nanak tatum on August 09, 2012, 03:41:44 AM
ZOM ZOM ZOM ZOM ZOM ZOM......Is awesome.

Also ermmmmm i disaggree like a lot of people were saying about the staff. I think the staff is good ( all except that one time where they decided to have johny as mod ). And I like you selene because your name is selene after the underworld movies  ;D
thats a horrible reason to like someone as a mod,and johnny did a decent job imo
Don't think, feel


Don't think, feel


Quote from: KillerPig on August 09, 2012, 02:23:36 AM
he ASKED for his own ban lol

many people ask for it out of rage or just pissing around ....
in lobby and stuff and they never get banned


Quote from: Yz on August 09, 2012, 02:53:39 AM
Quote from: andyy890 on August 09, 2012, 02:21:12 AM
Whats done is done i still think it was unreasonable 2 ban him with any warnings what so ever im going sleep now since its 5:30am lol

Lost all respect for you. Utter favoritism. He asked for a ban and abused his right to global chat and talked shit about the game. >_> You don't get a warn for abusing global text+breaking 2-3 rules...

not favoritism gramps is a friend so i like 2 know every single fact.... from both sides like if gramps was u and u was the the one that was banned like him id want 2 know every single fact about u since ur a friend aswell


DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on August 09, 2012, 05:25:30 AM
He asked to be banned over global chat

Fair enough but since he asked 2 be banned and he got banned and now he asked 2 be unbanned y dont u unban him?


ZeaL Rank 1 BvB, just because

vv secks box


Quote from: antisickness on August 08, 2012, 11:56:49 PM
Stuff I have to say: (I'm a bit sleepy so the way I phase things may not make sense)

The thing I agree most was about the chemistry inside of the staff group. Seriously, I felt alone when I was FM, there was no system. A long time ago I suggested that certain staff monitor certain sections because I believe this could potentially clean up the forum much faster.
Also, if i'm honest, some were just lazy or did not know what to do in certain positions because some of the shit posted sometimes were an absolute joke and nothing happed, I'm not gonna lie, I was guilty sometimes too but, again, it comes back to the communication and as I see it, we justhave little groups or couples inside the staff. Ones i've obsered are: Hawk and meteor, gramps and neo and some others but the point is they need to acknowledge other people. There cannot be any "I can't talk to (fellow staff) because he/she is too scary or they will reject my idea". The team have to understand each other and see each other eye to eye; as equals.
Perhaps frequent staff training excercises are in order?

Also I think we should bring back the applications aswell. We can still have the observation thing too.

My name spotted!!

I understand what you mean but I assure you that's not 100% true.
I did work a lot with gramps but that doesn't mean I was only fixed on him when I needed another staff member.
Whenever I needed a thread in "report a rule breaker" locked, I contacted Toast or Hawk, simply because  one of them was always on.
Whenever I needed someone to get banned I just searched for those being online no matter if Tricky, Gramps or Meteor.

And I do think Meteor and Grim aren't just working with each other, of course they prefer talking to each other when they're both online but when one of them isn't they have no problem asking other staff members.
I also remember some situations when Meteor contacted me for something.


Didn't read it all but....
People need to get facts straightened out. "Gramps deleted me from msn cos i got temp admin"     WRONG, as i explained to you in msn.
"Gramps is emotional as **** in his decisions"   That's why he banned his kid, guild leader, friends etc.....
Theres more but i'm sure there's no point in posting it as this post will get deleted and account muted just like the others. Not allowed to voice opinions or tell people how it is am i.



Lol zom , the whole text u writed the most off it  is true .
And about allie for sure...
Dude it  took me like 10 min to read it and the understand evrything what u writed ..
My sucky english is getting better by that..
And about Gramps.. Sad he did that
i always liked him...
Shit happends : / !


Quote from: cheese2 on August 09, 2012, 08:57:35 AM
Didn't read it all but....
People need to get facts straightened out. "Gramps deleted me from msn cos i got temp admin"     WRONG, as i explained to you in msn.
"Gramps is emotional as **** in his decisions"   That's why he banned his kid, guild leader, friends etc.....
Theres more but i'm sure there's no point in posting it as this post will get deleted and account muted just like the others. Not allowed to voice opinions or tell people how it is am i.

>Claiming you're not emotionally unstable
>Quit because Allie called you emotionally unstable
DISCORD killyzkill


Iv'e read the first 3 pages and I agree with everything you said Zom but I disagree with the Deal on Gramps, Tricky is the best person for the job Tricky has matured more than any1 in the Community. I forgave Tricky long ago from all that crap we had been through he's not the type of person that will have a Bitch Fit when things don't go his way.
In fact Tricky will continue to do his job to the max.

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