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UnBalanced - Alt's only.

Started by mic99, September 19, 2012, 06:44:09 PM

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nope.. laxus wins.

the christmas event killed the rarity of DS(E). metorium is now rarer. go examine in the lobby and you'll always find more people with DS(E) than meto
DISCORD killyzkill


Tze also have a meteorium(he was wearing) so update:
Best rare - Meteorium set Laxus and Tzeshuan
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Hey guys.

I'm just telling you guys I might not be on for the next few days, I have midterms to study for.

I'll try to do as much as I can guild wise. And I'll be active on the forums.

Sorry,  :-[



January 14, 2013, 10:58:21 AM #453 Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 07:10:22 PM by lara538
Quote from: mic99 on January 14, 2013, 09:42:11 AM
Hey guys.

I'm just telling you guys I might not be on for the next few days, I have midterms to study for.

I'll try to do as much as I can guild wise. And I'll be active on the forums.

Sorry,  :-[


Cuz this i love my vacations 8)
Still three weeks left! :)

EDIT: I made 2 mistakes:
Best sectorer is CodePurple
Best Rare is Laxus perm block head.
Sorry :(
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Tomorrow will be the last day of exams for me. So I will become more active as usual.

Can't wait to see you guys without a schedule.

Cya in-game  ;)


Quote from: mic99 on January 18, 2013, 12:35:16 AM
Tomorrow will be the last day of exams for me. So I will become more active as usual.

Can't wait to see you guys without a schedule.

Cya in-game  ;)

Creator Of Mid-Air Block <--Corr told me to put this k.


Some1 on The_Bacons left the guild and we are almost 7th in overall :)
Also almost 1m pvp gp.
Congratz all :D
And also sasuke u arent being online lately and i need to buy hallo shield and shoulder from u still, hope u see that post :P
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Yea, latley we have been hitting "markers"

For Example:
7million gp,  Gj
1million BvB gp, Gj
Almost 1m PvP gp, Gj

Good job guys, and I mean it. <3

@Maxter, Sas isn't on much anymore. You'll probably be able to catch him on the weekend.


Quote from: mic99 on January 24, 2013, 11:58:35 PM
@Maxter, Sas isn't on much anymore. You'll probably be able to catch him on the weekend.

Thanks for the tip :P
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Quote from: lara538 on January 25, 2013, 12:38:02 AM
Quote from: mic99 on January 24, 2013, 11:58:35 PM
@Maxter, Sas isn't on much anymore. You'll probably be able to catch him on the weekend.

Thanks for the tip :P
Hellu!! Sorry..... I have mid terms starting this week and i just got my teacher recommendations so I won't be on much this week only because of mid-terms... But i shall get on whenever i can!!




Nvm i might not be on... XD im hooked on Maplestory again.... TT_TT


If u can be on for a min, gift me the hallo shield and shoulder to when i see, i gift u the 30-35m gigas as we dealt b4? :)
If ok tell me how much u want between 30-35m :P
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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If you signed u for the "BoutCheetah's Fashion Show" and you see either Nik or me, ask us to judge you.

Cya Have Fun UB's c: ;D

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