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"OP" fixes.. {stk} and possibly {c}?

Started by Yz, September 22, 2012, 12:30:44 AM

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Sorry guise but -1. Look on the negative side.
I dont agree with this idea as whats the point? Some people worked SO HARD just to collect this rare items especially to play pvp using it, and some noobs collects this rare items just to be able to stand a chance to play against skilled players too, i am one of them.Doing this is totally destroyed their hard work they have put into this game and giving some people that didnt do anything to get benefits. So, whats the point for collecting this items for those people then? And the word "PVP" is player against player for one reason, its to see their skills and items they use to fight against each other, not restrict all the so called "OP" items so everyone is the same. If thats the case, might as well dont introduce any unique items and make sure everyone can get the same items so that its fair.
But, of course, this is just my comment, so you can choose whether to agree or not. So no offence and feel free to comment

Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


September 22, 2012, 05:15:50 AM #46 Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 05:17:27 AM by 123bomb123
Quote from: gombo08 on September 22, 2012, 05:14:31 AM
Sorry guise but -1. Look on the negative side.
I dont agree with this idea as whats the point? Some people worked SO HARD just to collect this rare items especially to play pvp using it, and some noobs collects this rare items just to be able to stand a chance to play against skilled players too, i am one of them.Doing this is totally destroyed their hard work they have put into this game and giving some people that didnt do anything to get benefits. So, whats the point for collecting this items for those people then? And the word "PVP" is player against player for one reason, its to see their skills and items they use to fight against each other, not restrict all the so called "OP" items so everyone is the same. If thats the case, might as well dont introduce any unique items and make sure everyone can get the same items so that its fair.
But, of course, this is just my comment, so you can choose whether to agree or not. So no offence and feel free to comment

You know, you don't have to play in a {c} room.

EDIT/Off-Topic: and why do you have like a 12 year old girl in your signatures, that's kinda weird.
IGN: MisterZ

ZeaL - Rank 1 in antagonizing, just

Rub me out like genies, won't concede til I'm graffiti
Quote from: Yz on January 14, 2012, 06:48:35 PM
mrz is like top 40 and would probly be like
"fuk yeh n00bs im god bow to god''


Quote from: gombo08 on September 22, 2012, 05:14:31 AM
Sorry guise but -1. Look on the negative side.
I dont agree with this idea as whats the point? Some people worked SO HARD just to collect this rare items especially to play pvp using it, and some noobs collects this rare items just to be able to stand a chance to play against skilled players too, i am one of them.Doing this is totally destroyed their hard work they have put into this game and giving some people that didnt do anything to get benefits. So, whats the point for collecting this items for those people then? And the word "PVP" is player against player for one reason, its to see their skills and items they use to fight against each other, not restrict all the so called "OP" items so everyone is the same. If thats the case, might as well dont introduce any unique items and make sure everyone can get the same items so that its fair.
But, of course, this is just my comment, so you can choose whether to agree or not. So no offence and feel free to comment

Agreed with Z. You can still use those items you "worked so hard for" (aka bought with real money...) in non-competitive rooms and sector rooms.
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: 123bomb123 on September 22, 2012, 05:15:50 AM
Quote from: gombo08 on September 22, 2012, 05:14:31 AM
Sorry guise but -1. Look on the negative side.
I dont agree with this idea as whats the point? Some people worked SO HARD just to collect this rare items especially to play pvp using it, and some noobs collects this rare items just to be able to stand a chance to play against skilled players too, i am one of them.Doing this is totally destroyed their hard work they have put into this game and giving some people that didnt do anything to get benefits. So, whats the point for collecting this items for those people then? And the word "PVP" is player against player for one reason, its to see their skills and items they use to fight against each other, not restrict all the so called "OP" items so everyone is the same. If thats the case, might as well dont introduce any unique items and make sure everyone can get the same items so that its fair.
But, of course, this is just my comment, so you can choose whether to agree or not. So no offence and feel free to comment

You know, you don't have to play in a {c} room.

EDIT/Off-Topic: and why do you have like a 12 year old girl in your signatures, that's kinda weird.
Puss, thats me in the signature and i am 17.

Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


Quote from: Yz on September 22, 2012, 05:16:53 AM
Quote from: gombo08 on September 22, 2012, 05:14:31 AM
Sorry guise but -1. Look on the negative side.
I dont agree with this idea as whats the point? Some people worked SO HARD just to collect this rare items especially to play pvp using it, and some noobs collects this rare items just to be able to stand a chance to play against skilled players too, i am one of them.Doing this is totally destroyed their hard work they have put into this game and giving some people that didnt do anything to get benefits. So, whats the point for collecting this items for those people then? And the word "PVP" is player against player for one reason, its to see their skills and items they use to fight against each other, not restrict all the so called "OP" items so everyone is the same. If thats the case, might as well dont introduce any unique items and make sure everyone can get the same items so that its fair.
But, of course, this is just my comment, so you can choose whether to agree or not. So no offence and feel free to comment

Agreed with Z. You can still use those items you "worked so hard for" (aka bought with real money...) in non-competitive rooms and sector rooms.
Errr Tricky, one thing to clear your ideal of my items. Some of the items wasn't bought using real money by me i earned them myself .

Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


Did you "earn" Jura? The item that only exists in the game because of real money? That's one of the worst items that we are trying to ban here.
DISCORD killyzkill


Hoho, i said some not "Jura" . Get it right ! ;D

Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


I am just mentioning Jura as it's one of the more important items. You can use that in Sector, or non competitive rooms. Items like this will definitely be banned from {c} and {stk}.
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on September 22, 2012, 05:28:10 AM
I am just mentioning Jura as it's one of the more important items. You can use that in Sector, or non competitive rooms. Items like this will definitely be banned from {c} and {stk}.
Sigh, alright then.

Humpydumpy sat on the wall, humpydumpy had a great fall~


Don't see why you'd block anything else but II skills/ jura/ kow and maybe dark meto.
Most of the other items can be bought by new people that actually do something instead of qqing all day long on the forum about how op the items are.
But I see the point, nobody is forced to make or play in a {c} room.


September 22, 2012, 05:52:28 AM #55 Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 05:56:53 AM by xbaras
These items should NOT be disallowed during stake PvP:

-Member Flags
-Zylon Flags
-Jack Head

Main reason is because its unfair to those who earned them. They are quite expensive you know, so it's disappointing not being able to use them in PvP. Unless this is changed, -1.

Probably the only reason I log onto BC is to PvP. I also have a membership, so I'd like to make sure it gets used well. This wouldn't be true if member flags were removed in PvP. Also, I want to actually do something with my future TopGuild flag.


Quote from: xbaras on September 22, 2012, 05:52:28 AM
These items should NOT be disallowed during stake PvP:

-Dark Meto
-Member Flags
-Zylon Flags
-Jack Head
Death Hunter (merc)
Double Blade (merc)
Xabaras (merc)

Main reason is because its unfair to those who earned them. They are quite expensive you know, so it's disappointing not being able to use them in PvP. Unless this is changed, -1.

It is not EARNING them to buy them via real money. How don't some people understand this. Although we greatly appreciate the people supporting us by buying cash items, they are still not "earned" in any skill way.

Meto/Zylon Flags/Member flags aren't earned through skill in any way.
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on September 22, 2012, 05:54:05 AM
Quote from: xbaras on September 22, 2012, 05:52:28 AM
These items should NOT be disallowed during stake PvP:

-Dark Meto
-Member Flags
-Zylon Flags
-Jack Head
Death Hunter (merc)
Double Blade (merc)
Xabaras (merc)

Main reason is because its unfair to those who earned them. They are quite expensive you know, so it's disappointing not being able to use them in PvP. Unless this is changed, -1.

It is not EARNING them to buy them via real money. How don't some people understand this. Although we greatly appreciate the people supporting us by buying cash items, they are still not "earned" in any skill way.

Meto/Zylon Flags/Member flags aren't earned through skill in any way.
What I meant was, people pay $30 for items they can't even use >_<


Again I have to repeat myself :[

No one is forcing you to play in {c} or in {stk}. They are paying for items they can use in non-competitive rooms and sector rooms.
DISCORD killyzkill


@xab What don't you understand, nobody is forcing you to make or play in a {c} room.

You should also consider an addition to this, something like {c2} that would ban only kow/jura and II skills for the ones that enjoy pvping as it is at the moment, but hate being obliterated by flying kows and II skills.

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