Quote from: FalseProphet on May 04, 2014, 11:47:31 PM
Quote from: KillerPig on May 04, 2014, 06:42:07 PM
if anyone is on euw and na add me
name is KillerPig1337 on both
So yeah feeling for some new champs. Come up with a list i like after looking at skills and stats. Tell me if it's just not worth learning to use them if anything please so i'm not wasting my ip's.
Shaco, Xin Zhao, Twisted Fate, Pantheon, Poppy, Katarina, Irelia, Talon, Zed.
Vi, Darius, Hecarim, Riven, Urgot, Udyr,
Tank i'm unsure atm, as i seem to just suck as a tank.
Elise, Syndra, Brand, Rumble, LeBlanc, Fiddlesticks, Morgana, Heimerdinger
Lucian, Quin, Tristana, Teemo, Twitch, Corki, Caitlyn, Vayne.
Lulu, Thresh, Nami, Karma, Nidalee, Zilean, Kayle, Janna, Sona.
Just main list of wanted characters. In ascending order which should i aim for first? and which should i just give up and not bother with? Thanks for the help in advance.
shaco is very hard but very fun, but you'll fail very often with him so i wouldnt pick him up. xin zhao isn't exactly an assassin, hes a very high damage jungler early so his ganks are really good but hes forced to build tanky later on. wouldnt really call pantheon an assassin either but hes a fun fighter. zeds really hard to play like shaco but also really fun i would get him eventually tho
dont get urgot unless it's just for a joke lol. he's got a 39% win rate and is just the worst champ in the game, i love to play him because i like playing the weak shit champs
mages is fine
marksman are fine just keep in mind vayne is really hard to play and quinn is quite weak, maybe not worth the 6300
as for supps, kayle is a way stronger mage and fighter than she is at supporting. same for nidalee, they both deal retarded dmg when u buy AP on them. everyone else is fine, keep in mind thresh is the most fun by far but hardest to play of all the supps
if you wanna prioritize easy to hard champs go
Xin Zhao, Pantheon, Irelia, Kaatarina, Talon, Poppy, Twisted Fate, Shaco, Zed
Udyr(Jungle), Darius, Hecarim/Vi, Riven
Fiddlesticks(Jungle), Morgana, Heimerdinger, Rumble, Brand, Elise, LeBlanc/Syndr
Caitlyn, Teemo(Top), Quinn, Lucian, Tristana, Corki, Twitch, Vayne
Janna, Sona, Zilean, Kayle, Nidalee, Karma, Nami, Lulu, Thresh
look at this and you can see where all the champs stand and how stronk they are in this meta, but it's opinionated and isn't 100% true just fairly accurate