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League of Legends

Started by Xx Itz Ian, October 24, 2012, 10:03:42 AM

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Xx Itz Ian

what is vi?

top / jungle / mid / adc / support?
League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian




just played her.
she's freaking OP lol.
i guss she'll be nerfed next patch.

Xx Itz Ian

sum1 better buy her for me :[
League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian


Vi is OP when people are good, i've seen some Vi's who are horrible..


well, atleast we'll be 1 shotting with rengar with the upcoming patch, lol.
na jk only w is now flat healing and + % of ur max health, q 1 sec more duration, and ult takes 1 sec to make u stealth.
decent buff imo, after they ****ing nerfed the living shit out of him.


Quote from: Energized on December 21, 2012, 09:06:00 AM
well, atleast we'll be 1 shotting with rengar with the upcoming patch, lol.
na jk only w is now flat healing and + % of ur max health, q 1 sec more duration, and ult takes 1 sec to make u stealth.
decent buff imo, after they ****ing nerfed the living shit out of him.
they exagterated the nerfs anyways imo.
right now he just sux.
5 sec on ulti is just not enough at early lvls where u dont have any speed without boots(standart boots).
i understand q's nerfs (was so OP after he came out), but why the hell nerf dmg of w?

anyways, the patch out in PBE already or how you know?


Quote from: NeoKiller on December 21, 2012, 09:30:39 AM
Quote from: Energized on December 21, 2012, 09:06:00 AM
well, atleast we'll be 1 shotting with rengar with the upcoming patch, lol.
na jk only w is now flat healing and + % of ur max health, q 1 sec more duration, and ult takes 1 sec to make u stealth.
decent buff imo, after they ****ing nerfed the living shit out of him.
they exagterated the nerfs anyways imo.
right now he just sux.
5 sec on ulti is just not enough at early lvls where u dont have any speed without boots(standart boots).
i understand q's nerfs (was so OP after he came out), but why the hell nerf dmg of w?

anyways, the patch out in PBE already or how you know?
some forums, forgot the name, sorry
and they nerfed the w's dmg cuz if u play him ap, it would be maxing q if ur q, know what im saying?
meaning the w was as op as the q, if u'd max it, before the nerfs.


ya but if u play him ap u have only 1 skill that scales with ap.
after using his W he cant do shit when playing ap so yaaa.
and 50 dmg is just a joke at rank 1. not even comparable to other ap carries.


Quote from: NeoKiller on December 21, 2012, 11:35:55 AM
ya but if u play him ap u have only 1 skill that scales with ap.
after using his W he cant do shit when playing ap so yaaa.
and 50 dmg is just a joke at rank 1. not even comparable to other ap carries.
his w was op, i think it scaled with 1 ap ratio when rengar first came out, but its nerfed now, and yes if u do play him ap, u do have 1 skill that scales with ap, but u can get dfg, lichbane and shit.
50 dmg is after the nerf, right?


a 50 at lvl 1 ya.
and ofc u can get lich bane and dfg, but he still has only 1 ap skill.
if u buy lich bane/dfg on another ap carry like eve u have 3 skills + those items.
ap rengar is just a fun pick and not really viable for serious matches.


Quote from: NeoKiller on December 21, 2012, 12:25:26 PM
a 50 at lvl 1 ya.
and ofc u can get lich bane and dfg, but he still has only 1 ap skill.
if u buy lich bane/dfg on another ap carry like eve u have 3 skills + those items.
ap rengar is just a fun pick and not really viable for serious matches.
exactly, have anyone ever seen an ap rengar in a serious ranked game? hardly doubt it.
just played sivir , 14-4 woopwoopwooppppp.


didnt play rankeds in s3 yet.
searching for someone to play with so itll be easier to carry those low elo nubs

Xx Itz Ian

Quote from: NeoKiller on December 21, 2012, 02:53:02 PM
didnt play rankeds in s3 yet.
searching for someone to play with so itll be easier to carry those low elo nubs

u no ask me

i know why  :'(
League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian

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