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League of Legends

Started by Xx Itz Ian, October 24, 2012, 10:03:42 AM

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i dislike the changes they are making to yi
ZeaL Rank 1 BvB, just because

vv secks box

Pope Sloth

I find  them to be perfectly fine because they make it possible to play him as a hybrid or so they say and still do great, but overall ap yi was just way to strong ans snowballed just way too hard after those first couple kills :)


full ad yi thats going to be fun buddys


Ian u were right, i found swain very cool but playing with other champions i found other cool champions so swain isnt that cool anymore(but hes still cool). Idk wat to do with my IP(i have 5150), what u guys would do?
1-Save all IP until lvl 20-30 to buy a full page of runes(i saw some1 saying that on br forum)
2- Buy swain(imagining u rlly liked it) spending almost all ur IP
3- Buy cheaper champions that u also liked
4- Other (other=?)

Thanks  :-*
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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I hate ranked matches, I called top, some guy who was like 2nd to pick was like "na i get top, the first two picks always go top or mid" so i ended up supporting, the guy who took my lane picked aatrox against khazix and khazix got fed off aatrox, he constantly bitched at the team and blamed us for his horrible score.

how to get out of bronze with these retards >.>


Quote from: Meta on July 10, 2013, 03:35:41 PM
I hate ranked matches, I called top, some guy who was like 2nd to pick was like "na i get top, the first two picks always go top or mid" so i ended up supporting, the guy who took my lane picked aatrox against khazix and khazix got fed off aatrox, he constantly *****ed at the team and blamed us for his horrible score.

how to get out of bronze with these retards >.>
call order < pick order bro, try to duoq with a friend, less chance to get idiots in ur team ;)


i always go duo, and we still manage to get these idiots



just lettin u guys know kassadin is is my fav ap mid, i carry every game with him even if the team loses. but with me there they always put up a crazy fight at least

these are my last 4 games as him where i was top k/d of my team and the enemy team : D nearly lvl 23 also
DISCORD killyzkill


Tryndamere is one of my all time champs mostly because even if there are trolls you can single handedly carry games, its literally mind blowing you might only have a problem of winning if you guys have an afk.


i really see how he could carry, im gonna give him a go real soon
DISCORD killyzkill


also ignore this "tryndamere so broken" "tryndamere is so op" "tryndamere takes no skill"


the only thing youve to do with trynd is farm and youre good to go, go in as last and u get a penta


since the max i can upload is 4 :]

i loses cause of teams i get no jokes

Pope Sloth

I play on the NA servers and my friend and me go duo mid Kat and Akali. They're both my better ap mids while my best solo top remains Vi.

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