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League of Legends

Started by Xx Itz Ian, October 24, 2012, 10:03:42 AM

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Quote from: Yz on July 12, 2013, 10:29:11 PM
im there for every teamfight, im the only one warding, i die the least, i gank if necessary etc really doing nothing wrong. and ithought at ranked there'd be less retarded junglers who are literally 8 levels behind their AP mids

if you were doing nothing wrong you'd hyper carry 90% of games ::)

^**** im special xd


highest k/d out of both teams in 100% of games isn't enough? i'm pretty obviously the carry every time even when you were there you saw it lol. didn't you just see that i said my jungler and top lane both gave the enemy like 20 kills at the start + let them counterjungle + got killed over and over while holding our blues and reds? even if i'm doing nothing wrong in a 3v5 from the very beginning im not gonna have a good game if it ends before i can even reach lvl 18, usually afew of their team are a few lvls behind me.

basically when does this end l0l this is hell

and hyper carries can't 1v5
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on July 12, 2013, 10:36:11 PM
and hyper carries can't 1v5

Hyper carries don't need to 1v5. Part of carrying the team when your team sucks is helping them know what to do. I played a game with Flamos and he hyper carried, sure he couldn't 1v5, but he helped us know what to do.

"out of 10 games in a day ill win 3"

You can't tell me your top and jungler feed 7/10 games.

Also I currently win about 3/5 games as riven top.

^**** im special xd


well that was just out of yesterday. there is literally always one lane that is ridiculously bad. i had a rengar adc last night that ended on 1/29. and whenever i tell my team what to do in low elo oceania they think i'm calling them bad or somethin and tell me to stfu n stuff like that

i usually party with 2 of my friends and literally every single game yesterday the 2 people we got matched with had at least 10 less kills than deaths and were just madly feeding. it's as if parties get matched with lower elo

ik people always say you're partly responsible for the loss too but man im taking king shits on my server as kassadin lawl
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on July 12, 2013, 10:47:45 PM
well that was just out of yesterday. there is literally always one lane that is ridiculously bad. i had a rengar adc last night that ended on 1/29. and whenever i tell my team what to do in low elo oceania they think i'm calling them bad or somethin and tell me to stfu n stuff like that

i usually party with 2 of my friends and literally every single game yesterday the 2 people we got matched with had at least 10 less kills than deaths and were just madly feeding. it's as if parties get matched with lower elo

pretty sure it's the opposite, parties get matched with higher elo lol.

^**** im special xd


i meant lower elo on your team, and that's what i thought too but when i solo queue i don't get a 0/20 or 1/30 retard ever
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: sirhamtaro on July 12, 2013, 08:49:21 PM
I don't believe in counters, or any of that mumbo jumbo.
I reckon you cannot just look at a random list random people put together and follow it exactly.
I reckon it's better to learn matchups your way, not someone else's, sure you should try to look for guidance but, most the time you need to do your own thing.
Not play what other's play, play the way you play.

Then there's also the fact that they're not challenger tier players that know what they're talking about.
And another fact is not all players are the same, you might be using 1 champ,stomp a vayne and be like,"vayne so bad huehue" but in another game using the same champion you'll be saying,"omfg OP plz nurf".

Maybe I'm a ***0t but, this is my point of view, I disregard these types of things.  :-\

The one neo posted isn't that bad has some general stuff that's useful to newbs, and you could disregard the other part of this post but, there's still what I said about, not everything working the same way as it does for other people.
Which is rather cool actually because you can create your own way of playing, which is what I've sort of been trying to say.

rather confusing post to readers solly  :-X

i havent read everything you said, but there are counter. example; jax>fiora - nunu>teemo

but yeh there are champs like leesin and wukong, wukong might lose early but around lvl 11 he will destroy lee :]


yeh oce ppl sucks tbh, cant even play at all. smite on bot ??? using smite n no jungle ????


DISCORD killyzkill


its hard to play on oce server, ive been playing na with lone and meta, i had 170-200 ping instead of 300-400 :o


You guys are just unlucky, cause most of my games are fine.

^**** im special xd


its just the oce server buddy


^**** im special xd


Quote from: Purple on July 12, 2013, 11:00:28 PM
You guys are just unlucky, cause most of my games are fine.

ya das wut i was sayin pretty much
DISCORD killyzkill


even though im only in bronze, i gave up on ranked, i was at my promotional series, i lost 2.3 games and after that i been on a losing streak, i finally win a ranked game as tryn (i was against jax top and pwn't 4/2), after that game i lost the next ranked game and went back to 0 points...

in conclusion, fk ranked i have some serious bad luck


Quote from: Meta on July 12, 2013, 11:32:38 PM
even though im only in bronze, i gave up on ranked, i was at my promotional series, i lost 2.3 games and after that i been on a losing streak, i finally win a ranked game as tryn (i was against jax top and pwn't 4/2), after that game i lost the next ranked game and went back to 0 points...

in conclusion, fk ranked i have some serious bad luck
Just keep playing sooner or later you will get it, just become a gold-diamond level player and you will get out of bronze no time.

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