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Still very dissapointed.

Started by Noname21, November 26, 2012, 02:52:25 PM

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Below is my first post:

QuoteYesterday I was playing some pvp and I stumbled into GM ZeroUHs room, we were playing HoverByte and I suppose he decided to camp on the platform. I do not play like that I respect my opponent enough not to camp, and I thought maybe they would respect me not to camp so I told him "I will not go there, I will be waiting here." He then said afk, and I went on to youtube, only to come back 1 minute later to find that he forced me out of his room. I obviously asked him why, at which point he laughed.

Then today, I joined him in another PvP game. He won, and he said that "I was easy" claiming that I was an easy win, at which I replied that he was lagging and that his tactic was bad, he did not agree. He continued to whisper me a few more times, at which I did comment. I dropped the topic only to have him whisper me again at what I believe was an attempt to instigate an argument for what later will become more clear.

So... time passes and I seen that there was this room named "Recruiting for ***whore." I said to him "I think you should remove the guild named ***whore." He asked me who's guild it was.. I said Santa's. So... he said "No." I said why, he said.. it's Santa guild. I said "So by your logic it is okay for police to commit crimes." You know this does really bug me and it upset me children play this game and the owners make these nasty comments towards other plays and they create profane guilds and use profane language. So, I told him that in my books he is lowest life form. Apparently he is not dignified enough to accept that I am right. He is being shamefull. He banned me for breaking rule #13. And yet has done anything to take care of the guild name... now that seems a little hypocritical if you ask me.

In short I really do not want to be un-ban he has ruined the game for me for a little while, it is a shame that you adults act like children and can not get your act together. 12 and 13 year olds are running around your forum calling being "faygs" and other profanities.
I am disgusted with you all, and the most horrific part is that I get ban because non of you are mature and can take criticism.

Good job, staff of BoutCheetah

Yesterday GM ZeroUH wanted to talk with me about the situation regarding me being ban. I told him I am tired of his games and I do not wish to speak with the person that provoked me. I will not give my enemy such satisfaction as to enstil fear into me. Apparently I broke rule #13:No threatening anyone including staff, I did not threaten anyone. He has infact threatend me in everyone of his posts on the last topic I made.
QuoteI suggest you to stay out of trouble or things can get worse.
QuoteAgain, I suggest you to stop.
QuoteDo you want go ahead with this or we can stop here before you get IP banned in-game and on forum too
He threatend me to instil fear in hopes that I would not continue to defend my situation, he did not even have reason to threaten to ban me in the first place..

Now I spoke with hi yesterday and I found out the main reason why he is doing this to me.
He claims he is doing this all because he has an issue with my "ego." I do not have an ego and I am not sure where he got this from.

I am not sure what is wrong with this individual, but I am certain he suffers from anger issues. He seems to hold grudges and judge people(me) based off of things they have never experienced or seen from the person he judges. Yet he claims he is not bias.

He has now ban 3 accounts that are linked to this IP address and I am getting really fed up, I gave him a chance to redeem himself but yet he still commits acts of evil, surly he has no more conscience then he has morals.


November 26, 2012, 02:56:24 PM #1 Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 03:01:21 PM by Cooky
heres how I see it..

this guy innocently expressed his concerns, Zero threatened to ban him for some reason and accused him of breaking a rule he did not break

then said:  

'your not better then anyone here' which = insult in my book

this not a good situation

edit: and if he gets in trouble or threatened because of making this thread then there is something seriously wrong with the staff because he has done nothing wrong here hes just expressing his concerns. Hes not insulting or threatening anybody.


IGN: MisterZ

ZeaL - Rank 1 in antagonizing, just

Rub me out like genies, won't concede til I'm graffiti
Quote from: Yz on January 14, 2012, 06:48:35 PM
mrz is like top 40 and would probly be like
"fuk yeh n00bs im god bow to god''


November 26, 2012, 03:11:53 PM #3 Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 03:18:39 PM by ZeroUH
Quote from: Noname21 on November 26, 2012, 02:52:25 PM
He has now ban 3 accounts that are linked to this IP address and I am getting really fed up, I gave him a chance to redeem himself but yet he still commits acts of evil, surly he has no more conscience then he has morals.


This is was when I tried to talk with you after your last thread about me. Yesterday, you joined my room with your main and provocked many times  until I ask you to stop and kick you out of the room. What next? Whisper me with your "opinions" about me. Oh! How could use that acc, CageMySoul, yesterday if it was banned? Sounds weird, huh? After ban your main yesterday, you came with another account provocking (again):

You could just leave me alone and wait until you get unbanned, but no, you need to keep pursuiting me. You remember me a guy called Khaos. You should know that we don't have problems with him anymore. Maybe you want to follow his path and discover why.


That sir is not provoking, that is a statment. I would never wish to provoke anyone. I am trying to expose your true colours to yourself. I am trying to help you see that what you are doing is only making yourself look worse.


November 26, 2012, 03:21:32 PM #5 Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 03:22:18 PM by Dewo
I don't get why you ban him for a rule he didn't break.

Someone should reread the rules.  ::)



7. No flaming or harassing of another player of any sort.

You've been hassling Zero for a while now, and he has more than enough reason to ban you. You may not be threatening him, but he's shown me screens of you whispering him and putting him down when he's asked you to stop.

If I were you I'd drop this, accept your ban and I'd stop whispering Zero. You're at fault here. The only thing Zero's done wrong is accidentally referring to rule #13. But, believe it or not, you can be banned for talking down to people consistently when they ask you to stop.
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