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The Necromancer (another story i will be writing)

Started by lugiaXDG009, November 28, 2012, 09:34:10 AM

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November 28, 2012, 09:34:10 AM Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 07:39:49 PM by lugiaXDG009
this is my second story i came up with this one is meant to be a story unlike my first so i will try and be as descriptive as possible and not a little bit lazy.

my first story will still be updated, i think i will have them a week apart sort of alternating so this week i will be posting this, next week i will be posting an update for "The Elementalist"

i plan on making this one quite long possibly just as long as what i plan for my previous story so i hope you enjoy the journey of the new main characters and once again any feedback and critiques are welcomed gladly

any questions will be answered if asked

you can do both of these by either:

1) posting a reply in this thread
2) messaging me on this forum
3) Sending me an email at [email protected]

so without futher ramblings here is my second story

The Necromancer

The night stormed on, the man walked the streets dressed like the reaper himself. The cloak flickering in the wind revealed the clothes of a beggar.
As he passed an alleyway he gazed into the distance.
"Not far now," he shuddered.
He made to move on but his amber eyes were drawn to the crime scene within the alley. It was truly a gruesome sight, six cats almost completely unrecognizable as cats.
"You poor souls..."
He made his way towards the one with the worst condition. He knelt down and looked at his right hand.
"I've got time to spare," his voice grim as he began his heretical work.

He awoke in a warm brightly lit room.
"Ahh! Your finally awake," the man put something down and stood up, the man was a tall man even by their standards. The human looked as though he had been run over by a carriage or maybe he had swum through a dump.
"How are you feeling? Any light-headedness? You hungry?" the man's words were tinged with worry and joy. For something as insignificant as a cat! What a peculiar human to have graced his presence.
He decided he would humour the human by answering his question. If nothing else, it would entertain him to see what the human believes he said.
"No I am not hungry, human and I do not feel particularly unhealthy. May I inquire as to where my friends and family are?" he yowled
"Very well spoken my friend. They are in the next room, you were the last of them to wake up," he pointed out the door and went back to take his seat.
Onto a more pressing matter
"You can understand me!"
"Of course I can. I ensured that when I modified your bodies you could all speak our tongue".

The human watched as the cat searched desperately for something on his body
"I – I see no scars. Then how could yo-"
The feline's eyes narrowed and it gave him a look of pure malice, it seemed that even the animals disapproved.
"Oho you are indeed a smart one my friend!"
The feline arched its back now and hissed one word "Necromancer".

"Yes my friend I am a Necromancer and I assume you have deduced what you are then"
The cat held its glare, as it processed its situation. He did not mind, he had some time left.
"Why would you waste your breath killing animals like us just to resurrect us as your undead slaves? Surely a human would suit your purposes more effectively."
"Well you see I did not kill you, I found you all dead or on the verge of it. I believe you should be thanking me for saving your lives."
"Why should I thank you for imprisoning us?"
"Well would a slave of the undead variety truly be able to talk back at their masters?"
The feline attacked him with its glare for a few more minutes and finally relaxed a little in its defeat. As it marched over to the door to its kin the man piped up one more time.
"Would you mind coming back with your little group? I have something I want to talk to you all about."
It stared back at him once more its eyes daggers attempting to stab through to this man's soul.
"Know this Necromancer. I do not trust you, there is no Necromancer in existence that brings back a life no matter how insignificant and valueless it is out of sheer good will however, I shall play your game for now but I want your word my fellow felines go unscathed."
The man thought of this proposition for a few sparing seconds and finally remarked, "I may not be able to keep this promise however I will attempt to as best I can. You have my word as a Necromancer and I shall keep it least my honour be tarnished"
"Hah a Necromancer with honour. You truly are a peculiar man"
The cat disappeared through the doorway and the man picked up his book once again.
"You have a good head on your shoulders cat, lets hope for both our sakes you can keep it there".

The cats gathered for the meeting the necromancer requested. The cat that had gone to fetch them, a black and white shorthaired feline, stepped forward.
"So what do you want Necro?"
"Well first i would like to exchange names my friends as i feel Necromancer is a bit crude as a name to be calling someone by, allow me to begin my name is Daniel"
"What game do you play at Necromancer?"
"I play no games with you i only wish for a simple exchange of words with the lives i have saved"
The black and white let out a small meow of amusement, "you have saved no lives here Necro only the dead surround you"
"You would not know how true those words were unless you stood in my shoes" he muttered under his breath "come now, would you really not do me the courtesy of letting me know your names when i have already given you mine"
A white longhaired female spoke out "i am Luna, the one who has been so rude to our saviour is known as Bloodpaw"
"Luna do not speak with something as dangerous and vile as this man with such familiarity"
"Oh and why not Blood? This man has been nothing but kind to lowly strays like us the least we could do is give him our names"
"I like this one Bloodpaw she understands how to be a bit more civilized and care free"
"Quiet Necromancer! Do not meddle in our affairs!"
"Well somebody is being a bit overprotective aren't they"
Bloodpaw raised his body now and puffed his hairs on his back.
"As their leader it is my job to be overprotective" he hissed
"Ugh Blood please stop. I will introduce you to the rest since it seems our 'leader' will not indulge you with some courtesy".
The introductions began with an ash coloured cat with silvery stripes running across his body.
"I am known as Ash" (most original name ever I know. Give me a break names are not my forte)
The next to step forward was a lemon coloured cat with white rings on its tail and the base of its feet
"My name is Dust"
The final one to introduce themselves was a black cat named Tacitus the others had introduced him for he only sat in silence.
"So now that we have exchanged our names I shall tell you why I have asked for your time on this day".

Update 1: december 19th 2012 (unfortunately this may be the last post i ever do as the end of the world is in 2 days and i will be moving in to my bunker full of food, water and survival equipment shortly *he says with the most sarcastic tone he could ever muster*)

She walked the cold streets under the pale moonlight, her long crimson hair whipped in the gusts of wind. The faint light nagged her sky-blue eyes. The alley was nothing special barring a cloaked man using a mancy she did not know, but that was to be expected of the poor.
   She left the man to his work, no sense in bothering a Mancer, she thought. The little paws tugged at her leg. Turning towards the light once more she was met with the sight of a bright white cat dotted with red. She ignored it for the time being; her 'home' was close now.
Within her cosy hole the cat slept soundly, how was she to know that the animal had followed her to her home.
"Maybe a friend would be nice after all this time," she shuddered.

They sat within that room for some time longer but finally an agreement had been reached.
"Fine we will do your work Mancer," Blood yowled, "on the condition that you tell me something."
"Oh and what would this something be?"
"Where is our sixth comrade?"
"Yes, there was another that we lived alongside," responded Luna
"What have you done with her Necromancer?"
"Ahh this may be a problem..."
"What do you mean? You know where she is... right?" Dust's voice gained a tinge of worry, "She didn't..."
"No, I used enough for six but I had not noticed one had woken up shortly after the mancy had taken affect."
"Then can we find her?" questioned Ash
"That's only the best case... in any case I do have a way to track her we shall search for her tomorrow my furry friends."

   The search had resulted in travelling to the ancient forest near the town. The lush green woods were a large attraction of income for the town as well as the fabled ancient dragon rumoured to live within these woods.
"She should be just a few kilometres ahead of us"
The woods were not harsh by nature, the bugs were not deadly, the flowers grew no thorns, the animals kept to themselves and yet, somehow, this woman managed to find and piss of the one deadly thing in the Ancient forest.
"Oh no"
He sprinted towards the girl. She stood there in bewilderment, oh if only you would move woman, his thoughts ran wild now. He could make it... no...

He managed to get her before she hit the tree but not before she took a few scales and claws directly.
"Blood you guys do the job I set for you..."
   They gathered around the woman, her wheezing fell heavy on his mind.
"Do not forget I have modified your bodies to be able to harness transformation mancies use it wisely"
"And what will you do?" asked a white red spotted cat
His eyes fell on the Black dragon growling before him as she asked the question, his answer was clear.
"Whatever you do... protect that girl and what little life she has left. Until she dies, that is your mission"

His right hand pulsated with a dark aura of pale light. His left hand held his newly drawn blade
< by surgeypurgey


alright first update is up and i expect the update for the elementalist will be coming out on Christmas and if it doesn't well aren't i a big fat forgetful Liar.

anyway i wonder if you guys notice the little messages i put in for the update titles *sits down in thought because he has nothing better to do than wonder if people even see his little messages no seriosuly i have nothing better to do*
< by surgeypurgey

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