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BoutCheetah » Forum » BoutCheetah Community » General Discussion » Xmas Event should be Destroyed...?

Xmas Event should be Destroyed...?

Started by lioversmf69, December 24, 2012, 04:33:30 AM

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who think this event is an horrible one and its will be better if we destroy it?

Will be better with out.
Will be better if they keep it.


Quote from: spiderstar on December 25, 2012, 07:50:18 AM
I actually enjoyed the event for several reasons but this is what I have to say about it. 

The event itself intermingles the community with the staff in a friendly matter instead of a negative way (reporting,banning,etc). 
For example, I met around 20-30 new players that I've never met before and the majority of them seem like people that I would hang out with.  In most games, the staff are people who never talk to the players and are only seen during times of need.  This event shows that the staff actually play with the players and care about its community. 

However, people said that there were issues with the "equality" of the event.  Players pointed out that low levels couldn't do the event.  I believe Allie said that this was done to prevent people from farming the event, which is a pretty good idea.  If you think about it, would you rather have a really high leveled player with 10 rares that he farmed in which the rare is most likely not going to be rare anymore.  Or would you rather have a high leveled player with 1 rare that will still remain a rare.I f a player quits the game because he can't do a single event then I don't believe he should be playing this game at all.   In all honesty, this should actually be an incentive for the low levels to level up quickly so they can handle the next event more easily. 

That's all I really had to say.
Yes I agree, don't play a game if you hate it. The event is good for all levels, the low and high levels get random items everyday and should help them in grinding, not to mention the x2/x3 exp.
IGN(High): HateDark
IGN(Low): LoveLight


This thread is kinda pointless now because as far as I know the only reason it was made was back during the beginning of the event when there was a bug that gave EVERYONE rare items


Quote from: Cooky on December 25, 2012, 08:34:22 AM
This thread is kinda pointless now because as far as I know the only reason it was made was back during the beginning of the event when there was a bug that gave EVERYONE rare items
it's asking if it should be destroyed, it's not pointless. But I disliked that bug.
IGN(High): HateDark
IGN(Low): LoveLight


just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it would be destoryed


Quote from: Cooky on December 25, 2012, 08:34:22 AM
This thread is kinda pointless now because as far as I know the only reason it was made was back during the beginning of the event when there was a bug that gave EVERYONE rare items


Ty Darcky

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