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Selling Trilicor RED HEAD!(=blue blazer and scritter yellow)) ONLY 1 IN GAME

Started by lara538, January 15, 2013, 02:07:58 PM

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Quote from: nanak tatum on January 15, 2013, 08:08:18 PM
I'm sorry but 250m gigas for a simple (E) head is too much. I could understand if it was a set but its only a recolor of a lowish level head.
lol yea but u gotta understand it is so  rare for me to find someone selling a part I dont have


If no1 offers more ill sell to cooky that is in the lead with 250m!
If u are trustable i can let u try it as surge to see how it looks :)
Repeating: U can offer in gigas,items,coins,membership and zylon coins.
Dont lose ur time to buy a VERY rare E part :)
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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#1 Marketplace Seller
Best Mercher/Seller in This GAME #FACT


Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Just accept ilovemoneys offer and uuhm you are not the only one with that blue head, there are others but they just have it on surge lmao


Quote from: Delta on January 16, 2013, 01:18:10 PM
Just accept ilovemoneys offer and uuhm you are not the only one with that blue head, there are others but they just have it on surge lmao

Cooky said to me to always wait his reply until he says he give up(and he said he wont give up). So ill wait.
And also this head ISNT trilicor pink(=blazer orange),trilicor blue(=blazer purple) or trilicor yellow(=blazer brown).
If this color was that common cooky would have info to complete his guide cuz other ppl would tell him it, soo its rare.
I dont see reason to u laugh, i said im ALMOST SURE, so if u have proof that this isnt the only one ingame post it plz, would be welcome :)
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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Im dropping out because i want to do events with gigas as prizes and i cant if i spend them all on this.


Bump, already msged og kush, will sell to him as soon as he reply,last chance to beat his offer and get this super rare E head, unless he give up.
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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#1 Marketplace Seller
Best Mercher/Seller in This GAME #FACT


Bump! Cooky gave up,OG Kush looks like give up cuz said now he will only buy if he gets other red parts, so Xx Itz Ian is in the lead with 100m + 100m in items(200m total). If u are still interested ian, tell me what items.
That was like a reset on the topic :(
Keep bidding!
Auto-win: Offers that are +/- equal to og kush past offer.
Thanks ang and spidey for the sigs! :3

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