If you reach level 172 and buy membership, you will not immediately hit level 221.
To reach from 172-221, you will need to play alot more, like you did from 1-172.
Here's an idea of how long you will need to continue playing to reach level 221.
http://boutcheetah.zylongaming.com/index.php?topic=17151.0If you buy membership at level 172, and you play untill you reach 187.
Say your membership runs out when you are level 187, you will go back to level 172, but you will keep your experience.
If you continue playing, you will continue to earn more experience.
If you then renew your membership, you will instantly go back from 172, to level 187 (or higher if you have played while you were not member)
Hope I cleared things out for you,
- Max