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Silence (Rank 2)[Sector Guild] *Leave your bullshit at the previous page*

Started by zepher2211, November 13, 2010, 11:01:48 AM

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Hi! I'd like to join this guild because it is helpful and i have met some nice and fun members.
Lvl:143 atm but i'll be 150 in 1 or 2 days.
Sector:I'm good.
Pvp:I do much pvp and i was a good pvper in Bots Acclaim.
Bvb:I don't really like it but i sometimes do this too.


Quote from: eduard$haman on November 25, 2011, 12:19:11 PM
Hi! I'd like to join this guild because it is helpful and i have met some nice and fun members.
Lvl:143 atm but i'll be 150 in 1 or 2 days.
Sector:I'm good.
Pvp:I do much pvp and i was a good pvper in Bots Acclaim.
Bvb:I don't really like it but i sometimes do this too.

- much pvp is a bad thing
- this is nothing like bots acclaim sorry
- what do you mean your "good at sector". please explain.


Hey guys, listen, you do know that I quit Silence right?
Sorry for making you to lose almost 700k gp, and sorry for not informing the leaders of this guild before and after I quit.


^ Didn't notice, remove Silence from your sig and be on your way ^-^


hey guys im done now done with this guild im thinkin about leaving


Quote from: sasuke6548 on November 25, 2011, 08:31:59 PM
hey guys im done now done with this guild im thinkin about leaving
If that's what you want then go ahead man, i cant persade you to stay any longer, I just spent half an hour doing that. if you do decide to stay then this is for you.



sorry guys.. :,( i had such good memories here.... were like a second family to me... but it started goin downhill after while... sorry guys... i understand if u guys hate me now (half of u already did) if Utopia doesnt work out then ill come back if im allowed


Since Utopia basically turned from a chill guild that didn't care about rank, into Redemption, the rule applies that you won't be allowed to rejoin. I'm rather tired of ever having to "re-accept" people after they decided to quit, so from now on no one that quits will be allowed back in, joining's a one time deal.


This is not a strike at Utopia, I'm just saying it isn't what it was initially supposed to be, and that if someone wishes to quit and join you, I'm not gonna deal with them hopping back.




Welcome back snow.

Quote from: zepher2211 on November 30, 2011, 09:45:08 PM
Since Utopia basically turned from a chill guild that didn't care about rank, into Redemption, the rule applies that you won't be allowed to rejoin. I'm rather tired of ever having to "re-accept" people after they decided to quit, so from now on no one that quits will be allowed back in, joining's a one time deal.


This is not a strike at Utopia, I'm just saying it isn't what it was initially supposed to be, and that if someone wishes to quit and join you, I'm not gonna deal with them hopping back.
I totally agree with that statement.



IGN: _Choclate_

RLname: **** ****

Age: **

Are you active: so-so ill be on more..

Waiting for approvable or deny
People are born with gifts I'm born talented.


Approved, nice to have you back _Choclate_.
Grats CM lvling to 200 very nice, listen fam i haven't been as active lately so next weekend we will kick it up a bit, co- lead Bonzo you are looking very good in that metorium set, hell i'm thinking about getting me a metorium set as well, I bet that will turn a-lot of heads lol. ;D



Quote from: RAUDOG on December 03, 2011, 05:33:46 AM
Approved, nice to have you back _Choclate_.
Grats CM lvling to 200 very nice, listen fam i haven't been as active lately so next weekend we will kick it up a bit, co- lead Bonzo you are looking very good in that metorium set, hell i'm thinking about getting me a metorium set as well, I bet that will turn a-lot of heads lol. ;D

wouldn't care if you got one
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on December 05, 2011, 03:01:38 AM
Quote from: RAUDOG on December 03, 2011, 05:33:46 AM
Approved, nice to have you back _Choclate_.
Grats CM lvling to 200 very nice, listen fam i haven't been as active lately so next weekend we will kick it up a bit, co- lead Bonzo you are looking very good in that metorium set, hell i'm thinking about getting me a metorium set as well, I bet that will turn a-lot of heads lol. ;D

wouldn't care if you got one
Thank you.

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