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Hackers; Get punished, or get their wrists slapped?

Started by SADXRULZ, November 15, 2010, 12:46:07 AM

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Remember, Remember, the fifth of November;
The gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see of no reason,
Why we should ever forget;
The day K aos was caught.

So guys, thoughts on the subject? Do you think hackers should be banned straight away, or given chances(to hack again IMO)?
Do you think they shouldn't be banned? Speak your mind.




DISCORD killyzkill



November 15, 2010, 09:12:01 PM #4 Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 09:13:32 PM by Connor
It depends what they are hacking. If its one of those S2 Shops i think a simple 10 day ban would work. Now if they've hacked level x about 200 times, Well that deserves a permanent ban. If they start hacking and have only done it 2 or 3 times< They should get a warning.

I remember Tokxilchaosz and titan, Blitz,I even met santa in bots. I saw fira once or twice. I remember Khaos too. I probably left out some people. Damn i wish salanos was in this community.

( ~.~)   This is a bunny. He will rule the world!!! (With me ofc)


Quote from: Connor on November 15, 2010, 09:12:01 PM
It depends what they are hacking. If its one of those S2 Shops i think a simple 10 day ban would work. Now if they've hacked level x about 200 times, Well that deserves a permanent ban. If they start hacking and have only done it 2 or 3 times< They should get a warning.

I remember Tokxilchaosz and titan, Blitz,I even met santa in bots. I saw fira once or twice. I remember Khaos too. I probably left out some people. Damn i wish salanos was in this community.

Salanos hates this community.
DISCORD killyzkill


I think that hackers that do dmg hack and all that stuff to lvl up shouldnt be banned. If they are playing by themselves and hacking low-key, then i think they should be allowed. But if they are hacking money or coins or even lvls, then instant ban would be fair. BUt thats just my opinion.


Quote from: Firehog on November 16, 2010, 03:19:54 AM
I think that hackers that do dmg hack and all that stuff to lvl up shouldnt be banned. If they are playing by themselves and hacking low-key, then i think they should be allowed. But if they are hacking money or coins or even lvls, then instant ban would be fair. BUt thats just my opinion.

So, not playing and levelling up unlegitly is fair you think. .-.
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Firehog on November 16, 2010, 03:19:54 AM
I think that hackers that do dmg hack and all that stuff to lvl up shouldnt be banned. If they are playing by themselves and hacking low-key, then i think they should be allowed. But if they are hacking money or coins or even lvls, then instant ban would be fair. BUt thats just my opinion.

lol u hack secretly.


( ~.~)   This is a bunny. He will rule the world!!! (With me ofc)


if it is one who hacking and he got membership, then he getting a warning i think, and maybe reseted :P
<br />


For me I depends on:
If they read the rules,
how long they have hacked for,
what they hacked,
what they got from hacking.


Quote from: xbaras on January 03, 2011, 05:34:48 AM
For me I depends on:
If they read the rules,
how long they have hacked for,
what they hacked,
what they got from hacking.

you don't read the rules by bumping threads you shlag.
DISCORD killyzkill

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