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So I just uploaded this vid

Started by antisickness, May 26, 2013, 09:49:58 AM

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Ok, you're right. Just because a game play video doesn't have commentary doesn't mean it's insta shit, but you can always find a better video with commentary.

Also, you know you can watch more than one person on youtube, right? Just because he does games you're interested in doesn't mean you need to put up with his shit commentary or no sound just to watch the gameplay. You can find someone else.

^**** im special xd


**** commentaries lol

"hay yutube welcume to my lets play!"


"ur all barels lol"

every ****en time
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on June 01, 2013, 03:37:25 AM
**** commentaries lol

"hay yutube welcume to my lets play!"


"ur all barels lol"

every ****en time

you just have shitty luck when it comes to finding good youtubers.

^**** im special xd


that's because the top-rated commentators are all autistic and say those exact things. 'good commentators' must be the guys with 5k views because the highest viewed guys are the ones i was talking about
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on June 01, 2013, 03:37:25 AM
**** commentaries lol

"hay yutube welcume to my lets play!"


"ur all barels lol"

every ****en time

I've watched every major commentator.
The only ones I don't like are shy derps like asmit's currently. Maybe when he gets a backbone in his speech he'll gain my attention.

Oh, and yamimash, his voice irritates me. I still watch him sometimes tho.

Perhaps watching videos with commentation isn't your thing. Judging someone elses hobby (or choice of hobby) is rtarded, dont u guys know this.


i dont do that, i just dont like commentaries?

people sure get a lot more outta my posts than intended
DISCORD killyzkill


Quote from: Yz on June 01, 2013, 03:53:17 AM
that's because the top-rated commentators are all autistic and say those exact things. 'good commentators' must be the guys with 5k views because the highest viewed guys are the ones i was talking about

The list of commentators that I have enjoyed for a while:
SSohPKC (Haven't watched in a couple months)
Slyfoxhound (Haven't watched him in a few months)
TotalBiscuit / TotalHalibut / CynicalBrit
umm.. don't really have any others that i've watched recently.
dspgaming (Haven't watched in a while. He does console games mostly.)

^**** im special xd

Epic xD

Quote from: KillerPig on June 24, 2011, 07:49:43 AM
I've been debating with myself about this for a long time now. No, I'm not leaving BC, but when I get back, I'll be asking the girl I've liked for a long time to go out with me. Wish me luck. Zomg I'm so excited.

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