"Surges are to damn op."
Not if you are a good shooter poke, Ross hits people multiple times with his DM.
Eh, lol true, gun spaaam. *Click*, aw. Well finally something that evade if good at.
It would also be a success for surges, considering the other surge would not evade tele. Ya fuk those aussi ***gs
Dunno if Ross is misunderstanding you, but he means if the tag is used a lot them it means it is a popular tag.
Surge would not really have to hide.
"most high tier pvpers will not use DM gun, i also stopped useing it."
Ross still uses his DM. Also why did you say you stopped using DM? That is completely irrelevant as you only stated high teir pvper do not use it, nothing about the mid-class.

"btw, pvp is dead and most people sector, so the fact that there are more surges then other types is not all of it related to pvp."
Thus the reason why this tag would not really "kill" Surges, as it is a PvP tag, not a Sector one.