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More convenient way to catch hackers doing 1p

Started by Cooky, August 14, 2013, 05:14:38 PM

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make it so when a player completes 1p mode, it displays the players name and level they were when they completed it on a list somewhere on the website only staff can view. Everyday staff can checkout the list and see if any low levels completed it and decide if they require investigation or punishment. With this system in place, players don't have to constantly make rulebreaker reports when some low level beats 1p, which happens all the time. A lot of times multiple people make a report for the same person too. This would make it a lot easier for staff and players.


What's the point. There's no reward when someone under 221 completes 1p except the global message.


cooky how ya know that ?
Quote from: Allie on August 15, 2013, 02:19:18 AM
What's the point. There's no reward when someone under 221 completes 1p except the global message.
i just play 1p cause i want to know what are all the kinds of doprs and to get exp


whats the point? I just said right in my post what the point is. How can u not understand?


August 15, 2013, 06:23:29 AM #4 Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 06:26:10 AM by Glacier
After reading what you posted, I don't see any point in creating the system you proposed. It's unnecessary, and it wastes time programming the system into the game. In my opinion, the currently reporting system is just fine.

There seems to be two problems you have with the current system:
1) Requires effort for people to report
Quote from: Cooky on August 14, 2013, 05:14:38 PM
With this system in place, players don't have to constantly make rulebreaker reports when some low level beats 1p, which happens all the time.

Posting a report of a hacker in 1p isn't even hard. All you need to do is take a screenshot, upload it, and post it in the forums. Its not an obligation for people make reports, you can choose whether you want to. So if you feel as if its too tiring, then simply don't do it.

2) People might make multiple reports of the same person
Quote from: Cooky on August 14, 2013, 05:14:38 PM
A lot of times multiple people make a report for the same person too. This would make it a lot easier for staff and players.

Easy way to solve it: Before posting, check previous posts to see if anyone has made one of the same person.


glacier you completely missed the point

Anyway,ive realized this iskinda pointless because even if it got added peoplewould still make reports anyway. Ill lock this when i get home


Quote from: Cooky on August 15, 2013, 06:37:36 AM
glacier you completely missed the point

Please enlighten me, I'm not sure what point I missed.


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