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helping the homeless

Started by antisickness, August 19, 2013, 06:53:20 PM

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Quote from: zomniethe4 on August 20, 2013, 02:28:45 AM
I really hate it when people ****ing make videos of them helping the homeless. That's pathetic attention whoring; Trying to make yourself look like such a good person.

If you really wanted to help a homeless person, you would just do it. I also hate when people complain like "oh i gave him a dollar and he got a beer". If you give homeless people money and see them come out the store with a beer or something, do not complain. Some people have cravings of things that just love, or they could be drinking it to help with depression.

It's called doing right when no ones looking. An examples: When I played football we'd do push ups and when the coach turned around most people would just stop. It just pisses me off immensely.

It's not about being famous. that's not why it's asked to be shared etc. It's about raising awareness.
There are people who don't even realise the streets keep these type of guys, yet they moan about their lifestyle.
The video was almost documentary; they asked some personal questions at the end which you're meant to reflect on


Why are none of my posts being approved when i post here

Quote from: Allie on August 20, 2013, 05:00:39 AM
Quote from: Selene on August 19, 2013, 08:44:40 PMHow? I'm not going to give my money to them when:

- People pretend to be poor to get extra money
- Dropped out of school
- Acted like a complete idiot and got them selves in that situation.

I would only help them if I knew what their problem was, and it must be a legit reason. 

Call me evil all you want, but I would rather give my money to someone I know and know the reason.

Absolutely my thoughts on the subject.
I don't know your past and I don't want to know your past, but in such a country as America, land of government-will-give-enough-welfare-to-live, it's not my problem to help. If I knew them and knew what they'd use my money for, than maybe. Otherwise, not my problem.
You didn't even read Bobo's post. You're judging the homeless when you don't even know what put them in their situation.
Selene just posted the most bigoted, ignorant statement I've ever seen and you just agreed with it. #wow

Quote from: zomniethe4 on August 20, 2013, 02:39:02 AM
Yes, but from my point of view its just the fact that doing something from your heart and doing something for your fame just kills me.
Who said it was about fame?!?

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Quote from: KillerPig on August 20, 2013, 01:32:31 PM
Why are none of my posts being approved when i post here

Quote from: Allie on August 20, 2013, 05:00:39 AM
Quote from: Selene on August 19, 2013, 08:44:40 PMHow? I'm not going to give my money to them when:

- People pretend to be poor to get extra money
- Dropped out of school
- Acted like a complete idiot and got them selves in that situation.

I would only help them if I knew what their problem was, and it must be a legit reason. 

Call me evil all you want, but I would rather give my money to someone I know and know the reason.

Absolutely my thoughts on the subject.
I don't know your past and I don't want to know your past, but in such a country as America, land of government-will-give-enough-welfare-to-live, it's not my problem to help. If I knew them and knew what they'd use my money for, than maybe. Otherwise, not my problem.
You didn't even read Bobo's post. You're judging the homeless when you don't even know what put them in their situation.
Selene just posted the most bigoted, ignorant statement I've ever seen and you just agreed with it. #wow

Quote from: zomniethe4 on August 20, 2013, 02:39:02 AM
Yes, but from my point of view its just the fact that doing something from your heart and doing something for your fame just kills me.
Who said it was about fame?!?
Judging is a part of human nature, even if you don't think you're judging. If we didn't judge then most likely you'll be ****ed.


you aint judging, you're stereotyping.


August 20, 2013, 04:34:50 PM #35 Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 04:41:13 PM by mo9
ok so i give homeless people money w/e i can
i don't really boast about it to other people i know and stuff
but awareness is pretty important too , and someone has to do it so the video works

@cold hearted people that need to analyse a situation to help someone
if a kid broke his leg and he's bleeding would you take him to a hospital or ask him if he broke his leg cause it was his fault ?
it doesn't really matter if you were born poor , or lost your money
a homeless person is in a ****ty situation , help your fellow human get out of it
i don't really believe in karma , but i can empathise with them
putting yourself in a situation where you spread out your arm pleading for help from anyone is not an easy thing on some people , but sometimes it's their only choice.
Don't judge people that you know nothing about and deny them the change in your pocket that could offer them food for a day

bobo's post applies better than mine where you guys live so yeah..
ZeaL Rank 1 BvB, just because

vv secks box


Quote from: KillerPig on August 20, 2013, 01:32:31 PM
Why are none of my posts being approved when i post here

Quote from: Allie on August 20, 2013, 05:00:39 AM
Quote from: Selene on August 19, 2013, 08:44:40 PMHow? I'm not going to give my money to them when:

- People pretend to be poor to get extra money
- Dropped out of school
- Acted like a complete idiot and got them selves in that situation.

I would only help them if I knew what their problem was, and it must be a legit reason. 

Call me evil all you want, but I would rather give my money to someone I know and know the reason.

Absolutely my thoughts on the subject.
I don't know your past and I don't want to know your past, but in such a country as America, land of government-will-give-enough-welfare-to-live, it's not my problem to help. If I knew them and knew what they'd use my money for, than maybe. Otherwise, not my problem.
You didn't even read Bobo's post. You're judging the homeless when you don't even know what put them in their situation.
Selene just posted the most bigoted, ignorant statement I've ever seen and you just agreed with it. #wow

Quote from: zomniethe4 on August 20, 2013, 02:39:02 AM
Yes, but from my point of view its just the fact that doing something from your heart and doing something for your fame just kills me.
Who said it was about fame?!?
Because if you really wanted to help someone you would just do it. If you wanted to change peoples views you should start some type of group, gather people around, make a montage of you and MULTIPLE different people in the act of helping someone. If would give it much more of a powerful meeting. But a lot of things I see on facebook are "one hit wonders" which is something that upsets me. I've seen many vids of people helping the homeless. Very few were repeats of the same people doing it.



Quote from: KillerPig on August 20, 2013, 01:32:31 PM
You didn't even read Bobo's post. You're judging the homeless when you don't even know what put them in their situation.

I read the whole thread, dw.
It's not my problem to solve the worlds problems. No I'm not going to help because, even if I may be judgemental, a random may or may not deserve my charity, and the ones that don't ruin it for those who do.
I won't judge an individual. I just won't help any of them, and if I'm called heartless for it, than let it be. Let them apply to welfare, steal money from the government instead of me. If they're denied cause they're druggies that's their problem.


Quote from: Selene on August 20, 2013, 03:48:22 PM
Judging is a part of human nature, even if you don't think you're judging. If we didn't judge then most likely you'll be ****ed.
Correctly judging (aka concluding): collecting facts and coming to a conclusion after some thought and reasoning
ex: hey look that guy robbed a bank and murdered 10 people hes a criminal asshole

Incorrectly judging (aka stereotyping): assuming someone is the way they are based on generalizations
ex: hey look that guy is a terrorist because hes wearing a turban and hes muslim

Yes, judging is human nature. But when judging fairly, you consider all the facts (as opposed to judging unfairly, where you're just being a ****).

Quote from: zomniethe4 on August 20, 2013, 05:14:32 PM
Because if you really wanted to help someone you would just do it. If you wanted to change peoples views you should start some type of group, gather people around, make a montage of you and MULTIPLE different people in the act of helping someone. If would give it much more of a powerful meeting. But a lot of things I see on facebook are "one hit wonders" which is something that upsets me. I've seen many vids of people helping the homeless. Very few were repeats of the same people doing it.
You're assuming that these guys only helped the homeless one time for the fame and never helped again. How do you know they haven't done this before off camera? How do you know they haven't started an organization to aid the homeless? You're being quick to generalize that everyone who goes out and helps the homeless is just doing it for the fame.

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Quote from: Allie on August 20, 2013, 05:00:39 AM
Quote from: Selene on August 19, 2013, 08:44:40 PM
(post that is stereotyping and wrongly judging others
Absolutely my thoughts on the subject.
Quote from: Allie on August 20, 2013, 07:51:49 PM
I won't judge an individual.

(click to show/hide)

You're saying you're not judging them but you're only not helping them because you're judging them. You're not heartless because you're not helping them, you're heartless because you're assuming they're all worthless idiots and pretenders.

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


August 20, 2013, 08:37:30 PM #40 Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 08:41:48 PM by Santa
Personally when a bum comes up to my car window, i don't look at them, and they move on.  That's how i deal with it.  Or, if I'm walking out of a store and they are already waiting for me, I lie to them and say I only have a credit card.  I have however, hired bums to do work at our house before because I'm too lazy to.  It's easier going to home depot and loading a few people up who work for like 2 dollars an hour and get a fence built.


Quote from: KillerPig on August 20, 2013, 08:15:04 PM
Quote from: Selene on August 20, 2013, 03:48:22 PM
Judging is a part of human nature, even if you don't think you're judging. If we didn't judge then most likely you'll be ****ed.
Correctly judging (aka concluding): collecting facts and coming to a conclusion after some thought and reasoning
ex: hey look that guy robbed a bank and murdered 10 people hes a criminal *******

Incorrectly judging (aka stereotyping): assuming someone is the way they are based on generalizations
ex: hey look that guy is a terrorist because hes wearing a turban and hes muslim

Yes, judging is human nature. But when judging fairly, you consider all the facts (as opposed to judging unfairly, where you're just being a ****).

Quote from: zomniethe4 on August 20, 2013, 05:14:32 PM
Because if you really wanted to help someone you would just do it. If you wanted to change peoples views you should start some type of group, gather people around, make a montage of you and MULTIPLE different people in the act of helping someone. If would give it much more of a powerful meeting. But a lot of things I see on facebook are "one hit wonders" which is something that upsets me. I've seen many vids of people helping the homeless. Very few were repeats of the same people doing it.
You're assuming that these guys only helped the homeless one time for the fame and never helped again. How do you know they haven't done this before off camera? How do you know they haven't started an organization to aid the homeless? You're being quick to generalize that everyone who goes out and helps the homeless is just doing it for the fame.
Because if they've done it because off camera, they would continue to. There would be no need to do it on camera. There would be more information towards their movements for the people who've done it on camera and have taken those approaches.



Quote from: Corr on August 19, 2013, 09:32:53 PM
Quote from: Selene on August 19, 2013, 08:44:40 PM
Quote from: Santa on August 19, 2013, 08:32:51 PM
Quote from: Selene on August 19, 2013, 07:55:26 PM
I wouldn't help.

You are evil.
How? I'm not going to give my money to them when:

- People pretend to be poor to get extra money
- Dropped out of school
- Acted like a complete idiot and got their selves in that situation.

I would only help them if I knew what their problem was and it must be a legit reason. 

Call me evil all you want, but I rather give my money to someone I know and know the reason.
That's only in the United States/Great Britain/Canada/any place that's doing good economically.

You go anywhere in the Middle East/Eastern Europe/Oceanic countries like Indonesia or even China and you will see people born into this world without a home or any food. I know because a few generations my great-great-great grandparents were in the same position. Being born in a village that has no currency and all that ****. Now I'm grateful that my grandparents decided to adapt,work and create opportunities that gave me the life I have now.

But even in Middle Eastern countries, the homeless actually give the money they earn from begging to local mafia who basically say "you get x amount out of everything and we spare your life and you have enough to live and make more money for us"

Any large city you go to, this is basically the issue.

Those who are legitimately born into poverty in a village or somewhere definitely deserve all the help they can get, though.

And @ the rest of the first world countries and this thread: "help those who can help themselves but don't discriminate among who you help and who you don't."


Quote from: Pokeh on August 21, 2013, 12:36:07 AM
But even in Middle Eastern countries, the homeless actually give the money they earn from beginning to local mafia who basically say "you get x amount out of everything and we spare your life and you have enough to live and make more money for us"
what ?
ZeaL Rank 1 BvB, just because

vv secks box


Quote from: Pokeh on August 21, 2013, 12:36:07 AM"help those who can help themselves but don't discriminate among who you help and who you don't."

what good is a quote with nothing to convince anyone why they should do it, isn't the whole thread saying to do exactly that but in much more detail?
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