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Goodbye my friends.

Started by Materger, September 06, 2013, 03:29:18 PM

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September 06, 2013, 03:29:18 PM Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 03:47:48 PM by Materger
Hello everyone, today I'd like to share publicly that I will be resigning as a staff member here at Zylon Gaming and will no longer be playing the BoutCheetah.The reason I will be stepping down and quitting is simply because I got a new job at Miami Beach and will no longer be able to help as much as I'd like.Juggling school, work and BC isn't something I'd like to try since school alone is stressful even if it's an art school and being extremely inactive won't be good for our community. I don't wish to become dead weight so that's why I'm stepping down.    

I'll start of by saying thank you to all the kindhearted and generous friends I made. We've had a wonderful time meeting each other and sharing stories of life, in-game accomplishments, even silly jokes.There's not a day I wasn't laughing at something dumb someone said. From day one,  June 12, 2012,  at 10:33:22 AM I felt a huge amount of joy, I was depressed due to a ankle injury(small tear in my ligament  and a few small fractures) I had which happened on June 9th, my birthday and finding BoutCheetah was a BOTS!! private server so I had to try it. I've played at bots acclaim from 2006-2008(or 2009 can't remember). I remembered how much fun that game was and hoped it was just as fun here in BC. Shorty after I joined, I was accepted into many guilds( I was a guild hopper, but nobody really got mad at me).I never found a guild that felt like home so I made Lone_Wolves a re-make of the guild I was in back in BOTS!!. Me and my wolves had an amazing time playing BC together and reached rank 8 in guild rankings by just having fun we never set days to grind or were expected to get GP, my only requirement was to go out and enjoy the game.Playing BC reminded me of the player who showed me how to pvp back in BOTS!! (Surge_Assassin)so I asked around to see if he played and from what I heard he never played in BC.Frustration clouded my mind when I was in pvp, there wasn't many people who pvped and the ones that did rarely got online. PvP was the only mode I ever liked back in bots, but here thanks to corr, lufy and some others I also got to experience how entertaining BvB is. It's a shame people don't play base as much.

Sparkyrobo- Although you no longer play you were the first true friend I met here in BC and the moments we had together in pvp and sector are irreplaceable. You were very kind and we are both super Mobile Suit Gundam 00 nerds.I remember how we would abuse the "nya" animation with med( McdaddyLongn*ts back then) in every sector room hehehhe ^~^  You were also one of the first decent ram pvpers I met in BC. Thank you for all the funny conversations we had via forum PMs about your teacher and school and thank you for being my bud. ;3

MedChill- aka McDaddyLongNu*s when we met you were always apart of the big three we had, me ,Sparky and you. We did everything together and we always did what we thought was right. I remember you would get upset at me for being "too kind" and I would say "there's no such thing" back when I was a normal player getting +5 and up sets and giving them away to players in the lobby for free. People would think I was quitting the game since I gave every drop of what I had every two weeks or so till they got used to it or forgot who I was. Now a day I haven't done that since I barely play but there's one last thing I'd like to give you med. You will get it when you log on. Remember to never trade these and I hope they remind you of who I am. Med you're my brother from another surge (corny, I know.) and teaching you how to PvP with uppercut was so amazing.You are forever my favorite student and I wish I could've been a better teacher. You have a heart of sapphire(it's pretty and blue plus gold is overated.) and I know I will miss every second we spent together as friends.If not for you I would have never met Code, EXP and many more.Sometimes I felt like I was getting in your way when I made a new guild and you joined.I always wanted so much more for you and thought I wasn't going to be able to support a good guild.This made me think I was getting in your way of joining much more active guilds.In the end you never cared how bad the guild was as long as we had fun.  Thank you for being apart of the LW family. Thank you for putting up with my cousin being silly. I know me and Sparky were more close to each other back then, but by now you should know that has changed a while ago. nya!!!! ^~^  sneaky sneaky sneaky ninja med

Allie- I remember when I would make a pvp room to afk and you would come in and you would tell me all about runescape and you also helped me remember who wolfy is and some things back when I played bots, you said me and wolfy leveled you up a bit back then if I'm not mistaken, you have great memory because I didn't remember anything from back then. People would always talk about how mean you are when I was a member and I would think, wow??? what could she have done to make these people think that? I found out they were just overacting and upset that you didn't talk back to them when they whispered you and stuff like that. Remember when we talked about rock music on skype and you introduced paramore and dragonfroce to me? ( I was a bad rock fan lolz) Your stories of the bug killer cat you have were always fun to read and playing audition with you was both entertaining and depressing, entertaining because the game itself was fun to play from the nice music and cool dance moves to being able to go to tournaments, it was depressing because you were so good at that game and no matter how hard I tried I was awful. The best thing I did I think was beat Bobby one the first mission, even my brother who got on once did better.Guess  I'm no good at rhythm games(all games lololo). Thank you for allowing me the honor to be apart of this wonderful staff unit.

Cooky you have changed so much. When I first talked to you I didnt like the way you were, but you have matured so much and become a really great friend. It was really clear when you resigned from staff and admitted you werent mature enough for it. That was the first step, and now you have gotten your act together and its so nice to see people dont pick on you anymore. It really shows that you should give people a chance. I will miss talking with you on skype all the time. Remember this   hehehehe that's just one of the many things that reminds me of the great times we've had. To love-ru is one of your favorite if not your favorite anime shows and watching that ova with you was hilarious. I'm grateful to have met you.

CodePurple- The cutest lil guy from all around, his childish charms can win a place in everyone's heart. I swear from the time we made Genesis our bound went into a blast off along with Hanna. Being in that guild with you guys made the game so competitive and for once I was grinding in sector more then I have ever before. I have endless nicknames for you and I call you my wife, yes I know it's a strange thing to call someone, but it was simply for the lolz and we both know that. Code is a player who inspired me to be nicer and nicer then ever before since his attitude is so positive in every situation.He's like a ray of sunlight here to brighten up the day.Lolz at the time you guys wanted me to do my gay guy voice impersonation. Thank you Codeypoo

EXP(Hanna)- Twinnnnn chu know I'll miss the great times we had. I always thought you were a dude when I saw you in-game and when I found out you were a girl it didn't matter, regardless if you were a guy or girl we would have still be friends.Teaching you how to pvp was funny we never finished now that I think about it. Other people would go girl crazy and act weird, but I treated you like I treat everyone. We both love elfen lied and other dark anime's I'll miss those anime related chats we had. You sang in Skype and called me bad words like a bully( all in good fun). You and Helix made teased me and made fun of my deep voice lolololol. All of those memories will be cherished. Thank you Hanny :)

Yz(Tricky)-I always looked up to you as a leader, the way you ran your guilds was awesome and I'm happy I was apart of that. Being in many of your guilds and seeing your leadership in action.The few pvp matches we had was fun. I was in like almost ll your guilds and i would always leave them.Thank you for being one of the people to approve me as a mod. It's been a great run.I remember watching the Q&A video and hearing your accent it's great bro.Thanks for being one of the people I could go to when I had a problem or question.

Helix- Dude you really need to learn how to play bf3  8) I'm the best at that game and will teach you how to play one day. The hidden knife a tank skill will be taught to you one day. I assure you will be a great bf3 player when the time comes, please don't praise me.Your a cool dude Helix. Loved reading your rants on skype. xD You always spoke your mind and let people who how you felt, i think if it wasn't for skype we would have never truly met. Thank goodness we did I've enjoyed hearing that accent too much we should both eat a whole bucket of fried chicken one of these days.

Mete- Nobody gives you enough credit for all the work you've done here in BC. Without your gfxing there would be some really ugly items.Mete you have so much artistic potential, till this day I have no idea how you do what you do only with a mouse. You need a pen tablet asap it will cut lots of time spent working on a mod. Sharing color and design ideas is a great thing to talk about with you and I'd like to say sorry I wasn't as helpful as I could be. That day you played your guitar on skype was sick. Thanks you for all the good times we had.It's always nice to have a chat with you. ;3

Dannii- I always loved your paintings and wish to be as good at paint as you. Thanks for sharing your life stories, being apart of Genesis and helping me catch rule breakers.

Angrod- Make sure to read all my books nabby. You're a great signature maker and someone who inspired me to make sigs another person who did this was ManMeetDog, but he's no longer here.It was nice and random talking to you always still it was fun so whateverz. :3

Nik- Although it felt like we grew apart, I haven't and wont forget the great times we had. The story I sent you about how my pvp began was cute loloolol.  pvping alongside you was great and I love that you enjoyed looking at my art. I also enjoyed your art and talking to you about everything. We never opened that pvp school we had in mind. It would have been nice.

Corr- yooo we need to have a final pvp match Corr. >: c  You found out I was Crazy_Assassin pretty fast. I got that whisper "Krazy?" or something similar. As an old pvper , pvping you reminded me of what pvp used to be like. Your bvb teachings were great even though I was still bad afterwards, but it's mainly because I'm naturally bad at games in general(video games).

SpiderNab -(SpiderStar/laker fan newb) Being around you felt like talking to my brother since we talked about sports a lot, we both became mods/gms together and I think we were some of the best mods BC has ever had( my opinion). You always beat me at that bowling game in MSN i never got my payback and you quit and ran away! anyhow one day my volleyball team will face off vs your team and ofc my team will win  :-*   *Note*- I know he quit but it's in case he gets on one day.

Kenny- You called me the N word all the time.  :'(  You owe me some chicken nuggets for letting you make fun of me. It was funny skype trolling random people with you and I didn't agree on some things you did in BC, but it's not really my problem or up to me to change. I never got that animated coin head done, it would have been cool. Super missing the holo wars we had and the dance off we did when we were the only two left. Usually I was lady valor and you were kowbat when we had the dance off and lady v is too fast so you won most of them I think. xD

Toast- You can become a sg.... in your dreamsss hahahhahaha jk if you really want something in life go out and try to get it no matter what others say it's up to you to be successful. You're a good kid Toast. ;3

Oreos- I am proud to have you in Lone_Wolves with us you will always be apart of that LW family and I also want a last pvp match with you for old time sake. *Whispers*-"call toast a pg(point guard) shhhhhhhhhh. Playing with you in pvp was intense I don't remember you in sector much. xD

Ross-(Ross the boss)There should be a boss named after you in honor of what a great sector player you are. I always thought "oh ****" when I watched one of your speed runs.I remember I tried to do a speed run it's not as easy as it sounds.there's a strong urge to spam you again before I go.

Selene- it was nice helping you proof read posts and write up information for the staff section and report a rule breaker section plus you were very helpful since I didn't know how to get around the forums and what not, you helped me when I had question. pvping with you was fun even though you left sometimes but I understood why, you had staff related things to do and I respect that. We both liked some of the same music and shared video links from youtube. Thanks for everything selene.

Lyfey- I don't know much about bvb but you were the best bvber my eyes ever made contact with, thank you for that. I also wanted to say watching your record times in super mario nintendo 64 was phenomenal. I've played the game and can't scratch the surface of those times.Our skype calls were epic meng even though everyone called me the n word. :(

Sasuke- you need to show me more of your drawings and play toast 1v1 in basketball  :P

Robo- you sneaky sneaky dude got my rank 1 in Utopia!!!!!!!!! >: O lolol you're a good guy hold onto that rank 1 ;)

Tze- sorry I don't swing that way bud. ;3

Nep- putting all the chair and creeper jokes aside your a good guy

Darcky- AdiĆ³s mi amigo I will miss reading your spanish. xD hehehhehe

Nuc- I barely got to truly meet you ,but from the little time we did spend talking I had lots of was nice meeting you

^I will edit this and add more people later on. I have to go out later on today so I'm in a rush.

-Being a staff member here at Zylon Gaming-

As a staff member here I've always carried my sense of justice and tried to keep everything as fair as possible. I learned a great deal of things and was blessed with the opportunity to have helped so many people. I've never looked at a rule breaker and just thought "oh he's a bad person because he breaks the rules", these players who break the rules are like everyone else they just decided that breaking a rule to get what they want was an easy way out of getting that level legit. The only thing I disliked was people who lied to me although no rule breaker wants to tell on himself that would be dumb, but I had many who did open up and I explained to them why it was bad to cheat. They understood what I was explaining and stopped their silly ways.Few did lie and I found it rude, but I expected as much. I also never enjoyed banning people, most of the time before banning someone I would let them know what they did. Sometimes they logged off right after I did and I banned them and sometimes they stayed and listened to what I had to say.There's a lot of responsibility behind being a staff member you can't always speak your mind or say what you want, you represent not only yourself but the company as well. We aren't paid staff members(fm/mod/gm) and most of us agreed to do this because we like the game and wanted to be apart of it's success.I started off really energetic and full of life as a mod and then shortly after becoming a GM I started to slow down and become inactive. I play nowhere near as much as I did when I started there may be many reasons behind it, but mostly I've been busy with household problems and school projects.Some days I felt we lacked teamwork and unity, but other days made up for it so it was a balanced sort of thing we had going. I hope to one day be apart of something so kawl again. Thank you guys for making my experience here so delightful.

*Note*- I will be posting the rest later but I may have to go soon

This will take effect starting monday/tuesday when I leave
squirtle! squirtle! 



Wat you dont swing that way?  ::)

Anyways nice having you as a staff <3 Love you and hope you enjoy life.

Creator Of Mid-Air Block <--Corr told me to put this k.


DISCORD killyzkill


^**** im special xd


This is a real mans BB topic

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Byebye Materger

I shall see you on BF3 sometime


****  :'( I hope you will enjoy you're life you were the only gm i really could talk with  :-\ I will miss you budd  :-X

IGN: -Zepic- | Level: 225 | Guild: Assasins
Sympathy Veteran
Utopia Veteran


WOT  :o I'm not on the list

but really im extremely sad to see you go even though i never really had a chit-chat with you or hang around with you  :'(

good luck in life  :(


Bye Mat, come back again and try to beat one of Ross' speed runs.  ::)

Omnomnom eating toast.


Matty :'( Touching words up there. <3
I wish you all the best in life and hope you achieve everything you're aiming for my artist bud! :) I'm not a man of long goodbyes so that's really all I can say here (I talk to you on steam anyway) soo yah hope we can still chat from time to time. :D
Bbai!! 8)

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Materger, I will really miss you, this game wont be as fun without you !  Goodluck in life!  Thanks for the nice things you said. You are the nicest person I have ever known in real life or online.


September 06, 2013, 03:52:27 PM #11 Last Edit: September 06, 2013, 04:01:56 PM by RadioactiveB
Really hate to see u going.. Good luck on your Job on your life... i hope u succed on every thing your doing!
I will miss u And i hope u will come back to  visit!
Bye bye! Have fun!
i will ALWAYS remember you!

(met u as GloriousCharmZ)

P.S this Shouldnt be on "off topic"
It suposed ot be on Important info!!


AWW man , why u gotta go D: ?


We barely crossed paths but when we did you were a great guy and living up to the GM title like no one else. You're a great pvper, and an overall cool guy to be around, it's sad to see you go especially when we're just a few days away from the update. Good luck with your studies and your job.
Maybe you'll drop by once in a while to say hi and see what's new.
Good bye, we'll miss you!


Bye Mater I hope you have a good life <3 . I will miss you  :'(

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