Okay, I have an idea that allows for customization of parts in BC. Basically, you can "prestige" low level +7 parts to boost their stats until their stats cap at RT1 armor stats. A leveling system would need to be established, but I think the premise for creating useable low level armor is solid. Honestly, I'm not sure how the leveling would work because basically every aspect of this game is farmable. All I know is that people should be able to level their armor no matter what mode they play.
For example, you can prestige your Bladium +7 parts several times to obtain the stats of RT1 parts through this method. However, once these stats are achieved, you can no longer level your Bladium +7 parts.
To make things more understandable, you would need to level your Sabrecron +7 parts one more time than Bladium +7 parts in order to obtain the stats of RT1 parts. First, Sabrecron +7 parts would need to level once to have the stats of Bladium +7 parts. Then, they would need to level a second time to obtain Bladess +7 stats, until they reach the stats of RT1 armor. This process would repeat until the lowest Surge armor (Spiker).
You could possibly mark the person with armor such as this with an asterisk (*) in the room lobby. This would be similar to how RB packs appear on the player's name tag in the room lobby.
The whole premise of this idea is to add customization into the game. People would then have an actual reason to use sets such as +7 Hammer Head and +7 CAT.
Also, there is another idea that goes along with this. A stat cap could be used in PvP/BvB rooms to prevent players from using extremely overpowered items to keep the game fair. This still allows people to use their T3 and Raid sets (because it would cap their stats to the respective level 172 armor) without being unfair to those who do not or cannot use those parts.