my ign: scorbion19
My level: 78
Why i should be chosen for bots!! staff: no active staff is on (i know there isn't many players but 1 active staff would be nice?). I play the server a lot. I want to revive the server. There is a lot of spam on bots!! forms and i would like to get rid of it. Also there is many people who ask for help and assistance on bots!! that's never been on boutcheetah. On another note there is occasionally a few hackers here and there. I would enjoy taking care of these problems. I know my duty's as being staff. I know all the games rules. To me i like bots!! more than boutcheeah and i would love nothing more than to see it progress and succeed like boutcheetah has.
my intentions is to improve the game, remove the spam, help players, advertise bots!!, revive it, take care of rule breakers , and more
please consider it,