If I could offer any aspect of what I've observed with what's going on with you it's this:
In regards to your recent exchange with mat:
rules in the textbook are not a solid hammer by which you forge each and every person's circumstances with to fit, but just the opposite. The rules that are written are merely a moral guideline for which to uphold and it's okay to show compassion toward this already small community by utilizing alternate options (thinking outside the box) not stated in a book that is already otherwise limited in definition.
In regards to your views as "being hated because you're doing your job properly"
just because you're a staff member doesn't mean you need to be hated. Examples would be your fellow staff really. Selene, mat, code, allie etc are respected and they do their jobs quite excellently. Just as purple stated, you should take things with a grain of salt and I think a big part of "law enforcement" (although in game and not real life, w/e) is allowing yourself to recollect and responding to things without a negative mindset (such as being hated or being angry) to effect what you do in times of stress and pressure.
anyway. I admire that you have not cracked and on a 1 to 1 basis you're an alright guy.