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How to level ON YOUR OWN starting from level 1

Started by MapleStory, November 24, 2013, 01:07:16 AM

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November 24, 2013, 01:07:16 AM Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 01:21:23 PM by MapleStory

(Work In Progress)

From here on in the guide assumes that you have made an account, created a bot in-game, and have pressed F1 to get the controls.

Starting from the bottom

So you've just started the game, checked the controls, and now you're not quite sure what to do. First, you should familiarize yourself with the UI of the lobby, shop, and my info sections.


The lobby lets you chat to send gifts, mail, and trade while talking to other players. It also allows you to see everyone that's currently online, your friends that are currently online, and your guild members (if you have one).


Right when you enter the shop you'll notice your armor-less bot, your inventory, and items at the top of the screen. You can switch through the tabs to see the different types of items that you can use or equip. They should be fairly self-explanatory, but just incase:

Parts are Heads, Bodies, and arms. Heads affect HP. Bodies affect attack while transed. Arms affect attack while not transed.

Gear contains things that affect secondary stats, whereas parts that you buy from the store only affect primary stats. This is with the exception of coin heads, which i'll get to later.
Gear equips include: Mini Bots, Energy Fields, Guns, Wings, Shields, Arm Parts, and Flags.

Packs are things that you use rather than wear. Active Skills are skills that are used when pressing x + c at the same time. Passive skills are....passive skills. Trans packs change your transformation, Mercs are mercenaries that you can use in BvB or sector, and field packs are things like HP Packs and RB Packs that you can use on-demand. Currently there aren't any in the shop, though.
Note: You can only use a merc in sector if it is a coin merc.

The special tab basically contains miscellaneous things that don't directly affect you while playing a map. They're all pretty self explanatory.

My Info
My Info shows all of your stats, exp, level, and Bot-stract. It also gives you an option to delete your bot. Be careful, as deleting your bot deletes your gigas, too.

What now?
Now that you're familiar with the UI you're probably roaring to get started within the world of BoutCheetah. Well, first you should spend the 5000 gigas that you have!
You're gonna want an Active skill and a Passive skill if you want to effectively clear sector maps.

Active skill
What active skill you get is really up to you. Since you're new to the game, you should experiment and see which ones you like best. Generally Rush is considered to be the best, but that's not necessarily true for a low-level bot. I would recommend against using Stun-Attack though, as it's generally useless and does very low damage. I would also recommend Guard Crush because it's very noob friendly.

Passive skill
Passive skills aren't as useful as active skills, so it's a bit more lax as to which one you "should" get. Just like with active skills, you should experiment with passive skills, too. Most of the time people will get Break-fall or MobilityBoost, but since you can't afford MobilityBoost there isn't a very clear choice. If you're using the active skill Guard Crush then getting SmartDefense may be nice, because you can change your block & guard crush direction without having to open yourself up to an attack. However, Counterattack can also be a good choice, too. It's really just up to you.

Now that you've bought an active and passive skill, you have no money. You now have to start making money somehow, and a good way to do that is to play sector. So let's get started

This is where the fun starts. This section of the guide will include all the maps and the level that you should do each of them at. It will also provide tips and tricks about each one.


I don't have any tips for this. It's pretty simple and there's no way you're gonna fail it. Just get used to using your active skill and beat the map. You'll want to play this map until you're level 12, or until you want to move onto the next. Feel free to do it until level 12 though, as it will give the same exp as map 6.

Camp Invasion
I don't have many tips for this either. It's once again pretty simple and is made to be super easy. Just use your active skill as much as possible and do the map until you're level 17. Once again you can move on if you wish, but it will give the same exp as map 11.

This is where it can start to get difficult. can be really difficult. Here's how to beat it:
After beating the Scalper in front of you, you're going to run into a pack of nimbas. These can actually be pretty deadly as they tend to combo you for a long time when there are multiple of them. If you have rush, you want to use that and kill them as a group. If you don't then I suggest jump attacking or trying to kill them one-by-one with the other active skill that you chose.

Now you have two options, you can go up or down. I suggest that you go down. Even though you can't see immediate enemies, the main threat to the right will only be visible from the bottom side unless you get very close. You'll see what I mean once you get there.

You can ignore all enemies you find until you get to the end.

Once you get to the far right, go up and kill the BubbleBoy and Scalper. This will clear the section and allow you to pass. It's easiest to kill them by jump attacking or using rush / uppercut. Otherwise nearby mobs will attack you while you're trying to deal with the Scalper and BubbleBoy.

Now go further right and jump over the gap. Here you can ignore the nimbas and just focus on the Scalper. Chances are you're gonna have to jump attack to kill them as rush will generally just get you hit by the nimbas, and then they'll combo you a lot.

Now you can run down, jump over the gap and continue downward ignoring all enemies once again. Once you make it to the bottom just follow the path until you see the Scalper. Kill it and then move on.

You'll run into a BubbleBoy, which you once again have to kill before moving onward. Once you reach the next group of enemies you have to kill all of them. The Scalper, BubbleBoy, and 2 Nimbas.

Moving past that will lead you to the boss. Which is CodeRed.Killing him is going to be really hard, especially if you get unlucky and HP pick-ups don't drop. You'll want to lure him out away from the BubbleBoy and Nimba, though. Once you lure him out, chances are the BubbleBoy and Nimba will follow you. This is fine, but you have to kill them. This is best done jump attacking because you can still be hit while using rush or any other skill and CodeRed does a lot of damage.

If you successfully got CodeRed by himself and killed the BubbleBoy and Nimba, then goodjob. You've done half the work already. This is where what you do varies depending on the skills that you have.

You can just spam the rush skill until he dies. Try to hit him as he gets up though, to minimize the chance of being hit.

You'll want to knock him down with Uppercut, stand right next to him, and block. You want to Uppercut again after he hits you once.

You'll want to GuardCrush him 5 times and then jump attack. This will knock him down without him auto countering you. Repeat until he's dead.

You'll want to knock him down with Ion-Wave, stand right next to him, and block. You want to Ion-Wave again after he hits you once.

Stun-Attack or no skill
You'll want to use the infinite combo technique and then jump attack before he auto counters. The infinite combo is done via pressing v v v x as fast as possible, using block (x) to reset the attack count. You'll know you're doing it right when you can hit the enemy an infinite number of times without knocking it down. Obviously you will eventually mess up, though. Keep in mind CodeRed also automatically counters after your 6th hit on him.

If these techniques don't work for you
Then I would suggest asking someone within the lobby to give you a coin gun or enough coins for a coin gun. Coin guns are an exceptional way to clear maps early on, as long as you use them wisely. If someone is kind enough to give you a coin gun, ask for Light if they let you pick. It does the most damage by far. (9750 total damage vs 8550 from justice)

You'll want to repeat this map until you're level 22.

Deciding what level to do next
Now that you're level 22, or close to it, you have to find a new map to do. Your first thought might be 17 because it's the next map on the list, but that may not be the best choice. If you can get a coin gun from someone then I suggest that you do map 37 X Storage Deck. This is because the level is insanely easy to speedrun requiring minimal mob kills. The map is small, too. If you got a coin gun feel free to skip to the X Storage Deck section.

Virus Entrance
This is pretty much the same for map 11. You run by and kill key mobs, the key mobs should be in the same spot. It's just a bit more difficult. If needed i'll re-explain for this version of the map but I don't feel that's necessary right now.

Lake Virus Entrance
I'll start off saying this map is fairly long and isn't the best map to do to level up, and that if you have a coin gun I would suggest skipping to map 37 X Storage Deck.

The beginning is self-explanatory and should be fairly easy at this point. Once you start going upward, however, you can skip all the nimbas and slammers. You just need to kill the BubbleBoy at the end of the path. Then kill the next section of enemies up ahead.
Once again it becomes self-explanatory. You just kill all the mobs within the section. After you've gone through 2 sections you'll notice some barrels at the top of the screen and the path continue on to the right. You can go across the barrels to kill another mob, however there isn't any benefit to this. It's best to just continue along the path. After clearing a section of various mobs, you'll meet the boss. It's CodeRed again, so you'll want to lure him out and do the following depending on your skillset:

You can just spam the rush skill until he dies. Try to hit him as he gets up though, to minimize the chance of being hit.

You'll want to knock him down with Uppercut, stand right next to him, and block. You want to Uppercut again after he hits you once.

You'll want to GuardCrush him 5 times and then jump attack. This will knock him down without him auto countering you. Repeat until he's dead.

You'll want to knock him down with Ion-Wave, stand right next to him, and block. You want to Ion-Wave again after he hits you once.

Stun-Attack or no skill
You'll want to use the infinite combo technique and then jump attack before he auto counters. The infinite combo is done via pressing v v v x as fast as possible, using block (x) to reset the attack count. You'll know you're doing it right when you can hit the enemy an infinite number of times without knocking it down. Obviously you will eventually mess up, though. Keep in mind CodeRed also automatically counters after your 6th hit on him.

If these techniques don't work for you
Then I would suggest asking someone within the lobby to give you a coin gun or enough coins for a coin gun. Coin guns are an exceptional way to clear maps early on, as long as you use them wisely. If someone is kind enough to give you a coin gun, ask for Light if they let you pick. It does the most damage by far. (9750 total damage vs 8550 from justice)

You'll want to do this map until you're level 37.

Lake Virus
There isn't any reason to do this map. Seriously, just skip it and go onto map 37 X Storage Deck. However, if you're hell bent on doing this map, then it's pretty much the same as Lake Virus Entrance.

X Storage Deck without coin gun
This is gonna be a really easy level to do once you get used to it. I recommend using Rush or GuardCrush for this. Rush is probably better, but I personally use GuardCrush because sometimes the boss decides to continually block your shots/hits.

When you first start you'll want to kill all of the mobs within the first two sections. This is where rush is most helpful, and it makes it quite a bit easier. If you decide not to use rush then you'll want to jump attack or use your active skill when you see fit. After the second section, you'll be able to go right on the lower ground or right on the high ground, I suggest you go on the high ground. You can ignore any mobs you find up here, but you want to continue until you reach a gap. Jump over and go back to the low ground.

You just need to kill the Klubba and then move forward. Once again ignore all enemies until you reach the far right Klubba. There will be two, you only need to kill the one on the far right. After killing the Klubba the boss will spawn. BoxVendor. He's one of the most annoying bosses and mini-bosses in the game.Sometimes he'll constantly block and when he attacks you he may do a rapid chain of attacks hitting you 3 times pretty much instantly. You'll want to use your active skill or trans to kill him. If you trans it's probably best to jump attack or try to infinite combo him until he dies. If you don't have a coin trans, though, then your combo will probably be too slow. Keep in mind BoxVendor does counter attack just like codered.

X Storage Deck with coin gun

This is gonna be a really easy level to do once you get used to it. I recommend using Rush or GuardCrush for this. Rush is probably better, but I personally use GuardCrush because sometimes the boss decides to continually block your shots/hits.

When you first start you'll want to kill all of the mobs within the first section. This is where rush is most helpful, and it makes it quite a bit easier. If you decide not to use rush then you'll want to jump attack or use your active skill when you see fit. On the second section you want to shoot the Klubba twice with your coin gun, and then finish him and the wazzus off normally. After the second section, you'll be able to go right on the lower ground or right on the high ground, I suggest you go on the high ground. You can ignore any mobs you find up here, but you want to continue until you reach a gap. Jump over and go back to the low ground.

You just need to kill the Klubba and then move forward. Shoot him twice and then finish him off. Once again ignore all enemies until you reach the far right Klubba. Do the same to it. There will be two, you only need to kill the one on the far right. After killing the Klubba the boss will spawn. BoxVendor. He's one of the most annoying bosses and mini-bosses in the game.Sometimes he'll constantly block and when he attacks you he may do a rapid chain of attacks hitting you 3 times pretty much instantly. You'll want to spam your coin gun until he dies. If he blocks, stop shooting and fire again. If he blocks that, too, then go up to him and use GuardCrush and spam your gun again. A lot of things can go wrong here, but you'll get the hang of it eventually.



This looks really good so far :D

You might also add which ZC items are worth buying, and which aren't.  Like, hallo set is good for short term, but not long term, Jack is better to wait and pay with gigas/items, DM and MetoWings are definitely worth it, etc. etc.

Idk if this fits the type of guide that you're attempting, though, so it's up to you....

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


Quote from: Thornz on November 24, 2013, 01:16:17 AM
This looks really good so far :D

You might also add which ZC items are worth buying, and which aren't.  Like, hallo set is good for short term, but not long term, Jack is better to wait and pay with gigas/items, DM and MetoWings are definitely worth it, etc. etc.

Idk if this fits the type of guide that you're attempting, though, so it's up to you....

This may turn into something like Cyber's old guide if I get around to it. If you'd like to tell me which ones are worth it and which ones aren't, i'll do it. You have to give your reasoning, ofc, but I don't know enough about the market surrounding the ZC items to be very specific.

If you were to create that section of the guide, i'd credit you. Also, you wouldn't need to format it. PMing me with a wall of text would be good enough.

Quote from: nanak tatum on November 24, 2013, 01:19:29 AM
Most low levels will find out that it is easier to spend 2k on a lucky and leech from a higher level.

leeching sucks go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Quote from: nanak tatum on November 24, 2013, 01:23:14 AM
Quote from: MapleStory on November 24, 2013, 01:20:25 AM
Quote from: Thornz on November 24, 2013, 01:16:17 AM
This looks really good so far :D

You might also add which ZC items are worth buying, and which aren't.  Like, hallo set is good for short term, but not long term, Jack is better to wait and pay with gigas/items, DM and MetoWings are definitely worth it, etc. etc.

Idk if this fits the type of guide that you're attempting, though, so it's up to you....

This may turn into something like Cyber's old guide if I get around to it. If you'd like to tell me which ones are worth it and which ones aren't, i'll do it. You have to give your reasoning, ofc, but I don't know enough about the market surrounding the ZC items to be very specific.

If you were to create that section of the guide, i'd credit you. Also, you wouldn't need to format it. PMing me with a wall of text would be good enough.

Quote from: nanak tatum on November 24, 2013, 01:19:29 AM
Most low levels will find out that it is easier to spend 2k on a lucky and leech from a higher level.

leeching sucks go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Leeching is more beneficial towards the low levels though.

leeching turns the game into a purely social experience. Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

^**** im special xd


Quote from: Purple on November 24, 2013, 01:26:01 AM
Quote from: nanak tatum on November 24, 2013, 01:23:14 AM
Quote from: MapleStory on November 24, 2013, 01:20:25 AM
Quote from: Thornz on November 24, 2013, 01:16:17 AM
This looks really good so far :D

You might also add which ZC items are worth buying, and which aren't.  Like, hallo set is good for short term, but not long term, Jack is better to wait and pay with gigas/items, DM and MetoWings are definitely worth it, etc. etc.

Idk if this fits the type of guide that you're attempting, though, so it's up to you....

This may turn into something like Cyber's old guide if I get around to it. If you'd like to tell me which ones are worth it and which ones aren't, i'll do it. You have to give your reasoning, ofc, but I don't know enough about the market surrounding the ZC items to be very specific.

If you were to create that section of the guide, i'd credit you. Also, you wouldn't need to format it. PMing me with a wall of text would be good enough.

Quote from: nanak tatum on November 24, 2013, 01:19:29 AM
Most low levels will find out that it is easier to spend 2k on a lucky and leech from a higher level.

leeching sucks go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Leeching is more beneficial towards the low levels though.

leeching turns the game into a purely social experience. Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I think it's good to follow this guide to gain skill at actually playing, though. Ofc people can always leech, but that doesn't require a guide, lol 8)

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


I'd appreciate the leeching argument out of this thread. This is a guide, after all. I would prefer only comments/criticism/concerns on the thread. 


In this game... all people need to do.
1) Leech from higher level till they can do 172. Charge and trans and gun for level 172.
2) Be Patch with TA, Do level 228.
3) Do level 239, with people and leech.

The other levels aren't worth playing because they take too long. Leeching will make everything faster.
IGN-SilverLightC    Level-221


Quote from: Dooow on November 24, 2013, 02:34:12 AM
In this game... all people need to do.
1) Leech from higher level till they can do 172. Charge and trans and gun for level 172.
2) Be Patch with TA, Do level 228.
3) Do level 239, with people and leech.

The other levels aren't worth playing because they take too long. Leeching will make everything faster.

First off you're wrong. You don't need a gun for 172, because chances are you'll have too much trans left over to warrant waiting to untrans.

Second, I said I didn't want the leeching argument continued on this thread.


My bad, didn't seem to bother to read it.  ::) Truly sorry. 
IGN-SilverLightC    Level-221



Quote from: MapleStory on November 24, 2013, 02:01:37 AM
I'd appreciate the leeching argument out of this thread. This is a guide, after all. I would prefer only comments/criticism/concerns on the thread. 
So nobody reply anything about leeching from now on or you'll be warned.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


I just realized that th guide is perfect for someone trying to level on the low server :D


IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants

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