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Out of Curiosity - Opinions Wanted

Started by Allie, December 05, 2010, 03:15:20 AM

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Two chapters of a book I wrote a year ago.
Some of you might have already read it.
I've thought of writing the rest of it: how good of a writer do you think I am?
If you have any suggestions for me, please suggest them.

Kind of an asking of a CnC, I suppose.

Chapter 1

   "So this is it huh..this is where it is... Simply amazing.." Fira whispered under her breathe in the freezing rain. She stared up at the large building ahead of her, amazed at what she was looking at. Slowly, as if afraid something would jump out from behind one of the hundreds of statues just outside of the building, she continued up the path and to the very well structured entrance. Fira could see a window, but it was not lit.
   Walking inside the building, Fira found herself in a pink room filled with marble furniture. A large marble structure held what seemed to be a crystal ball between two mirrors. Quickly, Fira headed past and continued up the stairs.
   The stairs seemed to be carved into the wall, brightly lit by marble and flaming from the fire place. "I wonder.. what is this?!" Fira screamed as she saw what was in the middle of the top room. "It's...metal? Flowing metal! And what's this..?" Fira could not stop staring at what was floating inside the metal. "It's..a person. What?! Okay..no. I must find what I came here for." She looks around the marble covered room and sees no exit aside from the stairs.
   "It must be here somewhere..this is the place, right..?" She peered around the large room and decided to check the dresser for an answer. She found nothing. "I know..it must be the book cases." After about a half hour of looking in each of the sixteen book cases, she finally found something worth looking at.
   "The Mine..exactly it! It says..I knew it. I'm in the right place." Fira looks around one last time and again gets the same empty result. "But where..oh! This page should give me some answers:
Deep within the mine lies something beyond imagination.
Sleeping within is something noone shall ever believe.
Unbelievable wealth is found within, if it be found.
The location is somewhere in this very room.
It is right beside a flower.
The carpet is damaged, it must be pulled.

   "What..?" Fira looked around the room and saw many flowers. She decided to look where there were three flowers piled right next to each other. "Torn carpet..this is it. Wow, lucky guess."
   Fira tore out the carpet and, as expected, there was a marble trap door. Opening the trap door, she was faced with a rope ladder. "Well..guess I gotta do this." She slowly allowed her body among the ropes with her arms holding her up. She then slid down the rope.
   "....." Fira's face immediately turned pale. "My god... what is this?!"
   Fira jumped as the water-filled cave then began to shake. "....." The cave shook again. "This is insane.... I gotta get out of here!" She said as it continued to shake.
   Looking around, she found a ladder. "This is my only hope.." She runs for it, tripping several times due to the intensity of the quake. At the quickest pace she possible can, Fira makes it up the ladder and out into the brightly shining woods.

Chapter 2

   "...Agh.. what happened..?" Fira thought to herself wearily. "Oh well..I'm alone in the woods, I'd best get out of here. He must be waiting for me."
   She began to follow a path created by fallen logs and finds herself completely lost. She heard faint whispers and began to panic. Fira knew something was coming.
   Only moments later, Fira found herself face to face with an unknown sparkling monster. "What's this..?" Before she could think twice, she saw another of them, and each of them began to come closer.
   "No..go away!" Fira took out her bow and took a shot. The shot went straight through the monster, completely doing no harm. "What are you.." Both of them suddenly jumped at Fira. Without a second thought, she ran for her life in the other direction, just to hear a slash.
   "Oh c'mon, Fira..don't tell me you couldn't take them," came a familiar voice. At once, Fira turned around. "Basil!"
   "Hey, Fira," Basil replied.
   "What..umm..happened just then?" Fira questioned.
   "You're joking, right? That was a ghost, a simple figment. Nothing to worry about. Anyway, I am guessing you need my help. Considering you couldn't take down a simple--"
   "-Shut up." Fira interrupted. "I could have.....heh."
   "Okay, if you say so...so do you or do you not need my help?"
   "Well...no, not real-"
   "I'm helping anyway" Basil demanded. "It's obvious you're not too well at fighting, and besides, you need to have company every now and then. Don't get too lonely. So don't sweat it, 'kay?"
   "Umm..yeah..sure.." Fira replied hesitantly.
   "Also.." Basil reaches into his back pack, "I have vital supplies we will need. This includes first aid, food, and weapons to defend yourself against these ghosts. As you may have discovered, they are not ordinary - they require special weapons. If you would like to continue being a ranger, than here." Basil hands Fira various kinds of arrows.
   "Errm..these arrows..they look..and feel kinda... strange."
   "True, but it is neccessary. So get used to it." At that, Basil walked down the log path and urged Fira to come with him.
   After several hesitant moments, she decided to follow.

   Hours passed, and no exit seemed to be in sight. "Basil, do you know where you're going?" Fira questioned.
   "Yes, of course I do. Twilite Town should be up here somewhere, another two hour walk or so."
   "Ughh...isn't there a shortcut or something?"
   "Damn you complain a lot...look! It's another ghost!" Basil pointed out. Basil and Fira both watched as it moved beyond the trees. It never seemed to move any closer, yet Fira felt the emptiness of it in her skin.
   "Take care of it, Fira. You can do it now."
   "You're joking.." Basil simply backed off and watched. Moments passed and she realized he wasn't joking. She took her aim and released the shot. The ghost tripped up into the tree and vaporized on the spot.
   "I did it!" Fira screamed.
   "Yes indeed you did, Fira. Told you you could."
   "Okay, where is this town? I could take sleeping in a bed..you can't imagine how long it's been." Excitement was contained in Fira's voice.
   "It is about two hours ahead. Just keep walking. I assure you we will make it safely in no time." At that, they continued walking without a word, Fira staring at her bow with gleam in her eye.
   She knew what was ahead, but she didn't care. She knew what Basil had just given her was special.
   They were magic







You have made me want to remove this topic.


k I'm sorry, Just want to point out that the name brings out the story. Boring name = No one wants to read.





Eh. I give you a 7.5/10.
I don't like the name. It means nothing to me or anyone else, and it poses no concept that I would like to be told about. The name should be short, meaningful and captivating. It should rapt the potential reader with curiosity on a glance.

Some of your words could be replaced with a more fitting word.


This was based off a game, if you couldn't tell by me/Patti speaking that we still play it sometimes.
This is only two chapters, which is just 2mins of the game.
The title would make perfect sense if you knew the whole story.

So rate on content, not name.


The fact of the matter is FiraXion is a awesome game but no one understands untill they play it.


Interesting. Now continue with the other chapters.


Nice, More chapters though and you have your self a book ;)


i didnt read all of it but if you start a chapter using past simple you need to use it for the rest of the chapter unless you change subject or stuff


Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie

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