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Thank's Boutcheetah -Darcky

Started by ramluis123, December 24, 2013, 09:14:28 PM

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Hi Guys, I'm Darcky Please Translante This Post :

Hola, Mi Nombre Es Zefyr Daniels, Me gustaria decirles a todos ustedes Mi Pequeña historia en este jeugo llamado "Boutcheetah" , Miren, Amo Este juego, Todo comenzo Siendo Lvl 1, Todos me hacian "Flaming" Por ser solamente Español, Siempre me Kickeaban de todas las partidas, Recuerdan que a todos los lvls -200 Los Kickeaban? Bueno.. No Quiero decir que me voy de este juego, solamente es una leve historia, Boutcheetah Basicamente es como una red social para mi, Puedo convivir y puedo Bromear con todos y Eso es lo que amo mas de ese jeugo, Como con Admins (Allie And Kenny) Que aunque no me entiendan, siempre me gusta hacerlos reir, De cualquier modo, Me Comenze a sentir mas atraido a el juego ,cuando nuestra Administradora Allie, Coloco el nuevo mapa de : 8P (65K Experiencia) El cual me pude unir a Redemption y Me Sentia Como todo chico nuevo en un clan, Empeze a tener una competicion con el primero de la lista "Aln" Que en ese tiempo tenia 100k De GP Aln, Yo Tenia 0.. Empeze a vencer uno por uno, Hasta am i buena amiga de Experiences (Antiguamente Mod Hanna Llege a tener 11m De Guildpoints,y Me Senti orgulloso de mi logro, Quise que todos me querieran que me Admiraran en tal punto, Era divertido jugar con todos, pero Despues conoci a Dannii, Que muchos la pueden conocer,  Ella posiblemente Puede ser una Falsa amiga, pero Aun Me Cae bien, Me Apollo y me dio alguna que otra sonrisa Al igual que Hanna, Que me dio muchisimas sonrisas y siempre me apollaba, Reiamos.. Pero.. Saben, No Tengo Familia cercana, casi siempre estoy solo en casa, Y Basicamente, Boutcheetah es mi familia, No Es que sea un antisocial, pero La unica que tengo En Mi Vida es a Mi Novia, Pero esta en un hospital aun algo grave, la voy a visitar de vez en cuando, Le Doy la gracias a todos los amigos que pudo aver tenido en boutcheetah como.. Calvin,Hanna,Dannii (Aunque no lo crean), Ross (Eres muy bromista),-Exe-, Scorp,Vishagas, Medchill,Baggie,Allie,Detrek,Firey,CharmZ, .. Muchos me dicen : "Is Just Game!" Pero Llego a quererlos tanto, que si me llegan a dejar o traicionar, lloro.. Asi es comienzo a llorar, Simepre quise ser "Alguien" En Este juego y supongo que deje una pequeña marca de Lobo! RAWR! Jeje.. Que algunos me recuerdan, Pero poco a poco me odian algunos, Quise probar ser todo, Mod O Buen Jugador o Una legenda Ese tipos de cosas, Al ver que no tengo a nadie en esta vida que peuda sacarme uan sornisa, solamente Mi Novia, Al ver como se van todos, me dan muchas ganas de demostrar que aun los sigo Queriendo, Le doy las gracias a Boutcheetah, Por darme esta vida cibernetica, donde yo Represente ser competitivo en todos los aspectos, Top 10 En El Ranking, Gracias a todos esos Amigos que me dieron inspiracion, Gracias a Allie Por Corregirme cuando yo cometia un error, Gracias Dannii Por Demostrarme que si puedo superar cualquier meta que pueda, Gracias Exe Por Demostrarme Que si podre aun asi sea muy dificil, Gracias Hanna, Por Demostrarme que si eres una verdadera amiga, Gracias HyunWoo (Calvin Klein) Por Decirme que es un juego, Pero Recuerda que Eres y Seras Mi Mejor Amigo, Por enseñarme de todo, En Resumen, Gracias boutcheetah Por Sacar dentro de mi, Ser Competitivo, Esforsarme para conseguir las cosas, Ser Leal,Ser Alegre y reirme de mi mismo, Muchos me odian, pero Gracias a ellos tambien Por inspirarme a ser como soy, Ser el chico que Pudo superar mucahs cosas, Posiblemente pocos lo entiendan, o no le guste este mensaje.. pero Me Gustaria que Comprendan, que Esto no es solo un juego, Posiblemente encuentres a Tu Amigo y conocerlo en la vida real,  Gracias a Redemption Por Sacar lo mejor de mi y Superar lo poco que poda hacer, Espero que este juego siga asi, Llegara lejos, Asi que no se tomen enserio cualquier cosa que le digan, Sigan el juego , Ya Lelvo 1 año en este juego y pues.. Fue Genial, Si Pudiera conversar con ustedes en ingles, Les diria cosas que les anime el dia, pero con mis ingles de Escuela, No podre, Seguire en este juego Esta navidad, Asi que Intenten No Formar rivalidad entre Guild,s Quieranse y no discrimen, Asi daran buen ejemplo a otros clanes, I Love All! ^^

Att : Darcky - Zefyr - Carckie - Wolf - Nub (Ross plz)


google translate:

(click to show/hide)

That is very nice what u said   goodluck in life


Quote from: Cooky on December 24, 2013, 09:17:16 PM
google translate:

Hello, My Name Is Zefyr Daniels, I would like to tell all of you my little story in this jeugo called " Boutcheetah " Look, I love this game, all started being Level 1 , they made me all "Flaming " Being only Spanish , I always Kickeaban of all items , remember that all lvls -200 the Kickeaban ? Well .. No I mean I 'm out of this game , it's only a slight history, Boutcheetah Basically it's like a social network for me, I live and I can Joking with everyone and that's what I love more than that jeugo , As with Admins ( Allie And Kenny ) That although they do not understand me , I always like to make them laugh Anyway, I started to feel more attracted to the game when our Administrator Allie , I put the new map : 8P ( 65K Experience ) Who could join me Redemption and I felt like a whole new kid clan, I started to have a competition with the first of the " Aln " that at that time had 100k GP Aln from list, I tapeworm 0 .. I started to beat one by one , until i am good friend of Experiences ( Formerly Mod Hanna arrives at 11m De Guildpoints have , and I proud of my accomplishment I felt , I wanted all that I admire querieran at that point , was fun to play with all but After I met Dannii , which can meet the many , She may possibly be a False friend, but still falls well me , Me and Apollo gave me the occasional smile like Hanna , which gave me lots of smiles and always apollaba me , laughing .. But .. you know, do not have immediate family , usually I'm home alone, AND Basically Boutcheetah is my family, not is it an antisocial, but the only one that I have in my Life is my Girlfriend, but is in a hospital even something serious , I'll visit from time to time, I give the thanks to all the friends you could aver as it had in boutcheetah .. Calvin , Hanna , Dannii ( believe it or not ) , Ross ( 're very joker ) - Exe - Scorp , Vishagas , Medchill , Baggie , Allie , Detrek , Firey , Charmz .. Many say: " Game Is Just " But I get to love them so much that if I get to leave or betray , cry .. So is beginning to mourn , it always wanted to be " somebody " in this game and I guess that leaves a small mark Lobo ! RAWR ! Hehe .. that some remember me , but gradually I hate some, I wanted to prove everything , Mod O or A Good Player that legend kinds of things , Seeing that I have no one in this world that get me uan sornisa jdb can only My Girlfriend, Seeing as everyone will give me eager to demonstrate that even the still wanted , I thank to Boutcheetah , cybernetics by giving me this life , where I Stand be competitive in all aspects , in the Top 10 Ranking , Thanks to all those who gave me inspiration Friends , Thanks to Allie for Correct me when I was making a Error Dannii Thanks for showing me that if I can overcome any goal you can, Thanks For Exe Show me what if I can even so very hard , Thanks Hanna, For Show me that if you are a true friend , Thank HyunWoo ( Calvin Klein ) Tell me what 's on a game , but remember that you and Seras my Best Friend , for teaching me everything in summary , Thanks for Taking boutcheetah inside me, Be Competitive , Esforsarme to get things , Be Loyal , Be Cheerful and laugh at myself, Many hate me , but also thanks to them for inspiring me to be myself , be the guy who beat mucahs Could things possibly few will understand , or you do not like this post .. but I wish understand that this is not just a game , possibly find to Your Friend and you know in real life , thanks to Redemption by Bringing out the best of me and overcome what little pruning done, I hope this game continues like this, come away , so do not take seriously anything that say , Follow the game, already Lelvo one years in this game and it was Great .. , If I Could converse with you in English , I would say things to encourage them on the day , but with my English School, No pus, I will continue in this This Christmas game , so Try not to train rivalry Guild, s Quieranse and do not discriminate , Asi will give good example to other clans, I Love All ^ ^

was about to say the same thing  :(


Quote from: Cooky on December 24, 2013, 09:17:16 PM
I tapeworm 0
Ahh, good ol google translate.

Anyways, good luck in life, don't forget to have some laughs along the way, bye.
Quote from: Materger
I am now an Oreos fan!
Quote from: Allie
Oreos was a failed project.


Hello, my name is Zefyr Daniels, I would like to tell everyone my little story in this game called "BoutCheetah", look, I love this game. Everything started when I was lvl 1, everyone flamed me because I was spanish, they always kicked me from all the rooms, remember that everyone that wasn't lvl 200 was kicked? Well.. I dont want to say im leaving the game, this is just a short story, Boutcheetah is basically a social network for me, I can joke and live together with everyone, and thats what I love the most from this game, like with the admins (Allie and kenny), even though they couldnt understand me, I always like to make them laugh, in every way, I started to become more attached to the game, when our Admin, Allie, created the new map 8P (65K Experience), that one map that allowed me to join Redemption, and I felt like a new member in a clan, I started having a competition with the number 1 on the list, "Aln", that in that time, he had 100K GP, I had 0.... I started overcoming everyone one by one, even my good friend Experiences (Known before as Mod Hanna), I reached 11m GP and I felt proud of my achievement, I wanted that everyone loved me and admire me. AIt was fun playing with everyone, but then I met Dannii, that alot of you may know, she may be a fake friend, but I still like her as a friend, because she supported me and she made me smile like Hanna, she made me smile alot and always supported me too, we laughed, but, you know, I dont have a close family or close friends, Im almost always alone in my house, and basicaly, BoutCheetah is my family, Its not that i am antisocial, but the only person i have in my life, is my girlfriend, but shes in the hospital, in a serious condition, I go visit her here and then. I thank all my friends that I had in Boutcheetah, like Calvin, Hanna, Dannii, Ross, -eXe-, Scorp, Vishegas, Med, Baggie, Allie, Detrek, Firey, CharmZ. Alot of you tell me this is just a game, but I reach a point in where I like all of you alot, that if you leave me or betray me, I cry. Yes, I start crying, I always wanted to be "someone" in this game and y suppose I left a Wolf Mark! RAWR! Haha... That some of you remember (the "mark" he mentioned earlier), but people start to hate me slowly, I wanted to try everything, A Moderator, A good Player or a Legend, you know, that kind of things. When I see that I dont have anyone in this life that can make me smile (apart from my Girlfriend) seeing how everyone goes, I want to show that I love you guys, I thank boutcheetah, For giving me this cybernetic life, in which I represented someone who was competitive in all aspects (Top 10 in Rankings) Thanks to all of my friends that gave me inspiration. Thanks Allie for fixing my mistakes, Thanks Dannii to show me that I can overcome every goal that I put myself, Exe for showing me that I can do something even if its hard, Thanks Hanna, for showing me that you're a true friend, Thanks HyunWoo (CK) for telling me that this is a game, but remember that you are and will be my best friend for showing me everything. My point is, Thanks Boutcheetah for showing me who I am, being competitive, putting effort to achieve stuff, being loyal, happy and funny at the same time. Alot of you hate me, but I thank them too for inspiring me onto who I am, being the kid that could overcome alot of things, possibly just a little part of you guys will get this, or will not like this message.... but I would like that for you guys to comprehend me, that this is not just a game, possibly find your friend and meet him in real life, thanks Redemption for getting out the best of me and overcome the few things I could do, I hope this game keeps doing well, it will go far. So dont take anything serious, keep doing it, I already have a year in this game and well.... it was cool, If I could talk with you guys in english, I would tell you guys stuff that would brighten up your day, but my current english (from school), I cannot do such thing. I will continue playing in this Christmas, so try not to create any rivalry in between guilds, Love each other, do not discriminate, so then you will give a good example to another clans, I Love All!

I replaced some of the stuff with common slangs, but they still make sense.
Uh, Darcky, Bye I guess


Quote from: Vobck on December 24, 2013, 10:44:32 PM
(click to show/hide)

I replaced some of the stuff with common slangs, but they still make sense.
Uh, Darcky, Bye I guess

Wow very touching, especially the end! Wiser words could not have been spoken  :)


Cya darcky. Was nice having you play BC, and for redemption. :)
Merry christmas, happy holidays. Have a good one. :)


Bye I like the sweet smell of ur cologne. Will miss it :(
IGN: MisterZ

ZeaL - Rank 1 in antagonizing, just

Rub me out like genies, won't concede til I'm graffiti
Quote from: Yz on January 14, 2012, 06:48:35 PM
mrz is like top 40 and would probly be like
"fuk yeh n00bs im god bow to god''


Quote from: JustRK on December 24, 2013, 10:56:22 PM
Quote from: Vobck on December 24, 2013, 10:44:32 PM
(click to show/hide)

I replaced some of the stuff with common slangs, but they still make sense.
Uh, Darcky, Bye I guess

Wow very touching, especially the end! Wiser words could not have been spoken  :)

thanks a lot Xx Itz Ian for the sign ^ .. :D

IGN: MasterOfBout
Guild: Redemption


(click to show/hide)


Cya, Darcky and good luck IRL. ;)
Merry Christmas and happy holidays
IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock

STC Zero

Darcky, no se si me recuerdas en Systematic q tmbn empeze como tu de 0 siempre siendo discriminado XD y hasta algunas veces botado, fuiste un gran ejemplo para mi amigo de verdad como lider ( a pesar q Vish era lider de Systematic tu parecias lider en vez de el XD ) . Ahora tengo mi propio clan y de verdad empiezo a ver que realmente ser un lider no es facil, siempre tener q estar atento pedir q sean leales etc. En fin de verdad que eres un buen amigo y me enseñaste mucho como mi primer tutor aca en BoutCheetah si es que te acuerdas XD, si algun dia miras este post y vuelves a BC tienes un espacio en mi guild, se que todavia soy pobre en BC XD pero un guild no se hace de la noche a la mañana, Espero vuelvas Bro. WE MISS YOU!!! :)


please dont revive 1 year old threads

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