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Rebring the lvl-cap

Started by Ramk1ng, January 24, 2014, 07:45:53 PM

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I'm here to bring a suggestion which many of u might disagree on.

Like the title says, i want to bring the Level cap back in-game.

The reason i would like to see this is, since the lvl-cap was removed and u get 65k xp a game ( or a bit less ) each time u did 258, people now jump within 20 minutes of leeching in a room from lvl 1 to almost as crazy as 150 if not more.

When i joined the game, of course in the beginning i leeched.     But i had to work hard to gain the lvls which i wanted to reach. Countless hours would get in the game to lvl-up and gain more and more GP.
Nowadays its just making a new account, join a room with 258 and all u gotta do is click the button that says ready And perhaps if u got a bossy type playing the game u might need to suicide as well, how easy do you want to have it?

  People which have the level around 200-225 are still allmost new in this game, have a lack of experience and don't got a clue how to play the game properly by itself.      When i started playing ,the player which had the highest lvl were almost like gods to me, i looked up to them but now, there are countless people with lvl 225 .

That is for a reason to suggest to bring back a lvl-cap or some way to make leveling harder for the low levels. I Really hope people will react positively on it, but yet its a negative thing to some people in the community so i will understand that people are going to hate the idea.


I would like it if they made it so that u cannot level up more then once per game

it might help with what u are talking about (too easy for low levels)


Quote from: Cooky on January 24, 2014, 07:48:55 PM
I would like it if they made it so that u cannot level up more then once per game

it might help with what u are talking about (too easy for low levels)

Yes indeed, that would probably be the best idea, i just hope people will like this idea enough to bring it back to the game.


This was one of the reasons i quitted this game.


Quote from: Delta on January 24, 2014, 07:51:10 PM
This was one of the reasons i quitted this game.

The lvl-cap existing or people being able to lvl up to quick?


When you say lvl cap you mean not allowing people to level up more than once per game, correct? If so, I'd +1 this, as long as players still get normal GP, and only their exp gets capped...

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


January 24, 2014, 08:00:13 PM #6 Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 08:11:52 PM by DevilzDemise
Yeah, i disagree with bringing the level cap back. However, making it so it's not as easy to level is a good option. Considering i reached 270 within a month. Also, like some players i've spoken too who have been 225 didn't know the difference between survival or raid, didn't know you get more xp from survival parts, or occasional how to even combo. I mean yeah not everyone is good at the game i get that, but some things are generally picked up before hitting 225. But i'm going to contradict myself in saying, that i don't actually mind it either as i enjoy being a high level, having the new maps come out and all that jazz.


Pretty sure he doesn't mean to lower the level cap down from 270....

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


Quote from: Thornz on January 24, 2014, 07:59:17 PM
When you say lvl cap you mean not allowing people to level up more than once per game, correct? If so, I'd +1 this, as long as players still get normal GP, and only their exp gets capped...

Yes indeed, this will only effect lvling once per game, since (we the higher lvls) dont lvl more than once a game it wont make a difference ;)

An other idea might be that for people that are more then

200 lvls apart from the lvl that they are playing, get just 40%

People who plays a game wich has 150 levels in between, would get 50%

100 levels distance 65%

50 levels distance like 75% and between 75 and the number wich already is set for people with a to high lvl just a normal 100%  

In this way, hackers cant lvl that quick either, now even they have to put in some decent effort to lvl ;) But just max 1 lvl per game would be nice already.

And indeed, people who already have high lvls will not be effected by this. Only people with low lvls wil now have a harder time. And Devilz, i suppose u mean t3 with raid armor?


Quote from: Ramk1ng on January 24, 2014, 08:05:52 PM
Quote from: Thornz on January 24, 2014, 07:59:17 PM
When you say lvl cap you mean not allowing people to level up more than once per game, correct? If so, I'd +1 this, as long as players still get normal GP, and only their exp gets capped...

Yes indeed, this will only effect lvling once per game, since (we the higher lvls) dont lvl more than once a game it wont make a difference ;)

An other idea might be that for people that are more then

200 lvls apart from the lvl that they are playing, get just 40%

People who plays a game wich has 150 levels in between, would get 50%

100 levels distance 65%

50 levels distance like 75% and between 75 and the number wich already is set for people with a to high lvl just a normal 100%  

In this way, hackers cant lvl that quick either, now even they have to put in some decent effort to lvl ;) But just max 1 lvl per game would be nice already.

And indeed, people who already have high lvls will not be effected by this. Only people with low lvls wil now have a harder time. And Devilz, i suppose u mean t3 with raid armor?

That's what I thought. And +1 to low levels getting less exp, I have thought about this several times and forgot to suggest it. It would be a huge improvement, since it's not really very fair that low levels can leech 258 without doing any work. High levels would still be able to leech, but they earned it, so w/e

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


(click to show/hide)

yeah my bad. Good spot, i'll correct that now. I meant survival armour yes.


^yw allie


You  can make it to level 225 in like, a day. That really needs to be fixed

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


honestly making it so u can only level up 1 level per game would be a huge update in my opinion and would make the game a lot better


I would say the levels are fine because lots of time new players don't want a big challenge at the beginning but if they wanna work for something after 225 they can get lvl 270(if they buy member).

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