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Started by mygodZzZ, January 26, 2014, 04:39:18 PM

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Have a rebirth button that whenever you get 270 you can rebirth and start lvling again, the Xp will stay, but the Level will be reseted to Lv.1
And you can change your bot type if you like, further I don't have slightness idea, Just a start. maybe I will think about something but I think I'm on to something..

EDIT: Have rankings for the most rebirths in game.

What do you think?

P.s: If you got any idea with what will my suggestion help, please post it below..


Why do you make 100000000x suggestions a day?
@ontopic -1, How could you keep your xp lol thats the dumbest thing you have a delete bot for a reason.... The delete bot resets your character so you can relevel.

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


114m exp and lvl 1 gr8 suggestion


IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 26, 2014, 04:39:18 PM
Have a rebirth button that whenever you get 270 you can rebirth and start lvling again, the Xp will stay, but the Level will be reseted to Lv.1
And you can change your bot type if you like, further I don't have slightness idea, Just a start. maybe I will think about something but I think I'm on to something..

EDIT: Have rankings for the most rebirths in game.

What do you think?

P.s: If you got any idea with what will my suggestion help, please post it below..

Sort of the prestige option on call of duty. First thoughts when i saw this. +1 I like re-leveling makes it more fun but not going to make 1,000 bots doing this or get rid of my xp. However, i don't see this being put in. (Think i'm the only one who likes it o-o). But then again they could just end up increasing level cap again?


really don't see any point in this at all

reset all your time and effort and your reward is.. you can change bot type?

there have been some 'reset to lvl 1 after reaching the cap' suggestions I really like but this one just seems pointless to me

edit: now I seen your edit and I wouldn't be against it I guess


There should be a button that would set you back your original lelvel.
All in all its a good idea, I like it

^yw allie


January 26, 2014, 04:57:23 PM #7 Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 05:00:32 PM by mygodZzZ
Ty cooky and lamp,

Lemme explain to the others:
You get 270 in 1 week right? ( for those who play a lot)
and you get Level 150 in like 5 minutes, and it's pointless doing the same think over and over again (lv. 258) when you're already 270, I say get a reset button when you're 270 and you get to keep your Experience and I've thought about it, maybe have some cooler zones that you enter after 10-20 resets?
the reset will be on as soon as you're 270, It will be cool because you can still keep the items and all you need is to get 270 again..

Quote from: -Speedy- on January 26, 2014, 04:41:43 PM
Why do you make 100000000x suggestions a day?
@ontopic -1, How could you keep your xp lol thats the dumbest thing you have a delete bot for a reason.... The delete bot resets your character so you can relevel.
You don't worry about how much I suggest a day, I just get a lot of ideas into my head, whether you like em or not, I know I do..
And just so  you'd know, No I'm not looking to have the worst suggestion (after someone elses already was worst)


Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 26, 2014, 04:57:23 PM
Ty cooky and lamp,

Lemme explain to the others:
You get 270 in 1 week right? ( for those who play a lot)
and you get Level 150 in like 5 minutes, and it's pointless doing the same think over and over again (lv. 258) when you're already 270, I say get a reset button when you're 270 and you get to keep your Experience and I've thought about it, maybe have some cooler zones that you enter after 10-20 resets?
the reset will be on as soon as you're 270, It will be cool because you can still keep the items and all you need is to get 270 again..
Idc who you are no one gets 114m xp in a week. Thats basically saying you can pass Dragonclaw in a month.

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


Quote from: -Speedy- on January 26, 2014, 05:00:08 PM
Quote from: mygodZzZ on January 26, 2014, 04:57:23 PM
Ty cooky and lamp,

Lemme explain to the others:
You get 270 in 1 week right? ( for those who play a lot)
and you get Level 150 in like 5 minutes, and it's pointless doing the same think over and over again (lv. 258) when you're already 270, I say get a reset button when you're 270 and you get to keep your Experience and I've thought about it, maybe have some cooler zones that you enter after 10-20 resets?
the reset will be on as soon as you're 270, It will be cool because you can still keep the items and all you need is to get 270 again..
Idc who you are no one gets 114m xp in a week. Thats basically saying you can pass Dragonclaw in a month.
I'm just saying average people who grind all day, Okay maybe I've gone to far, 114m in a month or two..


Hackers will ruin it, will hack and make the rankings for rebirths worthless. It will make the rebirths no fun and in-turn a waste of time. :(


ya useless idea being that barely anyone is really 270 and making new content for a minority group is stupid.
IGN: MisterZ

ZeaL - Rank 1 in antagonizing, just

Rub me out like genies, won't concede til I'm graffiti
Quote from: Yz on January 14, 2012, 06:48:35 PM
mrz is like top 40 and would probly be like
"fuk yeh n00bs im god bow to god''


I liked the idea at first, but I realized it will be abused cause you get half exp from 258 at 270, but everyone would just keep rebirthing and keeping full exp. Especially those of us with perm mem. So -1, sry :-/

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


January 26, 2014, 05:10:21 PM #13 Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 05:12:55 PM by mygodZzZ
Quote from: medchiller on January 26, 2014, 05:05:02 PM
Hackers will ruin it, will hack and make the rankings for rebirths worthless. It will make the rebirths no fun and in-turn a waste of time. :(
What are you talking about? nothing changes only the fact you rebirth, How come hackers aren't 270 by now? with or without the rebirth they will be caught..

Quote from: Thornz on January 26, 2014, 05:09:24 PM
I liked the idea at first, but I realized it will be abused cause you get half exp from 258 at 270, but everyone would just keep rebirthing and keeping full exp. Especially those of us with perm mem. So -1, sry :-/
Oh, I didn't see that, you're right about the membership..
But as I said, I'm giving the primary suggestion and you could suggest something else based on my suggestion,  but it doesn't matter now..


Quote from: medchiller on January 26, 2014, 05:05:02 PM
Hackers will ruin it, will hack and make the rankings

so then they get banned and life goes on?

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