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Hacked room

Started by crysis48, January 29, 2014, 04:26:55 AM

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Hello, there is a hacked room i found, Room 10. I entered it after some guy left, i got gm so me and my mate decided to do some runs. We discovered shortly after that the room was either hacked by the previous gm or was bugged, after starting the sector it cleared in about 6 seconds without us doing anything. After a few runs of testing it out more i was perma banned.. I didn;t do anything wrong so i would like to be unbanned, also check into the room for a bug or something. Thank you for your time.
Kind regards Luke.


Quote from: nanak tatum on January 29, 2014, 04:31:13 AM
Well after you knew it was a hacked game why did you stay longer to "test"? And you don't have any ss's. If you got the GM, then you did not have to stay.
Well im new to this game so i throught it was a glich after a couple of runs on different maps. After finishing a few i went to tell Santa but i was banned..


Quote from: crysis48 on January 29, 2014, 04:26:55 AM
I entered it after some guy left, i got gm so me and my mate decided to do some runs.

GM or RM?

thanks a lot Xx Itz Ian for the sign ^ .. :D

IGN: MasterOfBout
Guild: Redemption



Sorry, whether you were banned for legit hacking/hack leeching or from abusing a glitch nevertheless you were banned by completing a game too fast. Maybe it's just a chance that all these people are claiming that they were "Banned" because of a glitch. May this be a shout out to everyone on the forums and please spread the word that if there is any kind of glitch that is actually completing games in 6 seconds that you immediately contact a staff member whether that be in-game or on the forum. It's probably just hackers but just a precautionary measure. Thanks ;)


Quote from: crysis48 on January 29, 2014, 04:43:31 AM
  After finishing a few i went to tell Santa but i was banned..

Don't lie to us. You only get auto banned if you get 10 flags, not a few. You should have left right when you realized something suspicious was going on (should have only taken 1 or 2  6 second level clears for you to figure out something wasn't right).

Quote from: crysis48 on January 29, 2014, 04:26:55 AM
After a few runs of testing it out more i was perma banned.. I didn;t do anything wrong so i would like to be unbanned,

Again, just a few runs doesn't get you banned. You have to get 10 flags. Furthermore, it does not take an entire 10 attempts to 'test' it out. And you should not be 'testing it out' anyway. If you really did find a glitch that was completing the level in 6 seconds, don't you think staying for 10 rounds is abusing it? Because that's what its seen as. Only in this case it was a hack because there is no auto level completing glitch that we know of. And if there was, you would just be banned for abusing a glitch instead.

With every auto-banned for 10 flags case there is always a chance for you that you were hack leeching and not hacking, and there is a chance that your perm ban sentence may be lowered if an admin decides to check the logs and investigate. But until then you are perm banned, sorry.

You can still play the game, just not on the account that was banned. Hopefully you can learn a lesson from this so next time this happens you wont make the same mistakes.


How to prevent this from happening in the first place has been listed in the rules and regulations. Many has been lazy to read all those which is fine cuz its LOT OF to read. I'll juz make a short guide how to prevent this from happening AGAIN.


Step 2: AFTER the game STARTS, & YOU NOTICE something like this --> A) Mobs killed with ONLY a gun shot
                                                                                                                                     B) Mobs NOT MOVING TOWARDS YOU even if U GO NEAR
           *ALL OF THESE HACKED MAPS USUALLY ARE HIGH LVLS*                    OR
                            AND THE HACKER USUALLY TAKES THE                            C) The game finishes WITHIN A VERY SHORT TIME
                                            1ST SLOT(ROOM MASTER)                                               AND OF COURSE...
                                                                                                                                     D) YOU can 1 HIT KO-ED the mobs too.

Step 3: ALWAYS !!! Get a screenshot for (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) < Make this a habit so that you WILL HAVE A SCREENSHOT AS PROOF !!!

Step 4: IF any of the (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) happens, TYPE AT THE COMMENT THIS > @exit OR CLICK THE EXIT BUTTON AFTER U GET A

Step 5: Report Under the section "Report a Rule Breaker" OR IF ANY ADMINS/STAFFS are in the room, you can just leave the room.
             The staffs will handle it. If any staffs are online, you can too just tell them right then and they will handle the rest.

Guide on reporting under "Report a Rule Breaker"

Step 1: Put the title with [h@cker] - [IGN of the hacker] usually the hacker will be in the 1st slot (RM)
             Example: hacker - abc12345

Step 2: Upload the screenshot - Click + Additional Options.. > Choose File > Find the screenshot under Local Disk (C:) > Zylon
             Gaming (OR where you save the Zylon file) > BoutCheetah > screenshot.
~ Goldie's Time to Time Giveaway Event ~


For the games that I've  been in the Hacker tells the people its a bug, they (leeches) either believe it, or lie about it.

Which is why so many of these have been popping up. As a low level, joining a room and a higher level saying it's a bug would seem pretty realistic to you. Then you'd think "Well if a high level is doing it,  it won't be bad" 

Sadly though someone has to pay the price. It would only be fair, next time leave the room bud.

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