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Bye guys.

Started by Experiences, February 23, 2014, 02:09:54 AM

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February 23, 2014, 02:09:54 AM Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 12:20:08 PM by Experiences

So I have finally come to the point where I'm quitting bc. As some of you guys have noticed, I'm not onto bc much anymore.I'm quitting beacuse I just don't feel any joy of playing the game anymore. Also now that I'm soon graduating I won't have time to play this game. There are other reasons but they are personal stuff that i can't speak of here. I'm not going to unistall the game...yet. I might do that soon too tho. I don't know If i will ever come back. We will see about that, I might get on once per month or week from now on. I might not even get on that often. I can't tell that right now. I might go forever and never get on.

I'd like to write a text of some of the joyful moment i've had here on BoutCheetah so yeah here It Is:
When I first started i didn't have many friends. I soon got to learn that people were nice enough to train you and help you get items if you had the right attitude. I lvled and soon i met code and leeched off him for starters, then we became good friends and i even joined his guild. that's where i met people like Greymon, and TinyPatch and other people. We had It really fun, messed around in pvp and sector and had many funny moments to laugh at. After a while i had to quit the game for a few months cause i had some stuff irl to take care off and when i came back the guild was gone (that's sadly when matt decided to quit), but i soon realised that code and mater made a new one named Genesis. That's where i met my great friend med and got to know code and mater better. we had some great moments. Snail wars, we competed for gp (Where med outgrinded us pretty easily lol!), fooled around. There where nights when i was a little down and you guys came into the picture and cheered me up with some snail wars and i felt alot better afterwards. and for that I'm thankful. I got co owner and i was so proud, so happy, for me at that time that was a huge thing and i promised to do my best for the guild and keep it active. So i did my best but then genesis and red got together and made Utopia I remember being a honrarly co owner til' med got moved to redemption. What really kept me going was materger and his positive attitude, he always believed in me and helped me whenever i needed help, he didn't even hesitate. I got co owner, ran the guild for a while and then decided to take a shot in the dark and ask to join red aswell and Yz said yes. That's how i got in red, there we grinded alot, i remember all the 8p grinding sessions we had, i remember the massive exp and gp gain and how we kept beating the best time over and over again. That was alot of fun. I remember all the survivals game i did to gain exp and gain gp to pass the next person in the ranks, the thing that got me mostly going was that i wanted to reach top 5 grinders in redemption and when i finally did i started to try to pass others. For me that was alot of fun.I grinded and grinded and got myself all the way to 8st in exp ranks before i started becoming inactive again with the grinding part. and my goal was to reach top 10! :). I've had so many other good moments but If i tried to type them all i would have to type a whole book about it. I'd like to thank everyone that was there with me trough my time in bc. all my friends, all the kind people, all the people who taught me how to do stuff like comboing and such.

This might not be the best message to all off you that i've met at my time here on boutcheetah but i want all of you to know that i am going to miss you alot. But i can't stay here anymore. I have no reason to play this game anymore.
It's hard to let go but you have to do it sooner or later right?

I'm not correcting my text over, I'm just making this simple and quick. Don't worry if you feel like you've been left out cause i haven't left you out. I simply just decided to write of some moments that i could think of right now, I won't edit it for fill it with more text. Tomorrow I'm going to log out from the forums and never log in again.

And after all I do have skype. If you want my skype you can just pm me. I will probably be pretty active there.

Here are some quotes that i want to share with you guys, I find them very inspiring.

''Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy.''

''If you think it, you can do it''

''All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them''

''The greater the effort, the greater the glory.''

I'm out!  :P  :'(

*I hope this wasn't too cringy  ;)*

btw ross says ::)

IGN: Rapidash/Experiences/Expeh.
=-Lvl 270-=


 :'( Good luck in life  :'(


February 23, 2014, 02:15:54 AM #2 Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 02:19:37 AM by medchiller
Sad to see you leave the game but it's for understandable reasons. I still remember all the good times and won't soon forget them. We shall keep in touch on Skype just like always! :D

Edit: A suiting 900th post ;)


(click to show/hide)

It's so sad too see you go, i'm glad i had the pleasure of speaking to you. Remembering are chat's on skype, and times in-game. It's sad to see all these people leaving, and you put so much thought into writing that, you can tell. I wish you the best of luck in life and hope everything turns out for the better, and that you do stop by from time too time. If you need me, or just a friend to chat feel free to message me on skype.

Those quote's, it's like one of them moments you're like "I'm going to make something of my life" *10 minutes later* "Hmmm, i should be getting ready right now nevermind my pillow is too comfy."


you will be missed hana  :'(  you've had a big impact on many of us!

farewell and i will talk to you on skype ofcourse <3


Quote from: Materger
I am now an Oreos fan!
Quote from: Allie
Oreos was a failed project.


Bye Hanna! thanks for always being a kind person while i was in red and always grinding with me! You will be missed.

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


Bye Hanna. Seems like a bunch of people are leaving all at once :-/

But I can understand why you're leaving. It's actually nice just focusing on irl stuff in college and such atm. Idk if I'll ever go back to being as active as I was before...

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


Very sad to see you go Hanna  :'(. Had alot of fun playing with you and all of us will probably miss you alot. Good luck in life. Bye Hanna :'(


Goodbye. I've never known you well so, that's all I have to say. Nothing else and also, have fun in life.
IGN-SilverLightC    Level-221


3rd frand that left this week. :'(
Bai hanna you were a great friend wish ya all the best in life, I'll still talk to ya on skype. c:

(click to show/hide)


You'll be missed. :c

Bye Hanna and gl irl
IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


goodbye hanna

too bad i got to know you only in the latest shit part of bc ::)

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


Bye Hanna , we had lots off fun grinding together ;p
Anyways gonna miss ya , bye! and goodluck irl !


bye hanna.. sad to see u go.. i will miss u.. thanks for everything n good luck in ur life.. :)
keep in touch with me in skype.. :D

thanks a lot Xx Itz Ian for the sign ^ .. :D

IGN: MasterOfBout
Guild: Redemption

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