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RK's Q&A + Events

Started by JustRK, March 09, 2014, 04:31:22 PM

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ZGTV hasn't really had any activity as of late. Selene & Myself were promoted before the last Q&A was finished which pretty much voided the questions to her as HGM, so I've decided you can go ahead and just ask me what ever you like either here through comment or via PM and I will answer most of them unscripted.

Also Easter this year will be April 20th, 2014 (Sunday Of course). So as not to forget where I once started, I will either sponsor an event idea or craft one of my own which you can also suggest here and I will announce that as well before April starts (so you don't think it's an april fools joke heh). So definitely leave your ideas here as well!  The last few events have been for the unknowns of the community, but I'd also like to give back to our prominent players as well this time around.



Question to rk: Why you stopped doing events when you become a staff?
IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


 Question: Do you generally like BC or just play because you are HGM?

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


Why are you not active as much as you should be.


Q: Opinions of moi?

Q: Favourite Band(s)

Q: Favourite Colour?

Q: If you had 1 week to live, what would you accomplish during that week?

Q: If any, what changes would you try too make in BC?

Might add more later.


When exactly are you usually online?

I have been on during my nighttime, morning, noon, evening, night, on differnt days, because of work and private life, i live on very odd hours. Though i rarely see you online.

I wonder when you are actually most likely to be found online so I know when I should be in order to talk to you.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


Why are you the chillest staff member around here?  8)
<br />http://mrbreadmaker.ga<br /><br />SC: breadstickmaker<br />EGK #Aphrodite<br />


Alright well that seems to be enough questions for one video  :P

you can still leave your event ideas and any further questions will be answered some other way since they obviously wont be in the video lol

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