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Cooky's Q&A

Started by Cooky, March 12, 2014, 01:07:33 AM

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Here you can ask me anything you want. it can be about BC, my job, something about me, or anything you can think of. I will answer the questions on the thread.  Please dont ask innapropriate questions and be sure to follow all the rules!


Q: Is there going to be another hype about Q&A's all over again?

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Q: Do you have any pets?

Q: Xbox / ps4/ pc?


im at  work right now so i will answer these when i get home. good questions so far :D


March 12, 2014, 01:18:42 AM #3 Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 01:22:06 AM by JustRK
1.) Aside from thinking it's anti-BC propaganda/ a gang what you think about EGK?

2.) What's an other hobby you like to do besides playing games / BC?

3.) What do you think of me?

4.) What would you did if you had a million dollars?

5) If you could pursue any career /  profession in the world what would it be?

<br /><br /><br />SC: breadstickmaker<br />EGK #Aphrodite<br />


1) Do you generally like making posts on forums or do you do it because your bored.

2) What is your favorite xbox/ps3 game.

3) What BC staff member do you like the most.

4) Do you ever wish to have a job where you can build a career off of it.

#1 *Sector Nub*
-Speedy-, Speedy II, Speedy III


1) Why did you leave BE for BC, be honest.

2) Why did you become Moderator again after being demoted/resignation.

3) Why do you like "races" on a game where the main point is Levels / Power, etc.

4) Why do you like cleaning up other peoples messes as a job.


1) How's it going?

2) What's the story behind the whole "Trixy" unicorn/horse thingy?

3) Waddya say about a quick game of ball down at the courts?

4) Name two things you just can't live without.

5) How's the life of a bachelor treating ya?

6) You left handed?

7) I heard you have a tongue piercing. I wanna see it dude, post a pic.  ;D

8) What's your social and credit card numbers?

9) Are you the Grinch who stole Christmas?

10) If you answered no to the previous question, does that mean you're Morgan Freeman?

11) How many push-ups can you do?

12) Teach me how to dougie?

Who did that!?


these are good questions maybe i will make a video!


Who did that!?


Quote from: Dannii on March 12, 2014, 08:54:22 AM
i'll answer for him

Do you like the mop?
yes, squeaky clean
Do mops have toes?
no, but if they did mhmmmmmmmmmm
Do you prefer the bucket or the mop?
I prefer puttin the mop in the bucket repetitively.
Do you prefer to lick toes or suck on them?
Both, i can't do one without the other.
Would you rather kiss a foot or rub it?
Both, but rubbing it with what?


Quote from: Zetsu on March 12, 2014, 01:10:01 AM
Q: Is there going to be another hype about Q&A's all over again?

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Q: Do you have any pets?

Q: Xbox / ps4/ pc?

1) Maybe, not sure

2) Hopefully still working the same job!

3) No, my building does not allow pets. I would love to have a pet someday though.

4) Well the only one of those you listed that I own is a PC.. so I would pick that lol

Quote from: leapman on March 12, 2014, 01:18:42 AM
1.) Aside from thinking it's anti-BC propaganda/ a gang what you think about EGK?

2.) What's an other hobby you like to do besides playing games / BC?

3.) What do you think of me?

4.) What would you did if you had a million dollars?

5) If you could pursue any career /  profession in the world what would it be?

1) I think its stupid

2) riding my bike I guess? listening to music? do those count?

3) you are one of the very few people who manages to annoy me

4) I would quit my job and retire with the money. Would give away a lot to friends and random strangers.

5) I think it would be really cool to work on a big boat and travel across the world that's always kinda been a 'dream' of mine, thought I am perfectly happy with what im doing now

Quote from: -Speedy- on March 12, 2014, 01:34:12 AM
1) Do you generally like making posts on forums or do you do it because your bored.

2) What is your favorite xbox/ps3 game.

3) What BC staff member do you like the most.

4) Do you ever wish to have a job where you can build a career off of it.

1) I like making posts

2) favorite ps3 game is battlefield 4

3) I don't want to hurt anyones feelings, so I wont say

4) No, because I have already built a career off my current job!

Quote from: daluzman123 on March 12, 2014, 01:39:15 AM
1) Why did you leave BE for BC, be honest.

2) Why did you become Moderator again after being demoted/resignation.

3) Why do you like "races" on a game where the main point is Levels / Power, etc.

4) Why do you like cleaning up other peoples messes as a job.

1) Because BC is better, thats why. 'Be honest' lol like I haven't been honest from the start? I even said on my BE quitting thread that im leaving because BC is a way better game and has a brighter future. Sure enough, I was right.

2)  I resigned because I wasn't mature enough, but after a long time I matured and now I make much better choices, and as everyone can see I am a much better staff member then before.

3) I've always liked racing. I often find myself trying to turn every game into a race. I even tried to race Allie on world of warcraft one time. I just love racing. Ironically, I don't play any games that are actually centered around racing.

4) I dont think that's a very good way to describe my job

Quote from: JetSurge on March 12, 2014, 02:53:51 AM
1) How's it going?

2) What's the story behind the whole "Trixy" unicorn/horse thingy?

3) Waddya say about a quick game of ball down at the courts?

4) Name two things you just can't live without.

5) How's the life of a bachelor treating ya?

6) You left handed?

7) I heard you have a tongue piercing. I wanna see it dude, post a pic.  ;D

8) What's your social and credit card numbers?

9) Are you the Grinch who stole Christmas?

10) If you answered no to the previous question, does that mean you're Morgan Freeman?

11) How many push-ups can you do?

12) Teach me how to dougie?

1) its going great!

2) I found the stuffed animal, it had been abandoned. I took it home and made up a joke about how it was 'my friend' and sometimes I take a funny picture with it as a joke.

3) well, im not very good. but I am tall. sure

4) internet, internet accessories

5) great

6) no, I am right handed

7) uh no I don't have any piercings lol

8 ) **** *** ***    **** **** **** ****

9) no I am not

10) no I am not

11) I haven't done pushups in forever, so im not sure. not many though

12)  I don't know how sorry

Quote from: Dannii on March 12, 2014, 08:54:22 AM
Do you like the mop?

Do mops have toes?

Do you prefer the bucket or the mop?

Do you prefer to lick toes or suck on them?

Would you rather kiss a foot or rub it?

1) sure

2) no

3) that's a tough one I cant decide

4) ive never done either

5) ive never done either


what is your favourite genre of music?

favourite food/drink?

have any pets? (except trixy)

IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


Why so hostile all the time?  :o

Why do you hate on people who are trying to have a good time?   ???

What made you pick the name Mod cooky?

What was the most craziest experience you encountered at your job?

Who is your favorite stand up comedian?

When are you gonna do something revolutionary for BC? Like you did in your old days?
<br /><br /><br />SC: breadstickmaker<br />EGK #Aphrodite<br />


Quote from: qolderman on March 12, 2014, 09:14:13 PM
what is your favourite genre of music?

favourite food/drink?

have any pets? (except trixy)

1) rap music, rock music, and also movie/game soundtracks  (I cant pick 1 favorite genre)

2) drink is monster energy drink and mountain dew, food is seafood

3) no I don't have any pets

Quote from: leapman on March 13, 2014, 12:50:25 AM
Why so hostile all the time?  :o

Why do you hate on people who are trying to have a good time?   ???

What made you pick the name Mod cooky?

What was the most craziest experience you encountered at your job?

Who is your favorite stand up comedian?

When are you gonna do something revolutionary for BC? Like you did in your old days?

1) im not hostile, and im especially not 'hostile all the time' so I cant answer that

2) I don't hate on people so I cant answer that

3) I picked Cooky on BOTS and it was so long ago I don't even really remember why

4) that's a tough one..  i haven't been at my current job for very long so i cant really think of any. but theres been tons of crazy experiences at my other jobs

5) i don't watch any standup besides ones on like youtube and I would say Louis C.K is my favorite

6) i don't know that i really did anything revolutionary, in fact when i sit back and ponder about my 'old days' i usually cringe


how does it feel to be hacked? poor toby rip

were you angry for losing your hard worked items? or just sad? or masochistically happy? please theres alot of us really curious

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie

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