Event has started! Good luck everyone!
Event Will run from Monday 12:00 AM 10/27/14 - 11:59 PM 10/30/14 ThursdayTo see time remaining click the following link:
http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20141031T00&p0=411&msg=10%2F27%2F14+-+10%2F31%2F14+event+timerCongrats to SS Earl for winning the previous weekend grinding event with a total of 1,655,073 GP earned
GP Bot Guild Points earned by the end of eventSS JC 18413451 253,902
SS One C5 15750741 770,364
Spikenor 13048815 954,480
xNsK-- 12460758 1,637,382
SS Daily 10271634 0
SS Shadow 9775917 1,227,702
-FX DeMoN- 8048178 180,516
SS Jack 5738442 0
SS Trib 5718177 0
-eXe- 5113515 0
SS FI 3121074 0
-Rage- 3064488 36,960
SS Earl 2516466 2.054,970
shuraa 1809915 16,380
SS Riki 1333353 1,077,204
SS Reek 552528 1,352,520
SS Vish 426090 31,500
ZODFSX101 191760 587,088
-Meto- 184800 193,569
SS Beef 100200 265,440
Winner is SS Earl with a total of 2,054,970 GP earned!
Total GP earned: 10,639,977 GP!