If you enjoy Sector more you should get a ram as it completely focuses on transformation which will really help unlike in PvP where players are known to get over 1700TD (that's -70% off transed damage).
On the flipside, if you enjoy PvP more than Sector the Patch BOT would an adequate weapon itself as the opposing players would be better off not transing at all. It's critical hits also serve usefull with the Counterattack skill. In Sector, Patch is know to destroy Sector bosses and transed monsters in record time. however there is one drawback. As you would like to know, in the 'long run' Rams posses greater attack, transed attack and HP than any other BOT in the game. If you want to see what I'm really talking about, take a look at the stats of a Dark Ram arm in the shop. Here is a small list of Ram stats compared to Patch stats:
Plasmodium Body = +244 ~ +271 Transed attack
Plasmodium Head = +720 HP
Plasmodium Arms = +40 ~ +53 Normal attack
Illuminum Body = +291 ~ +316 Transed attack
Illuminum Head = +740 HP
Illuminum Arms = +40 ~ +53 Normal attack (yes, I know the arms atk are not different)