The problem is on a larger scale than "it's only enough to buy a II skill".
There are (currently) 285 active memberships that are not permanent, and 139 non-staff permanent memberships.
If every one of them got 20k coins a week, that's 8.5million coins coming in a week.
Assuming about half of the members (especially perm members) are inactive, that's at minimum 4.25million coins coming in a week that aren't getting spent.
Assuming of the half leftover that more than half of them already have a coin set and won't be spending them, that's 2.12million coins every week from active members that aren't getting spent at all, assuming the other half spends all of it (heavy estimate).
That's an estimated total of 6.3million coins every week that are being spawned by the system, but not spent in-game. This creates a *huge* inflation over the 5 years this game has been a thing.
Sadly, it's just not a feature we can offer.