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That time of year again :)

Started by medchiller, June 26, 2014, 02:57:58 AM

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June 26, 2014, 02:57:58 AM Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 03:11:25 AM by medchiller
Well as many of you know it's that time of year again. The time when the sun and kids are out and the sailing picks up for me. Ever since I started playing BoutCheetah I've left for the summer to pursue a passion of mine (which was also the original reason I quit BC the first time). My first year playing it was a mere 3 weeks of summer learning to sail, the year after it built to 6 weeks of sail training and last year it was 6 weeks of learning how to teach sailing. Now this year it will happen again but this time I will put all I have learned to the test in teaching other kids to sail for 7 weeks.

This all being said something in my everyday life has to comprise, the most relevant to BoutCheetah would be me not being able to play BoutCheetah much (if any). This is not a reflection on how others have acted or some other reasons someone might come up with its simply because where I'll be staying will have next to no internet access (which I will talk about below). This is not ideal for me but I enjoy sailing as well as the paycheck.

In previous years I had been paid very little for the sailing that I had done. Some may think that it's weird that I'm being paid to learn sailing and how to teach it, well you're right. It is. It's a long story and would rather not get into it. This year I will be getting paid a fairly decent paycheck for my efforts which is great for me ;)

As I said before I will have limited access to internet due to the location and facilities of the place I stay at but that doesn't mean I wont have any. I just purchased data for my phone so I will be able to check the forums and skype once or twice daily to see what's up but other than that I won't be doing much to do with BoutCheetah. I will also be able to go to a few stores with wifi so I wont drain my data so quickly and attempt to do more things such as having skype convo's, replying to PM's and maybe (really big maybe) even get on BC.

I'm leaving tomorrow to go camping and on June 30th I will be leaving for sailing so you have 4 days to message me with any concerns you have with the game or anything else.

If you would like to message me on skype please do so in a private chat not a group chat as I will most likely not be checking group chats. (But I would appreciate PM's here more as they use less data)

PS: I just bought a sail boat today! It's a 29er, if you want to know what it looks like you can just google 29er sailboat. Edit: And my dad bought a dirt bike for my siblings and I :)

Even though I will still be connected to BC it still makes me sad knowing that I can't get on BC or be an active member of the community but it's all okay because I'll be back in 7 weeks! Hope you all have a wonderful summer and I encourage anyone interested in trying sailing to do so!!! :D

Leaving for 7 weeks to teach sailing, can't get on BC, have limited internet access, PM me with concerns and I bought a sailboat


gonna miss ya buddy have a fun time im proud of you



June 26, 2014, 03:41:54 AM #4 Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 03:46:41 AM by leapman
I remember you telling me about this on Skype. Man I'm gonna miss having you around here in BC your definitely a hard working staff member but it comes a time when everyone has to chase what makes them happy in life. Yours being sailing well man I hope you have a blast and turn up! 8)
<br /><br /><br />SC: breadstickmaker<br />EGK #Aphrodite<br />

Xx Itz Ian

League of Legends:

  Xx ItZ Ian


That boat looks awesome! Have fun bro ;D


IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


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