This is a list of all the ideas for BC I got/had
I only added the newest ideas
1) Full Set Bonus I came up with this idea, say you want to buy a full Meto set or Halloween set or W/E set
You would need to buy the 3different parts apart
Make it so that if you want to buy a full set you get a bonus like -100 ZC on it it would be more attractive to people that way
2) Ingame Zylon Shop UpdateIt would be usefull to add Zylon Shop Ingame too
These empty places that been there since Bots should be updated too
You could make the ingame Zylon Shop in these empty spots, would be usefull
3) Ingame Rankings/Events/Marketplace bugsAlso update these bugs with the ingame rankings & events & marketplace
I hope these ideas are helpfull and will be added in the feature
Thanks, -BS