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about RT3

Started by daniel0303, August 30, 2014, 06:11:19 AM

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Quote from: Meteor on August 31, 2014, 06:09:36 AM
Took me 4 years to get 40m exp, considering I was active only the first 2-3 years and stopped grinding after the 2nd year (unless needed). With what you guys are getting now I don't think there's any need for more op armor.

As I said ofc about stats. They could give it rt2 stats for all I care. I just want that sexy damn armor...

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


tbh, i reaaallyy don't see the problem.

Just release it.
People have been able to see what it looks like, and admire the stats of it for months and months.

Nerfing it now would be absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.
Nerfing RT3 because it's "OP"...?

Like all the DM guns in-game, Metowing, Jack head, ...
there's sooo many things that are OP in game, what about the Reaper flags? you could literally just equip Reapers and be as strong as a bot with good armor in bots.

The game has been "ruined" long ago if you care about not having OP items in it..
So, choices were made long ago to HAVE OP items in-game, then don't go back on that decision and ask for a nerf on the final piece of armor in the game.

Makes no sense if you ask me.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia



Quote from: nemano9988 on August 31, 2014, 07:21:49 PM
what max said is truth, but i think they trying to balance the map a bit cuz in 250 all mobs transed, and you can only be 1 shoted from an object, not fair to others types to, (rams and surges die at 1 wave)
Which is why the game is broken.
It should be a coöperative raid challenge for a whole team of friends, or people trying to work together to achieve something, using all means nessecary, thus using all three bot types, not just patches soloing everything and ram/surges trying to glitch to stay alive just to run to the end if everything is cleared to get parts.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


Well if you were around for old BC you'd know exactly why people asked to nerf RT3.  Once you release the end-game armor that makes the game so easy that you can literally walk around like a tank killing everything effortlessly it becomes a problem for replay purposes which is what this game highly based on.

They would need to fix the experience and stat balancing issues before they release this or they'll just end up in the same boat that steered the old BC to failure. Not to mention now that more and more people are reaching upper tier levels it makes it easier for hackers to slide through the radar. They aren't as dumb as they used to be and stuff like this makes our job even harder.


Quote from: JustRK on August 31, 2014, 08:09:47 PM
Well if you were around for old BC you'd know exactly why people asked to nerf RT3.  Once you release the end-game armor that makes the game so easy that you can literally walk around like a tank killing everything effortlessly it becomes a problem for replay purposes which is what this game highly based on.

They would need to fix the experience and stat balancing issues before they release this or they'll just end up in the same boat that steered the old BC to failure. Not to mention now that more and more people are reaching upper tier levels it makes it easier for hackers to slide through the radar. They aren't as dumb as they used to be and stuff like this makes our job even harder.
The replay ability has been taken out the game a long time ago, when they decided to make it possible to legitly achieve the maximum level, a massive 114,000,000 experience, in 1 month.
If you get to the maximum level possible in a month, and haven't spend time during your stay here, levelling, in either pvp or base games, then what would make you keep playing?

Releasing this highest-tier armor really isn't going to make a difference.
It's just an end-game reward for people who have achieved the highest level.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


I know we rejected all the requests for a level prestige system, but it makes so much sense now lmao.
They should have just made it that so each new raid needs a prestige since they provide boat loads of exp already anyway.

Example system.

(click to show/hide)

But yeah, only real huge impact rt3 would make is in PvP which we should so desperately start focusing our attention on.


Quote from: JustRK on August 31, 2014, 08:40:00 PM
I know we rejected all the requests for a level prestige system, but it makes so much sense now lmao.
They should have just made it that so each new raid needs a prestige since they provide boat loads of exp already anyway.

Example system.

(click to show/hide)

Or we can fix the exp to 10k for lvl 258, and make it so u have to actually kill the boss instead of pushing 8 mobs and a well designed boss in under a minute.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


Quote from: Madprox on August 31, 2014, 08:44:09 PM
Quote from: JustRK on August 31, 2014, 08:40:00 PM
I know we rejected all the requests for a level prestige system, but it makes so much sense now lmao.
They should have just made it that so each new raid needs a prestige since they provide boat loads of exp already anyway.

Example system.

(click to show/hide)

Or we can fix the exp to 10k for lvl 258, and make it so u have to actually kill the boss instead of pushing 8 mobs and a well designed boss in under a minute.


Quote from: Madprox on August 31, 2014, 08:44:09 PM
Or we can fix the exp to 10k for lvl 258, and make it so u have to actually kill the boss instead of pushing 8 mobs and a well designed boss in under a minute.

well in terms of fighting gora, actually killing her is pretty tough since it's a smart AI not to mention it has guard crush and mobility boost so I highly agree with you on that modification in regards to exp in the event you push gora.

it's not like they'll even instate a rebirth system, but it would have greatly justified the effort for end-game sets. This is pretty much the only game where you can obtain the best stuff in a matter of hours. At least it would have taken more than a month to work your way up to wearing rt3


August 31, 2014, 09:03:50 PM #26 Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 09:09:35 PM by Madprox
Quote from: JustRK on August 31, 2014, 08:57:40 PM
well in terms of fighting gora, actually killing her is pretty tough since it's a smart AI not to mention it has guard crush and mobility boost
The new god maps are a good addition to bc, no, let me rephrase that,  the initial idea behind it was good.
The execution however, is another story.

Because 258 is such a broken map, the other maps are never even touched.
Need exp? > Leech 258 for an hour > 3m exp gained.
This is a shame.
You create these beautiful AI's for these "GODS of Cyberspace", yet completely destroy your magnificent work by making one map soloable in under a minute, WITHOUT having to fight this brilliant AI.
This makes me think, why go through the trouble of creating such AI, when in the end, not even bother to make it shine in-game?

Quote from: nemano9988 on August 31, 2014, 09:00:19 PM
and how changing exp to 10k would help the situation? every time the lvl cap gets raised and the exp amount to, if it would be possible the max exp would be 100k+ per 1 min, but it isnt possible to raise it, people asked for a map like gora cuz the old 8p was changed where only 220 and 221 lvls were getting 65k exp per 3min i think, and others had to be grinding in 172 where you could get 7k exp at the max, the gora is fast grind and low lvls can get to the lvl 225 in few hours, regarding this i personally think the ideas about changing the exp for low lvls would help in this situations, cuz you can make a new acc and ask a friend who is maxed to boost you till lvl 221 where you can get the rt1 and then get lvl 270 like in few weeks
I think you're missing the point.
What I'm saying is that the exp should be somewhere around 10k/min MAX. At the highest level possible.
Name me a game where you reach max level in no-time.
Name me a game where you create an account, and instantly are able to get the best exp rates, old, high-level players also get?

The point of gaming is to start playing, work your way up from 0-max level, and as you level, gain better ways to get more experience an hour, while also needing more experience to level up.

This is completely the opposite of what bc has become.
Here you start at 0 experience, and are able to get the highest level experience rates from that level 1.

> broken game

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


Quote from: nemano9988 on August 31, 2014, 09:38:34 PM
ye, but isnt the problem in, that after lvl 1 completes a 258 map with a high lvl he gets to lvl 30 (with no member, t3 and other bonuses), if the max exp lvl 1 would get would be set to lats say 100 exp, then after reached lvl 10 you would get 1000 exp, lvl 100 would be 10k, the setting max exp for high lvls wouldnt change much bcs most of people grind for gps, and very low of people going for exp rank,

+ the exp sistem is broken too, there are like from one lvl to another you need 3m exp, then from that to the next its 2m then it jump up to 4m and falls to 1m, shouldnt it be like raising with the next lvl not jump like that
It does go up in a steady line, idk what u mean by going up 2m, then dropping to 1m, then up to 4m.
Reference >
Fixing the level cap is one thing, yet still, 65k experience in under 1 min is simply too much, even for players who played for a long time, are the highest level, and have all the armor they need.
The experience ranking prove this.
It used to be a race to 100m experience, had been like that with the same top 5 for years.
Then new updates came out and everything went mad.
Now there's a player with over 600m experience, 2nd one has over 500m experience..
It's nice to want to be a top-ranked player in the experience rankings, but having 600m experience... no, just no.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


Quote from: nemano9988 on August 31, 2014, 10:17:08 PM
Quote from: Madprox on August 31, 2014, 09:47:01 PM
Quote from: nemano9988 on August 31, 2014, 09:38:34 PM
ye, but isnt the problem in, that after lvl 1 completes a 258 map with a high lvl he gets to lvl 30 (with no member, t3 and other bonuses), if the max exp lvl 1 would get would be set to lats say 100 exp, then after reached lvl 10 you would get 1000 exp, lvl 100 would be 10k, the setting max exp for high lvls wouldnt change much bcs most of people grind for gps, and very low of people going for exp rank,

+ the exp sistem is broken too, there are like from one lvl to another you need 3m exp, then from that to the next its 2m then it jump up to 4m and falls to 1m, shouldnt it be like raising with the next lvl not jump like that
It does go up in a steady line, idk what u mean by going up 2m, then dropping to 1m, then up to 4m.
Reference >
Fixing the level cap is one thing, yet still, 65k experience in under 1 min is simply too much, even for players who played for a long time, are the highest level, and have all the armor they need.
The experience ranking prove this.
It used to be a race to 100m experience, had been like that with the same top 5 for years.
Then new updates came out and everything went mad.
Now there's a player with over 600m experience, 2nd one has over 500m experience..
It's nice to want to be a top-ranked player in the experience rankings, but having 600m experience... no, just no.

i agree with that, but dont think others will, they will cry that lvling is hard and that allie should buff the exp

and by the exp problem i ment this:

lvl 251 - 252 is 1.9m exp
252 - 253 is 4.7m
253 - 254 is 2.1m
254 - 255 is 5.8m
255 - 256 is 3.1m

i just took few numbers but look how it jumps from 1.9 to 4.7 and then lowers back to 2.1 then jumps again, it suppose to always increase not increase then lower, like this:

251 - 252 is 2m
252 - 253 is 2.5m
253 - 254 is 3.2m
254 - 255 is 5m

by making it like that, there will be less lvls ofc and exp for each lvl would be increasing more, but atleast it would be fair

You're correct.
Not sure if Allie actually realises this, since it makes absolutely no sense.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


We should return to topic plz.

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