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BoutCheetah » Forum » Other » Off Topic » ASCII art


Started by Thornz, September 17, 2014, 05:37:19 AM

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September 17, 2014, 05:37:19 AM Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 05:39:37 AM by Thornz
Made this awhile ago when I was bored. Not very fancy, and kinda copied one I saw online, but I typed it all out by hand. No copy/paste was used :3

                                       /   |\
                                     /  /  \  \
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|       ` - .                    |       |  |        |                   , - '      |
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                                 \  _______ /                
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                                   { >    >   }
                                   {   <    < }

Anybody got some more ASCII art to share? Original or otherwise?

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


i love this stuff but whenever i try copy pasting it ends up all formatted wrong. any tips? yours looks great btw  (even on my phone)


Quote from: Cooky on September 17, 2014, 06:21:29 AM
i love this stuff but whenever i try copy pasting it ends up all formatted wrong. any tips? yours looks great btw 
IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock


                                        /   |\
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copies fine for me

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


I copied that fr the word processor that I used to create it, so I think it really just depends on how the art was made, and to where you are pasting it. Shape has a lot to do with it as well. Small items have a better chance of success it would seem, as well as narrow items. Here's some other info I found:

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


hey qolderman if u press this button it seems to fix it


                       /''''''''''(______O] ----------____  \______/]_
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September 17, 2014, 10:15:25 PM #6 Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 10:19:57 PM by Thornz
Nice find Cooky, I was trying to figure out if there was some sort of option like that...
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IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


cool topic  :o

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IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants

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