Note to all Prestige and Prestigious members.
Friday morning 7am my time on the 23nd of january an event will start and it will finish when i log out on sunday 25th of january.
It will the top 3 players who get the most guild points. there will top 3 for Prestige and top 3 from Prestigious.
Prizes = 1st will choose from - liger head perm, dead kitten head perm, arma head perm or a meto jack head perm.
2nd will get a haloII energy field.
3rd will get a darkbot mini bot perm.
Prizes are the same for both guilds.
Also the player who gets the most guild points overall during the event will get an extra item gifted to them.
Rules - If anyone chooses to lock themselves in rooms and other members would like to join please let them as we are a team.
If they leech then it is ok to kick them from room. No hacking and no cheating and i will be watching you guys.