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Started by Corr, January 09, 2015, 01:55:29 AM

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January 09, 2015, 01:55:29 AM Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 02:48:33 AM by Corr
Next one is 1000, and too celebrate my accomplishment of non-farming all of these games I've decided to host an event.

Game has to be 8 man bvb, op tag on, industrobe plains, all that shiat.

I only want the 8 best players available, if you feel like you're one of them that has been recently active, please post and be apart of this momentousness feat.

This has to be greatest bais gaim evar, so teams must be fair, no matter what (lyfe I'm talkin to you).

Please apply, game should happen this weekend or the next weekend if anyone cannot make the former.

How active you are in base:
What do you know about it:
Can you get the necessary gear for a non-op game asap (bladless core +7 max armor, no op items):
Would you continue/what to be part of the base community and learn more about it:

MVP of the game will get my attbot v3 (Unless I get MVP lul)
MVP will be decided by voting of all 8 players in the room, not by the stats (don't care if you have 20 mk's and no pk's)
You cannot vote for yourself. Derp
I want this game to last, so hopefully it'll be a 18 min game, where only 1 player remains with red HP (on 1 life) running to the other base avoiding the lasers, having to kill mercs,  then having to combo it to death (which should take like 3 1/2 minutes).


kthx, remember attbot v3, very rare I has one, I also have army head unused and a billion snowballs and other **** I forgot bout.

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.

STC Zero

Time Zone: IDK XD south America
im active in base not so miuch but yeah
well i know something about that im not an expert
yeah i have :)
yeah of course i want to learn more about it :D

Nice Event bro :D


Early congratz on you 1000th legit base game.
That's an impressive achievement.

I'd like to offer the winnable v3 instead of you having to lose yours.
I'd also like to know more about base as you already knew, but let me know whenever.

Good luck and I hope there will be footage recorded of this promising base game.

Good luck to all 8 participants!
May the best team and BvB'er win.

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia


IGN: FM Vish
Timezone:GTM -6
How active you are in base: Alot.
What do you know about it: Enough to don't be a noob.
Can you get the necessary gear for a non-op game asap (bladless core +7 max armor, no op items): Already got it so yeah.
Level: 270
Would you continue/what to be part of the base community and learn more about it: Sure.

Congratulations at 999 base matches(on corr acc ur alts idk).

Moved topic to: BoutCheetah » BoutCheetah Community » Player Sponsored Events


why am I even doing this l0l

IGN: Twist of Fate
Timezone: -6 GMT I think this is Central time but I'm not sure
How active you are in base: only when called to play
What do you know about it: lots
Can you get the necessary gear for a non-op game asap (bladless core +7 max armor, no op items): already have
Level: 225
Would you continue/what to be part of the base community and learn more about it: already know this stuff breh


IGN: xHcTx
Timezone: UTC−05:00
How active you are in base: Haven't played in year(s)?
What do you know about it: Nothing really.
Can you get the necessary gear for a non-op game asap (bladless core +7 max armor, no op items): Indeed
Level: 225
Would you continue/what to be part of the base community and learn more about it: Jajaja


IGN: Delight46
Timezone: +4
How active you are in base: pretty active depends on players
What do you know about it: everything lul
Can you get the necessary gear for a non-op game asap (bladless core +7 max armor, no op items): yes
Level: idk 200+
Would you continue/what to be part of the base community and learn more about it: yes


Hey gamers/memers its me selene
IGN: Marc erckle?
How active you are in base: top 5
What do you know about it: nice rolls
Can you get the necessary gear for a non-op game asap (bladless core +7 max armor, no op items): done
Level: 189? 199? i forget
Would you continue/what to be part of the base community and learn more about it:
did i really have to make this


IGN: killerpig, shadowpig, ninjapig (will use whichever depending on team)
Timezone: -6
How active you are in base: i play whenever i get told to xd
What do you know about it: nerd
Can you get the necessary gear for a non-op game asap (bladless core +7 max armor, no op items): already have :)
Level: 225
Would you continue/what to be part of the base community and learn more about it: d****y

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -

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