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The bravest thing you've done in your life.

Started by Materger, February 15, 2015, 04:27:58 AM

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Talk about the bravest thing you have ever done in your life, like standing up for someone else or talking back to your parents because they were completely wrong about something or anything else you think you did that was brave.I'll share one of my stories first.Please attempt to be serious while posting and thank you for sharing.

Has to be a paragraph long.No less then five sentences.
Be nice and kind to everyone.

I'll talk about this one day when I was about 12-13 years old. I lived in home with a pretty big back yard, there was also a pool back there.Well in this backyard our dog at that time, a Labrador Retriever named Rocky, lived and went bananas there.Rocky had this hobby he enjoyed, he caught and killed birds. Normally we would never come anywhere near him while he was in his hunter mode since he had a tendency of becoming aggressive, with anyone and anything around him so we let him do his thing.In those days I had a big fear of dogs and would usually avoid Rocky as much as I could, but there was a problem.I enjoyed swimming in the pool way too much so I found myself in my backyard often.When I would go out for my swim, I'd sprint to to pool and dive in and Rocky would chase me but never jump in.He was afraid of jumping in.One day while I was taking a swim I saw Rocky gazing at this crow, which I am also afraid of, and he ran up to this bird and lunged at it flashing his teeth.Rocky had this poor animal in his mouth and it was still alive. I wasn't used to seeing any living thing in pain before so without thinking, I jumped out of the water and grabbed a broom and started to taunt Rocky and smacking him till the crow was released from his jaws.Once released, the crow could not fly and was limping so I decided to pick it up despite my fear of getting pecked and to my surprise the bird did not resist.I quickly rushed into the house with the crow in my arms thinking it was going to die without proper treatment, at the time my grandmother was the person I thought had answers to everything so I rushed into her room demanding help.She was shocked to see what was in my hands and thought it was a nice thing I did for the crow.All my grandmother did was keep it in the house for at least two to four days and fed it water and seeds.The crow by the forth day seemed to have regained it's ability to fly and would still allow us to touch and grab him/her without a problem and then my grandmother decided to set the bird free and it flew away.That has to be one of my bravest moments growing up as a kid especially with the abnormal amount of fears I had growing up.The sad thing was that Rocky continued to kill birds and my heroic act only happened for that one incident.Who knows if any of those crows he killed could have been the same crow.Nonetheless I still think it was a brave act from young mat.
squirtle! squirtle! 



Quote from: Materger on February 15, 2015, 04:27:58 AMHas to be a paragraph long.No less then five sentences.
Be nice and kind to everyone.

@policia2- You can always edit your post and add a bit more to this story of yours.
squirtle! squirtle! 



As many people of the community know I'm an avid sailor. I enjoy it as a passion and have for some time. It's incredibly fun but equally as dangerous. When I was 14 (I believe) I was at the peak of my learning of sailing, learning an incredible amount of new things during that summer. On this particular day it was storming and the winds were incredibly strong so my instructor told the group to head back into shore. However we were quite far from shore and the storm was but only getting stronger. I was one of  the stronger sailors in the group so I was closer to the shore. As the instructors were helping a boat that had capsized (flipped over) I noticed there was another boat that was struggling to stay upright. Instead of going the small distance to shore I turned around to go back to the struggling boat. As I neared I could see that both the people in the other boat were afraid and angry. One of the people in the other boat stood up to yell at their partner. In doing this a shift of the wind caused their boom (Big metal pole that holds the sail down) swung across and knocked the sailor out of the boat at the same time knocking her unconscious. Due to the displacement of weight their boat capsized (flipped over). So now both the sailors in the other boat were in the water, one unconscious. The conscious guy was at the surface screaming in fear of their life but the unconscious was not to be seen. As I looked around there was a dark patch underneath the sail. I sailed close enough to the boat to touch it and told my partner to take over. Afraid they did it. I took off my PFD (Personal flotation device) and dove into the water and swam up to the underside of the sail. I felt my hands hit the bottom of the sail and felt something that wasn't apart of the sail to my left. I grabbed onto it, unknowing what it was, and pulled it out from under the sail.  As I emerged from the water I could see now that it was the unconscious girl. I swam towards my boat with the girl behind me. I got into my boat and pulled the girl in after me. exhausted I realized that their boat was still capsized and the other person was still in the water. I put my PFD back on and jumped back in to wright (flip back over) their boat. After which I pulled the other person in and took down their sail so they could wait in one spot for the instructor without the whole thing happening over again. The girl was still unconscious in my boat and being trained in first aid I did checked to see if she was breathing. She was not. Checked for a pulse. Nothing. Immediately I started CPR. The instructor arrived and we carried the girl into the safety boat and continued CPR. Soon after she began to breathe and (obviously) regained a pulse. We sailed back in and the girl was transported to a hospital.

Sorry for huge wall of text and it's probably hard for most people to visualize this as most people haven't sailed before. Sorry :(


wow med.. that was incredible

good story and explanations i understood all of it

for me, i am not sure what i will answer. i think i will have to think about it

first thing that comes to mind is guy stole my bike and i chased him down and he was coming right at me on the bike i closelined him and stole the bike back from him then chased him and called the cops and he got arrested for theft and having weapon in his backpack


Enjoyed your story a bunch med. Cooky, that's pretty brave, not a lot of people would try to counterattack an attacker who may be armed. :-3  Keep the stories coming guys.
squirtle! squirtle! 



Wow, very inspiring story med. I'm still trying to think if I have one to share :P

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants

STC Zero

 :'( wow Med, u are the best bro im impressed about ur story :D


February 15, 2015, 09:09:40 PM #8 Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 10:50:49 PM by Vobck
thx whoever deleted my post for ruining the fun

the bravest thing ive done is post in any thread in bc since they delete any post


just re-soft modded my wii without bricking it.

i live a dangerous life.


my first job was at a local restaurant when i was 17. someone accidentally left a few buns on the grill because our toaster stopped working.

They caught fire and instantly got out of control. I mean the ceiling and part of the floor was just burning serious. Everyone else had sense to get the hell out of the building accept this guy who just froze in the corner. dude wtf are u thinking!? i start yelling hey man cmon we gotta get outta here. he just stood there.

i started saying to myself fine leave him and save yourself. honestly i really didnt wanna help this guy out. i even made my way to the back door, but he cried the faintest help i've ever heard. so i said fuk it, grabbed the fire extinguisher and told him i would try and make a small opening in the fire so he could run through. it took the whole can to make even a dent and i guess he finally got some sense and made it through that opening.

afterwards the dude was trying to hug me and thank me and blah blah. i never really felt like a hero or anything. i even told him i almost left him there. he said i dont care cause you came back anyway.

Who did that!?


one time in high school i told my favorite teacher 'shutup, bitch' as a joke and everyone thought it was funny  fortunately or i could have been in big trouble lol

probably my favorite high school memory


I stabbed a guy once with a supreme boxcutter.

ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


I punched a kid in the face cuz he was bullying some other kids and we got in a fight. It was in kindergarten so we both started crying and got detention lol.

Sorry for the short story only thing I could think of atm.

^yw allie


I cooked a potato once.. WITH the peel still on.  ::)

The bravest thing I've done was probably "save" my ex-girlfriend's life at one point.
We were on holiday and long story short, she was drowning in a lake.
Her foot was stuck on like tree branches and weeds and god knows, maybe a dead body or something, anyways, I noticed she wasn't really "moving" from the same spot in the water anymore, so I swam closer, at which point she had hurt her leg really badly, and due to the pain, she was kind of crouching, when standing up; hard to explain but, her leg hurt so much, that instead of trying to keep her head under water, she was completely under water, crying, and touching her leg because it hurt so much.

So i saw her head missing from above the water on and on, so i swam to her, and I realised what was wrong, and that it was like a serious life-threatening issue.
I took a deep breath and swam to the bottom, and looked what was wrong with her foot, though no real clear water, so it was quite hard to see anything. Most i did was touch everything around her foot, trying to get her loose.
She was panicking though, still going under water with her head, and having trouble to breath, due to the panic, also breathing underwater, which in turn made her cough up water and put her in need of more oxygen, which she couldn't get, so she was actually suffocating herself because of the panic.

Soooooo I pulled her head out of the water, and kissed her, I calmed her down for like 2 minutes and hugged her really tightly, and then instantly dove down, and in pretty much 10 seconds, with all my might, i had gotten her foot loose.
She instantly kind of collapsed, because she had no energy left to swim or keep her head above the water, so then I grabbed her from the back, supported her arms and shoulders, put her neck backwards on my chest/neck, and swam backwards to the shore.
(This is a rescue technique I learnt in school once, but I always failed the tests at school)

She had a really badly twisted ankle and had a hard time breathing for the next 2 hours.
She also had to pee a lot, because of all the water she had drunk, while drowning.
We were all alone in the area, and the closest parent or "grown-up" was about 5 miles away i guess.
So if not for my actions, i don't know, maybe she could've pulled her leg out and swam to shore, but i highly doubt it.

Conclusion: I probably saved her life that day.
Conclusion 2: What you learn in school is very important kids!!

(I don't know if this classifies as brave, but It's what first popped into my mind, on a serious note, and I felt really f**king brave doing what I did, afterwards. I was the man baby!)

Sorry for the wall of text :/
I tried to keep it short :x

IGN: GM Max | Level: 270 | Guild: Utopia

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