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Banned for Multi-clienting?

Started by exbnoc, March 06, 2015, 06:29:18 PM

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I was just banned for "Multi-clienting", which is a misunderstanding of our situation: I have been playing with my brother on the same internet connection. I don't quite understand why the ban was so swift - no effort was made to confirm such allegations other than "our IP's match" (which I assume is what the issue was)

My brother's account is Aimreh, hopefully this is resolved quickly so we can start playing again.


Just like the guy before you, this pvp event is causing lots of multi-clienting abuse. I've heard the "family member did it" excuse time and time again over the years. If you'd like a more expanded explanation than just matching IPs, here you go:
You were always in a locked room.
Slots were always closed.
Both those accounts were registered today, leading me to believe those are just alts you made for the event.
Both accs pretty much went everywhere together simultaneously - in rooms, in lobby, and they logged out at the same time.
Consider the effort to confirm those allegations made.

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Actually, I would say that all points towards two brothers playing together. So we want to play together, and make a locked room to play in. We have dinner, so we log out at the same time. I don't see the issue.

"I entered your room to get further proof of you using multiple clients and you pretty much confirmed it to me when only one of your bots was talking or moving at a time." from the other topic.

Right, so if our accounts were to both be moving and playing at the same time, that'd lead you to believe we were two seperate people, correct? I don't see why you couldn't have just asked to join our room, said it's because you think we may be multi-clienting, so you could assure yourself that it was not the case.

Instead we are now locked out of our accounts based on circumstantial evidence.

Not only that, but i'm guessing that this PVP event means a lot of grinding for items, in the PVP mode.
Now, notice how we played about 4 matches of PVP.

Yeah, it doesn't add up. Why would we create two accounts to farm items in the event, then only do it for 4 games before moving back to sector mode, of which we had been playing beforehand anyway?

You'll have to come up with better ways of confirming multi-clienters because clearly your system is killing off new players that play with family members. I'm just glad I didn't spend money on my account before bringing my brother on, because I didn't realise that the standard for detecting exploiters is so broad and the evidence circumstantial.


If you can show me that you're both playing at the same time I'll gladly unban you and apologize for the misunderstanding.
I'll unban your accs now so if you could come in-game soon we can do that.

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Alright those two are clear. Unlike most other cases, they are indeed brothers and were playing together all the time.
Again, sorry fellas. Like I said, too many multi-clienters have appeared during the span of this event and I'm not sure who to believe anymore. :>
We will work through some new rules in the near future to avoid situations like this. Thank you for understanding and have fun!

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