How many people have ever heard of it? I can't remember if I've shared this before. The basic story behind it is that Lucas wanted to keep fans satisfied while they waited for the 2nd film to be released, so he had a team collaborate with Smith-Hemion Productions, who made TV specials, to make a Star Wars TV movie. Unfortunately, Lucas and most of the people on his team had nothing to do with the actual development due to lack of time while working on the 2nd Star Wars film, and they left most of it to the 3rd party. Worst. Mistake. Ever. The final result was godawful and Lucas was quoted to have wished every copy could be hunted down and burned.
But oh well, now it's a humorous piece of history. Here's the full movie for those that are curious XD
The Star Wars Holiday Special.1And if you want the full story (since my facts may be wrong, it's been a while since I researched this haha), go here a scroll past the plot: