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Complement battle!

Started by Materger, March 24, 2015, 10:00:17 PM

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March 24, 2015, 10:57:31 PM #15 Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 10:59:37 PM by Materger
Quote from: Rossbach on March 24, 2015, 10:53:29 PM
Quote from: Materger on March 24, 2015, 10:50:49 PM

Quote from: Rossbach on March 24, 2015, 10:48:29 PM

It's not only an honor to be called "Nub" by you, it's a blessing, a sign of the highest power i'd sacrifice my first born son just to hear it again.


My first born will be thrown into a Volcano now, thank you once more for blessing me.
squirtle! squirtle! 



Quote from: Materger on March 24, 2015, 10:50:49 PM
Quote from: opuiq3 on March 24, 2015, 10:27:24 PM
mater ur hot.

top that

You sir, burn so hot that I needed 1,000 level 100 Charizards to use their best attacks nine times, thats over 9,000 degree's hotter than me and I can't top that because you're the sky and you... have no limit.

^yw allie


Quote from: Materger on March 24, 2015, 10:50:49 PM
Quote from: leapman on March 24, 2015, 10:25:44 PM
Materger is so awesome he could support an entire Guatemalan family with his single UNI-BROW! Materger is so awesome he got a platinum membership card at taco bell and his own private city bus. When Materger farts he cleanses the environment and stops global warming. Materger is so smooth I had to sacrifice my bitch before being in his presence. Materger doesn't read books, books read to him. They tried making a statue of Materger, but they couldn't find a stone hard enough for his abs. Materger is the only person I'll give my top spot to in EGK.

Oh Mr. Leampman. You're my inspiration for even making this battle, our battles with Nep and all of my chokes. I remember how you told me, "Yo mat hold it down I got him dude" and you rekt nep to a whole new planet dude. I can't even begin to understand how I'm feeling within, when I think about you. I think of babies who should be named after you, I think about how when I have a son, you'll be his godfather. I think about the future and how it means nothing without your presence. You said my farts clean the earth? Well guess what? I learned how to fart just to make you laugh because you're a great guy with beautiful eyes and thighs so many muscles, I thought you were born in high def. I bet you don't even workout, I bet when you walk into a gym, 100 personal trainers grab you and make you move the machines like you were powered by batteries.You sacrificed your girl huh? Well I brought her back from the dead just because I wanted to. Make you smile more because really my life's a bore and when I see you smile it gives my life new meaning.The whole reason I even made my name was because of you. The "M" stands for that man who made me grow as a better person and.... that man was you....
Oh Materger, when you blink blind man see, when you think wise man plead. You're beautiful that Allie and Selene sent you a their picture as thanks for being alive. Cooky sent you toe nail pictures with your name studded in diamond upon them. When you wink at women babies are born in meadows surrounded by fluffy bunnies. Materger you're so awesome, that when you speak nept has perfect English. Materger's so handsome that  Medchill has a shrine of you in his bed room.
<br /><br /><br />SC: breadstickmaker<br />EGK #Aphrodite<br />


March 24, 2015, 11:02:31 PM #18 Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 11:08:32 PM by Rossbach

You should be thrilled with enjoyment, as Ross has blessed you with "Nub." not once, but thrice! This is a reward for you being just so nice. Consider this the ultimate complement to you, as you consider being called a "Nub." such a huge blessing. The higher you complement Ross the higher this complement means to you. No possible complement can be greater than this one.


Omnomnom eating toast.


Mat, I have loved everything about you from day 1. From the moment I first laid eyes upon your bot, I knew there WAS still good in this world. Even though I knew I could never hope to be as amazing and respectable as you, I always watched the things you did in order to try to make myself a better man.

I learned to cherish every little word that you posted on the forums, knowing that I would someday compile them all into the holy book of Mater, the bible for a new religion that will naturally be based upon you, since you are a symbol for everything that is good and pure. The only reason I wanted to become staff was so that I could see your comments in the staff section, and not let a single one of your beautiful words go to waste. Oh what a horrible sin that would be! As an added plus, I now talk with you on skype, and I've even been able to hear your flawless voice. You sir, could be anything you wanted to be, and do anything you wanted to do. I just hope I can be blessed enough to witness everything you do so that I can record it for all of human history to remember.

You have, and always shall be, my role model.

*happy tears*

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


Yo Leapman, I know you really mean that. Yeah it was nice, but trust me... your nicer. I see the lamp in you leapman, you two are like gods from outer space to bless us humans with your godly faces. You guys are the real reason Hitler died. You guys did it from the bottom and now your here meng, looking like some gods with your Poseidon beards. I bet you'd never let an old lady or man cross a street without your hand, I bet every child birth, you guys deliver it. I swear that if I was as cool as you I'd walk around in public and wear nice shoes. Nobody would mug me or say mean things and all the girls would faint just from looking at me. You guys are lucky to be so freaking nice dude. Leap you said "I make blind men see" right? well that's nice G, but you gave them freaking eyes man. Lamp you're a nice dude taking your time to make a nice picture of you, but you were a bit wrong my dude because there's no real picture of you. There's no lamp to compare you too, you'd be Aladdin's new lamp, because meh, who needs a genie what they can have you!Ross by posting such a nice post about how nice of a guy you really are, I am at a lost of words. I can't even begin to express it though, you win in everything you touch my man. You said there's no possible complement that can be greater, but guess again because your wrong, the next one you'll say or think about will be much, much greater.

Hey Thornz, that's real nice and stuff, but... TRUST ME YOU ARE MUCH BETTER. I was truly the reason for a new religion and people from all around admired me, I'd resign and make you my successor. I would throw myself at you quicker than you could think the simplest thought your mind can process and I would than tell you while I sometimes wear a dress, to impress and tickle you and wear nice heels just to reach your eyes so when I look into those two gems I could drown in them. Look at that even the thought of losing myself in your eyes has made me feel weak to my knees and I can't think of what to say next, but I bet you could help me because you always know what to say to make me smile and laugh real loud. I remember that one night when I drank way too much and you let me crash in your bed and your baby started to cry real hard and you turned to him and said "Shhhhhhhhhh he's sleeping". I'll never forget those cold winter nights when you tucked me in and kissed my head while you cried "Goodnight". How could I man, forget all those warm heart shaking moments when I was locked outside naked in the cold,surrounded by snow and you drove by just to give me your clothes.You're nice dude. No way to hide or fake it, you'd be the first nice bad guy in a murder movie, like "Sorry for killing your friend, I won't do it again" and smile right after because you are kind. Kind of too good for anything I'll say or do for you, but your so nice you'll say "Thank you". How could I endure all of these thoughts in my mind about all the times I was the little spoon because you said "I wan't you to hold onto me". C'mon dude no way, I can't touch you, you're great and I'm just a normal dude. Despite of what I said you smiled and winked and I became your little spoon. I sometimes daydream of you as my father so I could award you with the "Father of the year" award, every single day.I love you Thornz.
squirtle! squirtle! 



Lmao, this turned into a bromance thread pretty quick....

But besides that, I hear all the nice words you're saying and I appreciate them, but I know you're the better man. I was nothing before I started to emulate you, and everything you see today is the product of you. So even if you did love me with all your heart, you are really just looking at an inperfect reflexion of yourself.

Oh, and I know the real reason that you took so long to respond. It wasn't because you hadn't checked the thread or were spending time to formulate your beautiful words, you were struggling to force yourself to say something nice to me, because it's true. I'm nothing compared to you. People would laugh at me if we stood next to each other.

IGN: FM Thornz [Lv 270]
Quote from: cyc0828He destroy my guild
Not pants


ZeaL - Rank 1 Hax, just because
I do it for the lulz.


Quote from: Rossbach on March 24, 2015, 11:49:40 PM
Not at all mat. For Ross put his all into that one, leaving nothing else to possibly beat it. Just for you.

This right now, just topped your last post in my eyes. It was something so nice that even blind people could see for a second. What you wrote right here, will be remembered forever.

Quote from: Corr on March 24, 2015, 11:54:36 PM
Your **** doesn't smell.

If it did smell, I wish it would smell like you. Someone so pure and perfect, it would be so totally worth it. I don't even want to start talking about you corr, you're so important you'd most likely grow bored of how silly I am and you deserve much better.

Quote from: Thornz on March 24, 2015, 11:50:10 PM
Lmao, this turned into a bromance thread pretty quick....

But besides that, I hear all the nice words you're saying and I appreciate them, but I know you're the better man. I was nothing before I started to emulate you, and everything you see today is the product of you. So even if you did love me with all your heart, you are really just looking at an inperfect reflexion of yourself.

Oh, and I know the real reason that you took so long to respond. It wasn't because you hadn't checked the thread or were spending time to formulate your beautiful words, you were struggling to force yourself to say something nice to me, because it's true. I'm nothing compared to you. People would laugh at me if we stood next to each other.

Thornz.... That's nice and all... BUT YOUR MUCH NICER! You're so nice you'd wear a suit and tie in a drive by. Instead of bullets you'd shot rows of 100 dollar bills to the kids with Wealthcare.You would than give away the car used and rent out a bike, and ride to a homeless shelter and donate enough money to keep them fed till each and every one of them was dead.After that? You'd coach little league teams for the kids with special needs and support them in and out of their sport.... YOU ARE JUST TOO NICE DUDE! Always in a good mood rather someone said something mean or hurt you, you close your hands together a wish for them to have a better life and in the next few minutes their sitting on your lap while you give them life advice. Are you serious? I couldn't do something like that, but you??? Dear lord, what an honor it would be to walk in your shoes, when I said this to myself you took off your only pair and told me "Hey, here you go buddy". The funny part about is you walked home bare footed and didn't even think about all the rocks, shards of glass and all the creepy crawlies. Also if there's nothing compared to me because you made me different. After all the things you taught me, please. That one night you were popping bottles at the club and you took all the bottles home just to recycle? Please... You're way to nice for me. I don't know what I'd be without you, lost confused, in a dark room with a dim light that would remind me of you because you are the light i feed on in complete darkness. The only reason I even sleep is so that maybe I could dream about us talking and taking a sip of tea. I'll see you in my dreams.
squirtle! squirtle! 



Mat you're so fabulous that Basegod sacrifices his bitches to you! They tried making a porno with you, but your abs were so shiny they couldn't even film in the dark. You can't rhyme mat without fap! Bruh you brought kenny back into BC, the Superbowl half time show is dedicated to you! Bruh you cured swine flu with your tear drop in the public water supply. Any item you buy in boutcheetah instantly becomes priceless, rare and untradable. Allie tried banning you one time, but your perfect grammar post reflected her attack and banned herself. YOU GO IN DRY BRUH BUT LEAVE THE  ;) OCEAN WET! You inspired me to finish my mixtape. I almost dropped out of high school just to have more time to hear your dope rhymes on Skype. You turn the hardest man gay for you. Chuck Norris wishes he had that fire.
<br /><br /><br />SC: breadstickmaker<br />EGK #Aphrodite<br />


March 25, 2015, 12:54:54 AM #25 Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 01:21:25 AM by Eat4two
Remember the days in high school when I used to dress like a complete nerd just to be your friend. I didn't like the required style, being forced to wear greasy glasses or the fact I wasn't allowed to use deodorant. But hey, it was worth to meet the criteria to proudly be classed as a member of your gang. When I needed help with formulas, you were always there for me. Your sweat gracefully moistened the t84 calculator as you went hard on it like there was no tomorrow. I have to say I was a little uncomfortable with that but it's okay, cuz you were always so keen on helping me out. I can't thank you enough for everything. Besides, your dorky yet sporty personality and appearance is just heart stirring.


Quote from: leapman on March 25, 2015, 12:24:51 AM
Mat you're so fabulous that Basegod sacrifices his bitches to you! They tried making a porno with you, but your abs were so shiny they couldn't even film in the dark. You can't rhyme mat without fap! Bruh you brought kenny back into BC, the Superbowl half time show is dedicated to you! Bruh you cured swine flu with your tear drop in the public water supply. Any item you buy in boutcheetah instantly becomes priceless, rare and untradable. Allie tried banning you one time, but your perfect grammar post reflected her attack and banned herself. YOU GO IN DRY BRUH BUT LEAVE THE  ;) OCEAN WET! You inspired me to finish my mixtape. I almost dropped out of high school just to have more time to hear your dope rhymes on Skype. You turn the hardest man gay for you. Chuck Norris wishes he had that fire.

You fuel the fire that burns within me, and trust it isn't pretty. Thanks to the wicked lyrics contained in that brain you brought me to a whole new understanding of what music really is, not just flashy cars, half naked girls, and the coolest cars. It's about bars! and you have enough bars to form a few of the largest jails, drop so many bars that you're flipping minds, a rocker now listens to rap, midjits now wear heels to appear taller, a father actually pay child support. You made this all happen, you rhyme fiend, destroying every opponent with ease, straight off the top. You said my abs shine bright, but that same light was powered by you like the sun and the moon, there's no comparing us.What you said was nice and all, but.... YOU're STILL MUCH NICER! Twice a week you skin wild alligators, while wearing a power ranger suit, just to look like the perfect embodied form of over all moral, you style on the newbies but expand their minds with what you say and if I had a son, I'd still name him after you. You murder everything you touch on a track in and out of every rhyme, I bob my head like a walking chicken when you start dropping those bombs. Dude really, you think I'm a nice guy? I once stabbed a chubby kid in school for calling me a twig and when I was asked why i did what i did, I replied "I wanted to pop that balloon so he could fly around the room". I would use a midjets as shoes and squeeze lemons over the eyes of babies, I would show up to a church butt naked. I'm not nice, I'm more likely to be someone you despise. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, YOU'RE SO MUCH NICER!
squirtle! squirtle! 



just a reminder to folks that this is in off topic not spam section so please dont make spam posts


Quote from: Eat4two on March 25, 2015, 12:54:54 AM
Remember the days in high school when I used to dress like a complete nerd just to be your friend. I didn't like the required style, being forced to wear greasy glasses or the fact I wasn't allowed to use deodorant. But hey, it was worth to meet the criteria to proudly be classed as a member of your gang. When I needed help with formulas, you were always there for me. Your sweat gracefully moistened the t84 calculator as you went hard on it like there was no tomorrow. I have to say I was a little uncomfortable with that but it's okay, cuz you were always so keen on helping me out. I can't thank you enough you for everything. Besides, your dorky yet sporty personality and appearance is just heart stirring.

Funny you mention that, I remember those days well enough.You and I were in the same classroom, it was 9th grade and I looked nerdy and wise, but in the eyes of the crowd I was favored, wow I used to think.Secretly I noticed how you looked at me, from every end of every hallway you would watch me, just to make sure I made it to class safe and you would run by really fast and yell compliments to my face. I used to play hard to befriend and would give you the cold shoulder,  but deep inside I knew I loved the attention you were giving so I played along for as long as I could. The reason I used to sweat using the calculator was because I knew that an hour later, you'd be gone and my study time with my buddy would come to an end. I was nervous around you, had no type of clue how to act, sneaked a few snacks in your backpack because the kids at lunch would steal your meal. I had your back because I love you, and you didn't know. I became great because you inspired me to. Seeing you work so hard made me want to help so I extended our study time just to lay eyes on you. School wasn't nothing much, just a bunch of nerds who looked up to me and than there was you. I couldn't understand why I felt so much envy, you were so silent and unnoticed and I wanted that because being a popular nerd was hard enough. Thank you for secretly doing my missing class assignments and for letting me win in our chess club. You're way too nice and I love you.
squirtle! squirtle! 



well uhmm.. you have nice nip-- eyes!
IGN: Caustic

^thanks cooky <3
Quote from: Cooky on August 03, 2014, 12:05:07 AM
whats wrong with eating a sock

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