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Remove Window Resolution Restrictions

Started by Throttle, June 04, 2015, 10:02:24 PM

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Would you like to remove window resolution restrictions?

Don't care.


June 04, 2015, 10:02:24 PM Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 12:01:20 PM by Throttle
This suggestion has been posed many times before, but given the present circumstances, I believe it has much more promise.

Below are statistics, with reference, regarding modern display resolution averages.

The most popular screen resolution seems to be 1366x768, which is more than twice as big as 800x600.
Please also note that these values represent a nonpartisan approach of screen resolutions in general; these numbers do not represent the resolutions of only the gaming community, our average dimensions are probably even greater.

I see two main reasons for concern:
• This limit does the entire community a great disservice.
• In practice, PvP rooms are extremely scarce, so this "effort" is veritably for naught.

BoutCheetah cannot afford to lose any more players.
I propose this restriction be removed as soon as possible.


I believe it was taken off due to a wider view of the map and it wasn't fair for people with low  resolution displays.

BC: Nuc | Kyura
GC: SaphireFlare


June 05, 2015, 01:09:01 AM #2 Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 03:45:14 AM by Throttle
Quote from: Nucleaon on June 05, 2015, 12:50:30 AM
I believe it was taken off due to a wider view of the map and it wasn't fair for people with low  resolution displays.

Thank you for skimming, but as I mentioned in my post, it isn't sensible to say that rectifying a small PvP advantage is worth sacrificing the enjoyability and appeal of the game in its totality.
Efforts like this cater only to fanatics and will do no good to foster a community's growth.
If you insist on a limit, it should be raised, at the very least, to something more like contemporary averages (1366x768 - 1920x1080).
Acclaim would have never done something like this; it's absolutely preposterous and a good sign of egregiously poor management.


Quote from: Throttle on June 05, 2015, 01:09:01 AM
Quote from: Nucleaon on June 05, 2015, 12:50:30 AM
I believe it was taken off due to a wider view of the map and it wasn't fair for people with low  resolution displays.

People like you are truly the salt of the earth.
Thank you for skimming, but as I mentioned in my post, it isn't sensible to adjudge a small PvP advantage more pressing than that which concerns the enjoyability and appeal of the game in its totality.
Efforts like this cater only to fanatics and will do no good to foster a community's growth.
Acclaim would have never done something like this; it's absolutely preposterous and a sign of egregiously poor management.

He's salt of the Earth for reciting what he heard from Allie on the topic of upping the resolution? You expect people to take anything you say seriously when you respond like that?

As for Acclaim - they didn't even add windowed mode. I'm not gonna say we make the best decisions, or even any good ones for a couple years really, but Acclaim was literally a moneygrubbing cesspool that left hacks that took down the game, stole accounts and tonnes of gamebreaking glitches unpatched. Do I even need to mention their community manager banning people who couldn't be bothered typing his full name?
If you called him Histo, you'd be gone and out of the game for good. lol. that's poor management.

oh yeah and because you're directing this at the admins specifically I'm just gonna add to the end of this that I'm just ranting about Acclaim being shit, don't let my title fool you I'm just posting as someone who saw Acclaim in their prime lol

but one more thing to add, I do agree that the resolution should be upped and the slight advantage given to the what, 5 people who ever actively played PvP? shouldn't have taken priority over everyone else.
DISCORD killyzkill


June 05, 2015, 01:32:32 AM #4 Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 01:39:20 AM by Nucleaon
Quote from: Throttle on June 05, 2015, 01:09:01 AM
Quote from: Nucleaon on June 05, 2015, 12:50:30 AM
I believe it was taken off due to a wider view of the map and it wasn't fair for people with low  resolution displays.

People like you are truly the salt of the earth.
Thank you for skimming, but as I mentioned in my post, it isn't sensible to adjudge a small PvP advantage more pressing than that which concerns the enjoyability and appeal of the game in its totality.
Efforts like this cater only to fanatics and will do no good to foster a community's growth.
If you insist on a limit, it should be raised, at the very least, to something more like contemporary averages (1366x768 - 1920x1080).
Acclaim would have never done something like this; it's absolutely preposterous and a sign of egregiously poor management.
Lot of ****in hostility mate, I don't work for the game nor do I give 2 shits on what they're gonna do so calling me salt of the earth is unnecessary since my comment will not influence whether or not they will cater to your demand (and not just you but a lot of others). However if you're looking for a '+1' then I'll give it to you.

EDIT: Oh, I didn't realize that you mentioned the reason for taking it down in your OP. sowwy

BC: Nuc | Kyura
GC: SaphireFlare

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