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October BOTS Events

Started by Allie, October 08, 2015, 02:56:28 AM

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October 08, 2015, 02:56:28 AM Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 06:45:05 PM by Allie
The following events will take place between October 14, and October 21.

First is a simple event requiring level 100.
Players will need to record themselves, and upload to youtube, a run of level 98 in less than 4 minutes.
This must be solo'd using no II items, and all mobs can be pushed.
The videos may be posted in my event thread as soon as this event starts for your reward.

The reward will be a +2 set of the level 108 (100 in BOTS) armour. These sets are unavailable anywhere else, and we have no plan to release it again in the near future.
The +2 set has about the same stats as the level 98+3 parts, so it will not give an advantage, only a cosmetic reward.
In addition to this reward is the requirement to wear it, and that is a permanent (not one year) trans of the players choice.

We'll also be offering an interaction event.
For the duration of this event, anyone who whispers an online GM can request a 7-day coin item of their choice.
You can request once per character, and once per GM. There are currently five GMs (GM Allie, GM Blade, GM Michael, GM Lamp, and GM Kebab).

If a GM does not reply to you immediately, remember that even GMs cannot receive whispers while in the shop. Wait a few minutes and ask again. I will personally be making sure no GMs are afk during this time.
Please do not request this from GM alts. They could be afk or just feel like playing for awhile.

Lastly, we will be hosting a gold bar dropping event.
During the event, three new items will drop: Goldbar(1), Goldbar(3), and Goldbar(6).
The higher the number, the rarer they drop.
These items will drop on maps 17, 22, 35, 50, 70, and 95.

Players can trade the gold bars to any GM during the event to be added to a list to receive coins (it will not be an immediate process).
The coins received will be equal to the number on the bar (1, 3 or 6) times 100. If you turn in a 1 or a 3, you cannot turn in a 6 later.
This reward can only be turned in ONCE per character, irregardless of the GM. Goldbars will be untradeable.
Excess gold bars can be sold for gigas at the respective price of [1,000, 5,000, 10,000] gigas.

Please give your feedback on these new types of events. We would like to do more of these events in the future.


that sounds awesome! great ideas for an event.


Quote from: Allie on October 08, 2015, 02:56:28 AM
First is a simple event requiring level 100.
a run of level 98 in less than 4 minutes.


Omnomnom eating toast.


Would you have to be level 100 to complete the challenge or is the level req just to wear the armor?


Quote from: medchiller on October 08, 2015, 03:01:59 PM
Would you have to be level 100 to complete the challenge or is the level req just to wear the armor?

It's required to wear the armor.



Quote from: kulvinder on October 09, 2015, 06:32:38 AM
I don't understand what you mean by "the requirement to wear it.....perm trans".

The primary reason it's unreleased is because using the level 108 set without a trans will d/c you.
This is very easily fixable, but requires kenny to make an update, which he will not comply to.

Because transes cost actual usd over at BOTS, we've decided against releasing it to the public.
But this event allows us to give you a permanent trans to fix that issue.


That's some neat stuff there. It's great that it's all happening 2 days after I get home and overall actively having actual events on Bots is awesome. Thank you Allie!

(click to show/hide)


This event starts tomorrow, in about 14-16 hours.



October 14, 2015, 05:50:30 PM #10 Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 05:52:47 PM by Caspian

my ingame name is Caspian and my bot type is RAM. I would like the Lanternman aka Lanny trans

Enjoy :)

Best regards Caspian
Dedicated BOTS player

Member and guild leader of Elysium.


Ign: xFrith
Bot: Ram
Trans: Digidragon please, thankyou :-)


(click to show/hide)


All of the four above me have received their items.


IGN: Bulletz09
BOT Type: Surge
Trans: Overrunner
Enjoy the video and Thank You for this event!
IGN: BC: - Bullet -, - inFamous -. Bots: Bulletz, Bulletz09

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