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Tasmania's Excuses.

Started by Insaniity, December 30, 2010, 06:46:23 AM

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December 30, 2010, 06:46:23 AM Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 07:00:38 AM by Insaniity
Ok so ive been pvping with tas. And i was wondering if u wanted to hear his excuses?

Here they are.

" You rusher "
" You rely on ur trans "
" Wow you use ur gun to much "
" Lagger "
" Stop glitching "
" Chainer "
" Type hitter "
" Hacker! "
" Pusher "

Hmm Rusher lets get to that i use as much rush as he does upper cut.
Trans? I trans when he does.
I use my gun to much? Hmm Not really. I use as much as u do.
Lagger hmm it wouldn't be me lagging it would be him laggin.
Glitching? On flop? tell me 1 I didnt get behind a board or any fences.
Chainer. U chain to. And i cant control.
Type hitter... ugh last time i checked u do it to.
Hacker. Ur room master. I cant hack.
Pusher? U got on the edge.

Anyone want to see 2 videos of me pvping him?

Just said glitcher and lagger again.



i will Oh and ill add Type hitter. And ill add I cant control when i chain :) there.




December 30, 2010, 06:57:24 AM #5 Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 07:03:23 AM by Insaniity
Eh im not crying.
Hes just being re re he said lil lagger and u lag so much this time :)

and why would i cry when im winning?


You should have called somene to get in the room. There's no evidence anything happened.

Quote from: Madproxyes because Iri & Kp can change the rules!
thats how we roll maddie


I have video :) I was gonna whisper u but u got off :(


lol, theirs alot more excuses than that


Thats Tas's excuses. :) So if u play him youll be expecting those.


Quote from: Iridion on December 30, 2010, 07:04:28 AM
You should have called somene to get in the room. There's no evidence anything happened.
tas is a nub...played with him many times...
Quote from: Insaniity on December 30, 2010, 06:46:23 AM
Hmm Rusher lets get to that i use as much rush as he does upper cut. -> no comment
Trans? I trans when he does. -> same
I use my gun to much? Hmm Not really. I use as much as u do. -> ...same
Lagger hmm it wouldn't be me lagging it would be him laggin. -> tas lags like h3ll...
Glitching? On flop? tell me 1 I didnt get behind a board or any fences. -> thats not glitch...
Chainer. U chain to. And i cant control. -> everybody chains in BC...
Type hitter... ugh last time i checked u do it to. -> there's no rule for that...if somebody chats, he/she should stay in a safe place
Hacker. Ur room master. I cant hack. -> wrong, people can hack even if they're not room masters or if they're not in their own rooms
Pusher? U got on the edge. ->thats epic

Anyone want to see 2 videos of me pvping him? -> yes

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