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A reason to check the forum

Started by mo9, April 29, 2017, 08:33:57 AM

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IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -



Quote from: VirusInject on May 21, 2017, 03:14:36 AM
Okay... Where do i start... I apologize in advance... this is going to be a long message... but i feel like someone has to say it.
someone... I wish it wasn't me.. I wish none of this was the way it was... hell i came back and dropped.. 200$ on this game... i didnt know about all this... or the drama that had happened or anything.. I had my son.. and i just kinda slipped into the adult life.. between work and everything...(and my two laptops got busted to 1.5k pieces). Like i said... I have a lot to say... And i mean a LOT to say.... So ill color code it for specific things... heres how itll be color coated...
Message to the admins
General message to the players
Possible Farewell?? ( idk  :'( honestly)

Ill start with the general message first.... and lead into the others .. i may end up adding in some messages inbetween.

     Hello everyone still here.. or even if you are just checking in... My name is Cody, Im 22.. I first started
playing bots when I started middleschool.. Heh it helped pass the time. I was just a kid. It was a fun game right?
I loved bots, as a kid.. it was something me and my friends got together to do and interact, goof off. etc.....
anyways.. It became a very active interest.. not because this game is so unique, or so special or different than other
games...  But because I had my friends with me.. Which is a lot of the reason most of us are still here... still on boutcheetah..
because we miss the "good old days".. I remember.. heh.. and i hate to admit this especially considering i know Allie
back then specifically hated me... My IGN on bots.. was vVprobotVv/Bestbot476 (dont even know if she'd remember
any of that old hatred and annoyance i gave her back in the day.) But.. This might end up being the last message I post
on here... (which.. hate to admit again considering im a 22yr old man... but from the start of this message ive been
tearing up in my eyes....) I remember when bots was at its end... all the GMs were gone... the community became..
interesting on there... but we still remained constant with it... Then all the hackers and hacks started popping up..
     And i remember.. I remember the box hack in its prime. when it was at first an injector that only lasted 30 seconds or
so... I remember when the first source code was leaked out... Hell i have a video on youtube (vvprobotvv is the acc name)
showing it off.... titled it bots hack.. I remember seeing it one day.. you know? GM Allie. And tbh.. with the game dying...
and i know it was just a hack a little bit after the fact... but it gave me hope again for that old game.. That even when the
Original owners gave up on the game... at least the community didn't give up on the game. The community loved it.
I remember getting into a game with Allie, and who i assumed to be kenny
(Dunno if it really was man..sorry)
And seeing all these exploits at work... it blew my world that someone could really put so much time and effort
into making such helpful and useful things... and instead of only using it themselves.. they helped out players... (maybe not
at first.. but eventually yeah.) Then a horrible thing happened.... Acclaim announced they were giving up on the community.
that bots was coming to an end.. by this time most of my friends had moved onto different games (which i still played these
other games too...but I loved the community of bots.. I guess i kinda grew attached to it...) I felt ... I cannot really describe...

     But then... boutcheetah started spreading around.. and the community had hope again... Which is all we needed...
somewhere we could put our hope and keep our community all together.. with everything else around us changing..
it felt great that their was still hope..... I cannot even describe how happy i was to still be able to play this game..
..... i had kinda hoped... once i had my son... that... this would still be going strong... and i could show him the kind of games
his daddy used to play when he was a kid.. and start bonding with my son thru this game as well... he is only 3 now...
and it looks like i wont be able to do that.....not with how... all this seems to have turned out...... Regardless... I loved my time
i spent here.. I loved all the players i met.. the new friendships i made. the community that was still thriving on a game
that was SUPPOSED to be dead... but
Kenny, Allie, Trick.... they didn't let it die... They had NO REASON to have to keep
this game going... they choose.. to take time out of their own life..... to give back to the community... what they had found..
In bots... what all of us found in this silly game about robots...(okay im crying now)

     I love this stupid silly game. Dunno why...well i do... we all do... And.. it seems.. that as we grew into adults.. those memories
those feelings.. they stayed.. we got distracted.. and we had to adult.. so we spent less time.. but i know.. EACH AND
EVERY ONE OF US THAT IS STILL HERE...... we are still here.. because of those moments.. we are sitting.. waiting...
still... Still... full of that STUPID HOPE... hoping it will get better... get fixed... the issues will resolve.... that it will just...
get back to normal again.. I wish i knew how.. to fix the original source... to give back to the community... I was never taught..
I wanted too.. i wanted to learn... but no mentor.. no teacher... nobody to show me how... im just like everyone else here...
who want this fixed..but dont have the ability to do so.... I tried so hard even uploaded videos to youtube... me and
a friend tried to understand the source code ourselves... and failed... horribly.... (im only good with Lua unfortunately)...
Im sorry everyone... Cause i know most of you wish you could do the same thing sometimes.... Im sorry.... :'( ...

     To Kenny, I wanted to say thank you.. Thank you for letting all of us re-live and have that same community again...
even if it was short lived... I want to say thank you for EVERYTHING you gave us.. when you didnt have to man... because
raising my son now.. and working a fulltime job.. i see how little time i have for other things. Even with a wife to help share the
load with... Thank you for all the new memories and hope that you have given me.. for all the things you have done since
bots acclaim..... Thank you for adding in all these new parts.. new levels. new everything.. i know you must've spent so many
hours programming it all in... I know it must've wrecked your nerves... with bugs and trying to deal with the everyday hassles of
real life... But i want you to know HOW MUCH IT MEANT TO ME... as someone from this community.. that with all the REAL LIFE
that was going on... this was my getaway. thank you for letting me have it... Thank you.

    To Allie, I want to say... Thank you and sorry. Thank you for giving me all those boxes back in bots acclaim XD and sharing
the original hacks to help further everything along a lot smoother. I'm sorry and i apologize for all the bad things i did in return
for the fanboying, for the constant GM spam i left in bots acclaim as GM Probot... And for the oldcshool hacks i did even on
boutcheetah itself.. (I just found it great that bots was still alive to be able to do those hacks).. Thank you for forgiving me
that one time when i did it.. And showing me that theirs more.. giving me a direction to follow.. I used a lot of the advice you
threw at me so harshly that day..... to better myself.. and to better my life... Those mean things you said... you were right..
And I got better.. it helped me become better as a person.. I now have a great paying job (16/hr), a wonderful wife, and a
very great son. (with a daughter on the way). So thank you. I know i lashed back at you. But i was just a kid then. sorry..
overall. i know i wouldnt be the same me that i am today.. if it wasnt for you, and the bots community as a whole..

     To Trick, bro. you lashed at me hardcord. Like.... legit hardcore.. but it was great. the fun back and forth XD. it made some
ammusement in my life. Even if we was arguing saying the rudest stuff.. i couldnt help but laugh and chuckle....
and those memories ill always have for a long time to come... Hopefully ill be 60 and still have all these wonderful memories.

I do hope ... for all of us... that maybe... One day.. someday... that this will all be fixed... maybe someone from
here will somehow be able to fix it... or make their own or... that these issues will resolve themselves....... It looks like it wont...
which is why ive been crying towards the start of this message..... Because i feel like im losing my hope.... i feel like..
most of the hope is gone.... Thank you everyone in the community still here... for making my return at least.. not completely
alone... few rooms.. few people... but the ones still here... thank you.... I got some last enjoyment... out of this game..
which made me really happy.. playing league with my buddies, and overwatch, still aint the same as things here when
this was active....... thank you everyone at boutcheetah... thank you admins.... thanks..... for so much i wish you could
even understand..........Ill be jumping onto the forum... probably every month or so.... to see...... and check.. if maybe the
hope can be restored again...... But i feel deep in my heart it wont....... :'( thank you for all the great times.... and
memories i had here... goodbye everyone...

ngl this is the best shit ive seen in weeks loool

IGN: KillerPig (H) | NinjaPig (H) | ShadowPig (H) | KillerPig (L)
LVL: 225 | 225 | 225 | 44
GUILD: ZeaL | CourageCrew | Lil Optis | -


Quote from: Pokeh on June 03, 2017, 01:57:30 AM
Quote from: Toast on June 02, 2017, 05:24:38 PM
Quote from: mo9 on June 02, 2017, 12:47:53 PM
Quote from: Toast on June 02, 2017, 12:15:58 AM
things you dont forget
tost is 12

would u believe me if i said i was 17 almost 18
shit where did the years go by

crazy right, literally feels like only a year
how are u my brown frend



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