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Haizakokaru's shop: +4/5 gear item & mid lvl armor

Started by Haizakokaru, June 15, 2018, 08:34:01 AM

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June 15, 2018, 08:34:01 AM Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 11:35:19 PM by Haizakokaru
HIGH Server

LOW Server
CAT +4 Body
Gemguard +4
Firewall E4
Blazer +4 arm lvl 105
CGS +4 body lvl 135
Ultrabash +3 body
Ultrabash +4 body lvl 126

BOTS 2008 server
54 SpikeEMT arm +1
66 Scritter arm +3
24 Dusk Runner arm +1
94 Illuminum arm, body x2 +1
86 Plasma dasher arm x2, body +3
14 Sinder arm +2/1
CAT +1
Sinder body +1
Jet peak arm +1
Byte Blaster arm +1

Aegis and honorshield +1, ask for which ones I have
heavyshoulder gun +1
lightningshot +3
softshoulder+1 GUN, TG
58 Blocker +3
Heavy +1 GUN, +2 TG
57 Tower GUN +1
76 Gemguard TDx2 +3
78 Gemguard TG +3
78 Scapular TG +3
87 Tri-Plater GUN +2
G60 +1
Bislider +1
Spark +2 evade
Spark +1 Crit
circle +1 crit
Spike SAT +2

IGN: Haizakokaru | Shaokarauk | Raishira
LOW: Hazarath | Raishira2

BOTS Acclaim Aliases:

Haizakokaru5 | Silencer4597 lvl100 RAM | Omnigrey45 lvl100 SURGE | sumnigara56 lvl 77 PATCH | Byzok27 lvl 38 SURGE | quarwike56 lvl 37 RAM


I'll take +4 Dark Surge head anyway.

Dunno how much they price at but ehh.. 650k ?  ::)

Goodluck with shop too ! <3

IGN: iReK RelaXeD


Quote from: iReKz on June 15, 2018, 10:58:49 AM
I'll take +4 Dark Surge head anyway.

Dunno how much they price at but ehh.. 650k ?  ::)

Goodluck with shop too ! <3

IGN: iReK RelaXeD

Ohai, you still buying? I don'tcheck shop often. I'll msg you over Snapchat too.
IGN: Haizakokaru | Shaokarauk | Raishira
LOW: Hazarath | Raishira2

BOTS Acclaim Aliases:

Haizakokaru5 | Silencer4597 lvl100 RAM | Omnigrey45 lvl100 SURGE | sumnigara56 lvl 77 PATCH | Byzok27 lvl 38 SURGE | quarwike56 lvl 37 RAM


Shop updated! :D

Tyvm to my guildmates in iRek for grinding with me
IGN: Haizakokaru | Shaokarauk | Raishira
LOW: Hazarath | Raishira2

BOTS Acclaim Aliases:

Haizakokaru5 | Silencer4597 lvl100 RAM | Omnigrey45 lvl100 SURGE | sumnigara56 lvl 77 PATCH | Byzok27 lvl 38 SURGE | quarwike56 lvl 37 RAM


IGN: Haizakokaru | Shaokarauk | Raishira
LOW: Hazarath | Raishira2

BOTS Acclaim Aliases:

Haizakokaru5 | Silencer4597 lvl100 RAM | Omnigrey45 lvl100 SURGE | sumnigara56 lvl 77 PATCH | Byzok27 lvl 38 SURGE | quarwike56 lvl 37 RAM


IGN: Haizakokaru | Shaokarauk | Raishira
LOW: Hazarath | Raishira2

BOTS Acclaim Aliases:

Haizakokaru5 | Silencer4597 lvl100 RAM | Omnigrey45 lvl100 SURGE | sumnigara56 lvl 77 PATCH | Byzok27 lvl 38 SURGE | quarwike56 lvl 37 RAM


A friend bought out my high server items!

I am playing in the BOTS server more now so I will be updating with more items here.
IGN: Haizakokaru | Shaokarauk | Raishira
LOW: Hazarath | Raishira2

BOTS Acclaim Aliases:

Haizakokaru5 | Silencer4597 lvl100 RAM | Omnigrey45 lvl100 SURGE | sumnigara56 lvl 77 PATCH | Byzok27 lvl 38 SURGE | quarwike56 lvl 37 RAM

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