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If you think TA makes you pro. YOU ARE WRONG

Started by Lyric_, January 07, 2011, 03:25:26 AM

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Do you agree with Lyric?

Lyric is wrong.
5 (19.2%)
I'm a moron.
7 (26.9%)
I disagree completely!
0 (0%)
Optimism is infallable!
14 (53.8%)

Total Members Voted: 27


What about PvPing without coin items? No ****nig TA/TD/TS, just skills.  /Problem solved.

      destroy. Utopia. demented beats. antisocial. bmx. everybody wear a mask. I miss Lyric<3


Destroy is right.

Coins were meant to give advantages.

So go coinless or stfu.

I'm not a player I just crush a lot.


Who care if the player use TA, TD, TS or nothing? It's a game.

If you're crying because the other player have TD by example and you don't want to trans, deal with it. If you're enough good to PvP decently, then close your mouth and play.

They are there to be used, if they think they are so much pro with TA, go coinless and play against him to show you don't need any coin items to be good.

This is so children to make thread like that seriously.



Quote from: cjtown on January 07, 2011, 11:30:42 AM
This is so children to make thread like that seriously.

DISCORD killyzkill


C'est enfantin si t'aime mieux.

And your poll is wrong. You didn't learn how to make one in university yet?


Quote from: cjtown on January 07, 2011, 11:30:42 AM
Who care if the player use TA, TD, TS or nothing? It's a game. HEAD SHOT!

If you're crying because the other player have TD by example and you don't want to trans, deal with it. DOUBLE KILL! If you're enough good to PvP decently, then close your mouth and play. TRIPLE KILL!

They are there to be used, if they think they are so much pro with TA, go coinless and play against him to show you don't need any coin items to be good. MULTI KILL!

This is so children to make thread like that seriously. MONSTER KILL...KILL...KILL!


January 07, 2011, 04:24:37 PM #23 Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 04:34:24 PM by Rossbach
Ok children every thing is unfair in this game. Lets get on naked coin-less lv 1's without anything (including skills) because guess what.

What people think is the problem because they got beat because of the diff in:
-Coin items
-Damage done
-Damage taken

So lets just take that all away.

In fact because we hate dealing/taking so much damage why not make all damage done to 1 that  will make it more fun. Even better lets take out running, camping, and jumping so lets just make it so people are stuck in one spot taking turns hitting each other. We can even make it so every one is one certain bot so there are no complaining "YOU ******* **** **** YOUR A SURGE UNFAIR YOU ******* **** ***** AND I'M A DAMN RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ps. You will notice that it says there are more votes then what is shown because I chose option "4" Yeh it starts from 0 kinda odd.

Omnomnom eating toast.


This is stupid. Although i agree with the actual statement (TA doesnt make you pro), I think protesting about it is stupid. Man up and deal with it, or at least get your own TA/TD if you cant take it instead of complaining.


Quote from: Rossbach on January 07, 2011, 04:24:37 PM
Ok children every thing is unfair in this game. Lets get on naked coin-less lv 1's without anything (including skills) because guess what.

What people think is the problem because they got beat because of the diff in:
-Coin items
-Damage done
-Damage taken
-Upper Cut Spamming
-Patch with Upper Cut
-EEpic  Noobs

So lets just take that all away.

In fact because we hate dealing/taking so much damage why not make all damage done to 1 that  will make it more fun. Even better lets take out running, camping, and jumping so lets just make it so people are stuck in one spot taking turns hitting each other. We can even make it so every one is one certain bot so there are no complaining "YOU ******* **** **** YOUR A SURGE UNFAIR YOU ******* **** ***** AND I'M A DAMN RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ps. You will notice that it says there are more votes then what is shown because I chose option "4" Yeh it starts from 0 kinda odd.
Quote from: bangaer2
Quote from: Rossbach
Ross' poem:

At least you tried...


Quote from: Rossbach on January 07, 2011, 04:24:37 PM
Quote from: bangaer2 on January 07, 2011, 05:40:07 PM
Ok children every thing is unfair in this game. Lets get on naked coin-less lv 1's without anything (including skills) because guess what.

What people think is the problem because they got beat because of the diff in:
-Coin items
-Damage done
-Damage taken
-Upper Cut Spamming
-Patch with Upper Cut
-EEpic  Noobs

So lets just take that all away.

In fact because we hate dealing/taking so much damage why not make all damage done to 1 that  will make it more fun. Even better lets take out running, camping, and jumping so lets just make it so people are stuck in one spot taking turns hitting each other. We can even make it so every one is one certain bot so there are no complaining "YOU ******* **** **** YOUR A SURGE UNFAIR YOU ******* **** ***** AND I'M A DAMN RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ps. You will notice that it says there are more votes then what is shown because I chose option "4" Yeh it starts from 0 kinda odd.


Omnomnom eating toast.


The point is, if you complain about TD I wanna shoot you in the face.

I'm not a player I just crush a lot.


January 07, 2011, 08:24:30 PM #29 Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 08:48:15 PM by Optimism
Fine: we will all switch to TS. The point is, I still hit you 500 damage, making the meta game (transformation stalking/running) relevant. I'm all for this!

Why TA is still a possibility: coin sets provide additional HP -- with TA, the extra damage brings the base hit ratio nearer to that of a coin-less game; however, it is slightly longer, adding to the intensity of the match. No one enjoys short, easy matches, especially myself. If you use TD in PvP (TD is acceptable in BvB because it has a weakness [unable to damage the base efficiently compared to a player with TA]) you're making a statement. This statement being you are too noob to handle transformations (running or stalking). As I stated previously, I'm fine with using TS, as I will still beat your ass in transformed play.


Why TA is used over TS: using TA actually enables sloppy trans usage to pay for flaws. If you suck terribly at utilizing trans, I'm going to hit you 1600-2k damage by the end of your duration. This enables an additional skill requirement (proper transformation usage). You see, Lyric, at the top tier, I like to make the game play as skilled as possible. You're simply dulling PvP down to a terribly newbish level by using TD and avoiding your pathetic weakness (the meta game). Additionally, the transformation gains a large benefit if used effectively (500+ damage per jump attack if used with efficacy). I can't be hit regularly in transformation (you'd be lucky to land a single hit on me throughout its duration). So this means, "OMFG TA GIVES 300 DAMAGE", is negated. If a good enough player is stalking you in transformation, running will be your only option. TA simply separates those who adhere to the epitome of play within PvP from all those other newbish idiots.

TA is where the pros sit my friend. Forever and always.

TL;DR -- TA enables the most skilled aspects of the game to be brought to fruition throughout game-play.
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